
The body of Syrian activist Mazen Hammadi was found in Sednaya prison near Damascus Syria.

He returned to his country from exile in the Netherlands, where he had sought refuge after his family in Syria was threatened with death. The regime arrested him and executed him in a horrific manner under torture.

An interview he gave: [Source: @tamerqdh]



“In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

The Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, congratulates the brotherly Syrian people on their success in achieving their aspirations for freedom and justice. We call on all components of the Syrian people to unite, enhance national cohesion, and rise above the pains of the past.

We, in Hamas and alongside the Palestinian people, strongly stand with the great Syrian people. We reaffirm our commitment to Syria’s unity, the integrity of its territories, and respect for the Syrian people’s will, independence, and political choices.

The brotherly Syrian people, with all its diversity, national unity, and spirit of brotherhood and tolerance, is capable—by the will of Allah—of overcoming all challenges and navigating through this critical phase to achieve prosperity, development, security, stability, and growth for Syria and its dear people. We also emphasize the importance of Syria continuing its historical and pivotal role in supporting the Palestinian people and their resistance to achieve the goals of their just cause, while solidifying Syria’s leadership role on the Arab and Islamic fronts as well as regionally and internationally.

Hamas strongly condemns the repeated brutal aggression by the Zionist occupation against Syrian territories and firmly rejects any Zionist ambitions or schemes targeting brotherly Syria—its land and its people.

May Allah protect Syria, Palestine, and the entire nation from all harm.

The Islamic Resistance Movement – Hamas
Monday: 8 Jumada Al-Akhirah 1446 AH
Corresponding to: December 9, 2024

Official Website - Hamas”

2/ Secretary-General of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement, Ziyad Al-Nakhaleh:

“In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

The Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine views the changes that have occurred in Syria as an internal Syrian matter, pertaining to the choices of the brotherly Syrian people.
The Movement hopes that Syria will continue to be a true supporter and ally of the Palestinian people and their just cause, as it has always been.

Secretary-General of the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine
Ziyad Al-Nakhaleh

Monday, 8 Jumada Al-Akhirah 1446 AH
9 December 2024 CE”

3/ Hezbollah:

“In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

The ongoing crimes committed by the zionist enemy on Syrian territory—whether through the occupation of additional lands in the Golan Heights or by striking and destroying the defensive capabilities of the Syrian state—constitute blatant aggression and a brazen violation of the sovereignty of the Syrian state and people. These actions exacerbate the destabilization of this brotherly nation.

This aggressive occupation of Syrian lands coincides with the ongoing zionist military aggression against Lebanon, its daily violations, and its assaults on Gaza. These interconnected threats place the region’s peoples in imminent danger, underscoring the unity of their struggle and the necessity of rejecting and confronting this aggression.

We, while condemning these attacks, warn of the consequences of their continuation. We also call on the international community, particularly the Arab and Islamic worlds, to adopt firm stances against these crimes and to exert pressure in all political and legal arenas to halt this series of aggressions. All the justifications presented by the enemy are baseless fabrications.

The enemy’s repeated attempts to seize new Syrian lands cannot establish any legitimate rights. These actions are nothing more than ongoing occupation, entrenched in the Golan Heights since 1967.

We affirm our steadfast support for Syria and its people, emphasizing the importance of preserving the unity of Syria—its land and its people.

Monday, 09-12-2024
7 Jumada al-Akhirah 1446 AH”

⚡️JUST IN: Israelis searching for their sons in videos from Syria.

Israeli families are searching for their sons in videos being broadcast of detainees from Saydnaya Prison and other prisons, looking for any information about their fate. They are pressuring the Israeli government to take advantage of available opportunities to rescue them or uncover their whereabouts.

The spy Eli Cohen was buried in Damascus 60 years ago. Guy Hever disappeared in the Golan 27 years ago, and Yehuda Katz and Zvi Feldman were lost during the Sultan Yacoub battle in 1982.

With the changing circumstances in Syria, these families hope that new evidence will emerge, saying: “Prisoners are being released after decades of detention in harsh conditions. Perhaps they were held in dark basements all this time.”

Credit for thread: @tamerqdh - Translated from Arabic.

Nadia Cohen, the widow of Israeli spy Eli Cohen; Farhiya Hyman, the sister of Yehuda Katz; and Anat Feldman, the sister of Zvi Feldman, told Yedioth Ahronoth that despite decades of pain and frustration, they believe this is a rare opportunity that Israel must seize.

Nadia Cohen expressed her hope that the fall of the Assad regime might lead to the retrieval of her husband Eli Cohen’s remains, which were buried in Damascus after his execution. She said: “Since the situation in Syria began to deteriorate, I reached out to Mossad, hoping they would try to resolve the issue and bring Eli back to be buried in Israel.”

