

For those unsure over which side to support in Venezuela 🇻🇪, this might be informative:

As President Maduro cast his ballot yesterday, he shouted, "Long live free Palestine!" 🇵🇸

Maria Corina Machado, leader of the opposition, said that "Our struggle is Israel's struggle." 🇮🇱

The Venezuelan opposition has deep connections with Israel. In 2020, it signed a cooperation deal with Netanyahu's Likud Party.

Machado also sent a letter to Netanyahu, publicly asking for 🇮🇱 military intervention in Venezuela.

Credit @AlanRMacLeod


Venezuela’s opposition claimed it won the July 28 presidential election, accusing President Nicolás Maduro of “fraud”.

The supposed evidence Venezuelan opposition leaders and their allies cited to justify this claim is an exit poll produced by a firm that is closely linked to the US government and does work for US state propaganda outlets that were founded by the CIA.


The U.S. govt plan for Venezuela’s election all along was to generate a “fraud” & crisis by creating false & unreliable exit polls to deceive people & global public opinion into thinking the far-right opposition had a 40% lead.2/

Before the polls even closed, (which by Venezuelan law, only close when the last person on line gets to vote) U.S. politicians & their Latin American allies started demanding vote results be respected & prematurely declaring victory for the far-right opposition.

As soon as Venezuela’s actual election authorities announced the first results, the opposition cried fraud without any evidence or facts. This is the same voting system that has allowed for members of the opposition to win other elections in recent years.

Venezuela has a record for over 20 years for having one of the world’s most transparent election systems & the only one where 54% of votes are immediately audited. Now, the western media, billionaires like Elon Musk & the US government all come together to label Maduro a dictator.

These were free & fair elections with high voter turnout despite over a decade of cruel U.S. sanctions that have crippled the Venezuelan economy & sought to overthrow an elected government. Nicolas Maduro has been re-elected. The will of the Venezuelan people must be respected.

Any claims of fraud in these elections must be substantiated with actual evidence & and facts, not pre-fabricated CIA talking points. The people have spoken, and the Bolivarian Revolution has won!

Brilliant analysis by @manolo_realengo


🇻🇪 For now, it is calm in front of the presidential palace in Venezuela.


"We know their modus operandi.... I warned people that their true plan was a so-called color revolution... but we have seen this movie before, we know how to face this situation, we know how to defeat the violent."

Wat klopt er trouwens van die verhalen dat er veel lege winkelschappen in Venezuela zijn?

Dat zoiets gebeurt in een echt communistisch systeem is aannemelijk. Als de verkiezingen daadwerkelijk eerlijk verlopen met ook nog een redelijk grote oppositie lijkt het mij niet logisch dat Maduro zo veel stemmen haalt als zijn land aan het verhongeren is.

Wat is de rol van Musk nu eigenlijk geweest?

Het lijkt mij niet dat hij doormiddel van wat tweets mensen heeft kunnen mobiliseren om daar de straat op te gaan. Dat is daar meer lokaal geregeld.

Veel van zijn tweets waren aantoonbare onzin of video's van veel langer geleden. Dit werd ook door de community notes zelf ontkracht.

Dan zijn er voor mij drie opties die deels waar kunnen zijn:

Hij houdt Israël voor de gek dat hij aan hun kant staat. Ik betwijfel dit als je kijkt naar alle grove fouten in zijn tweets.

Hij probeert de conservatieve Amerikanen iets bij te brengen over de deepstate en Venezuela. De community notes voorzagen hen van de juiste informatie.

Hij heeft Maduro geholpen en er voor gezorgd dat de opruiers zich op X kenbaar maakten.

Dit plaatste hij vandaag:


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