Abortus, ja of nee ?

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I implore you to take 3 minutes and read about one of the most courageous, brilliant, sacrificial men of our generation.

Most men have a flashy kind of courage, the willingness to fight with a bear because even if they lose they’ll die quickly. Very few men have what David Daleiden has, the bravery to fight long tortuous persecution & to live under the constant threat of prison time, bankruptcy, govt abuse & personal privacy violation for a DECADE.

David Daleiden exposed Planned Parenthood committing heinous crimes, trafficking aborted baby body parts for profit.

In 2015, abortionists speaking with David (who was wearing a hidden camera) swirled their wine in restaurants, laughing about buying new Lamborghinis with the money from selling baby livers, kidneys, and intact skulls.

The abortionists graphically described altering the late-term abortion procedure to procure in-tact baby body parts—which is also illegal.

They admitted the babies are sometimes born alive. What happens to those poor babies? Your imagination isn’t grisly enough.

David watched it all. He looked at the dead babies, big enough to hold in your hand. He saw the baby body parts lined up for sale. He bargained with Planned Parenthood, undercover, posing as a buyer, to hear them admit to breaking the law.

David once told me that of all the nightmarish things he had to endure while undercover, the smell of the babies’ blood will haunt him forever.

And for his courage, CA Attorney General Kamala Harris raided David’s apartment in California with 11 state DOJ agents with rifles & K-9s, and stole David’s laptop. The CA DOJ confiscated his footage, gagged him, and charged HIM with absurd crimes.

They didn’t charge Planned Parenthood with anything, because Kamala was buddies with the California Planned Parenthood sorority of grim reapers. The president of Planned Parenthood at the time, Cecile Richards’ daughter would soon become a top aide of Kamala Harris in the U.S. Senate. Documents later obtained show sit down meetings between Planned Parenthood executives & AG Kamala.

For nine years, David has been fighting for his freedom, without a single complaint. He doesn’t resent it. He’s not bitter. I asked him one time if he’d considered these consequences—prison maybe—when he designed the undercover operation. He shrugged nonchalantly. It would be worth it, he said, if Planned Parenthood is exposed, if the babies are saved.

He’s sacrificed a decade of his life. David’s videos of Planned Parenthood abortionists played an enormous role in the 2016 presidential election. Those videos changed the national conversation about abortion. When Trump looked at Hillary on stage in that final presidential debate and graphically described abortions of big, healthy babies in the 7th, 8th, 9th month of pregnancy, that was thanks to David. David’s reports are why even my hair dresser at the time—a committed Democrat—confided in me that she couldn’t vote for Hillary after hearing that answer on abortion.

For NINE YEARS, Kamala’s goons have been trying to ruin David. Those babies the abortionists sold to buy sports cars would be in 4th grade by now if they’d been allowed to live.

And finally, FINALLY, today the state of CA, exactly one week after Donald Trump was sworn into office, dropped all charges against David.

Because David Daleiden is a man with the kind of courage that matters to humanity. The courage to sacrifice his life, while living, for others.

As soon as I’m done typing this, I’m going to text him, to ask him how he did it.

Ask him why, nine years later, he never stopped fighting.

But I suspect I already know the answer.

The smell of that blood.


In Spanje pleit Vox voor het omgekeerde :

VOX zal opnieuw pleiten voor het aanbieden van een echoscopie aan vrouwen in Castilla y León die een abortus willen ondergaan. Dit is aangekondigd door David Hierro, de nieuwe woordvoerder van de parlementaire fractie in de Cortes.
Schandalig die feiten de tere zieltjes moeten wel beschermt worden in hun safespace.
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