She added: “On Friday, the centennial of Eli’s birth, I spoke with Dadi Barnea, the head of Mossad, and asked him to write about Eli. His words deeply moved me and reminded me of the importance of bringing Eli’s remains to Israel. Now, with the events in Syria, I hope the state realizes that this is the right time.”

Nadia continued: “In the past, I personally reached out to Bashar al-Assad, but he rejected my request and said Eli would return at the appropriate time. Perhaps that time has come.” She added: “I don’t want Eli’s remains to stay in Syria. I haven’t forgotten Eli for even a moment, and it has been nearly 60 years since his execution.”

In the Sultan Yacoub battle, which took place on June 11, 1982, the Israeli army left six soldiers on the battlefield, including Yehuda Katz and Zvi Feldman, who remain missing to this day.

Farhiya, Katz’s sister, spoke about the hope she feels after the Syrian revolution, saying: “We have a lot of hope, especially when we see Lebanese prisoners being released from prisons. I repeatedly review the videos to see if Yehuda is among them. There were indications that he was captured alive, and we know that his tank commander was returned by the Syrians. This could be a major turning point, but I don’t know what tomorrow holds for us.”

She added: “We have been living with this situation for 43 years, and it feels as if we have become enemies of the state. But this is not a fantasy, because we see Lebanese prisoners being released.”

Anat, the sister of Zvi Feldman, who also went missing during that battle, expressed her belief that recent events open the door for change. She said: “What is happening now in Syria is a rare window of opportunity, and we strongly hope that it will bring Zvi back home. We have no idea what happened to him, but the Assad regime and his father were extremely cruel. He may have been held in dark basements.”

She added: “Yesterday, when we heard about the release of prisoners who had been detained for more than 50 years, it sparked a lot of thoughts. We have always said that Zvi might be held somewhere. We are in contact with entities in the state, but we cannot go into details. The state must bring him back. This is not a private matter but a national responsibility.”


Israel maakt Syrie letterlijk vleugellam. Zonder luchtmacht is het land en het volk straks even hulpeloos en weerloos als Gaza en Libanon.

Laatst bewerkt:
⚡️Israel is establishing a new reality in Syria:

➤ A demilitarized state following the destruction of the former army’s capabilities.
➤ Stirring tensions by fostering connections with Druze and Kurdish communities.
➤ Complete control over the Golan Heights and Mount Hermon.
➤ The Israeli army is now effectively only 40 kilometers away from Damascus.

Source: @Hanzpal2

⚡️BREAKING: More than 250 Israeli airstrikes on Syria during the past 48 hours.

“I don’t know how much attention this has garnered in our endless news cycle, but for those who haven’t noticed yet: Israel has been conducting an unprecedented aerial assault over the past 48 hours, aimed at destroying the military of a sovereign state.

With more than 250 airstrikes, the Israeli Air Force is systematically destroying Assad’s military: tanks, planes, helicopters, ships, air defense systems, missiles, military factories, intelligence facilities—everything that the Syrian military had built and maintained for decades is being wiped out as we speak.

Israel has made a strategic decision to eliminate all remaining advanced and strategic military capabilities in Syria following the collapse of the regime. If this operation is successfully completed, the new rebel-led government will have to start from scratch, with M16s and Kalashnikovs, to rebuild their military capabilities as a new state.”

— Doron Kadosh - Israeli Army Radio

De Israeliers verspillen geen tijd. Zo snel als Syrie was ingenomen door HTS, zo snel neemt Israel nu de boel ovee


They use these "rebels" to take out Assad, then immediately turn on them and take out all their military capabilities to leave them defenseless. They also immediately steal their land and commit to only letting Syria have a leader they approve of. And they plan on cutting out a piece of their land to give to the Kurds to make their own little country. Syria is now effectively destroyed. And they got them to do it to themselves. I gotta admit this is some legendary shit. Evil, depraved yes but damn that must be one of the most elaborate deceptions ever known to man. And they actually convinced them this is good for them 🤷 they are celebrating being destroyed. Legendary.

De ontwikkelingen in Syrie gaan razendsnel. Zo snel als de Syrische 'rebellen' het land overnamen, zo snel is Israel nu Syrie aan het annexeren als onderdeel van hun Greater Israel plan. In korte tijd is het volledige defensie-apparaat van het voormalige Assad-regime door Israel vernietigd, waardoor Syrie letterlijk vleugellam is gemaakt. We hebben in Gaza en in Libanon gezien wat er gebeurt als Israel superieur is in de lucht: ze bombarderen alles en iedereen plat op de grond. Inclusief de Syrische 'rebellen' als dank voor bewezen diensten. Bedenk dat we te maken hebben met meesterbedriegers. Hamas en Hezbollah roepen nu op tot samenwerking met de rebellen, omdat er simpelweg geen tijd is om hun coup tegen Assad te veroordelen, de krachten tegen Israel moeten in de regio gebundeld worden, anders volgen straks Libanon en Iran.


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