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Children of Esau.

There are several layers here, some of it’s speculation, but there may be something there when you dig into it.

As you know Jacob convinced Esau to give him his birthright.

First, when the hebrews flee Egypt, it’s not only the 12 tribes, there is a group of people that may have actually been Edomites, or descendants of Esau amongst them. Not all but some of them mixed in amongst those who were enslaved in Egypt.

It’s thought once they are free, their influence may have led to the golden calf worship while Moses is up on the mountain talking with God.

This is the first instances of their infiltration, and need to lead the religion towards idolatry.

Some say afterwards, many of those people eventually flee north of caucus mountains to what is modern day Ukraine; setting the foundations for what would much later become Khazar.


Some speculate, that by the time of Jesus many of priest in the temple where actually Edomites.

Remember the covenant God makes with Abraham, that his descendants will rule the entire earth.

As a matter of fact, it’s this prophecy that drives most of what’s happening within Judaism & Islam, Christianity as well yet we believe in Christ whereas the other 2 are seeking their messiah, due to their unbelief in Jesus as King. Priming them as key players in end times and the coming of antichrist.

But I digress; because of what Esau does in forfeiting his birth right, it’s thought that his descendent are not happy about losing position to Jacob and his descendents.

So they have actively infiltrated Judaism from very early on, to become the priest, and much of the issues are born out of this need to regain there birthright.

The need to rule over Jacobs descendants.

When Jesus was here, his interaction is very interesting with the temple priest.

They often refer to themselves as Children of Abraham, which is technically true even if we are talking about Esau and the Edomites.

Yet Jesus constantly calls them liars, and that their father is the father of lies.

Now on the one hand, God was not shy to punish or at least remove his favor for the Hebrews when they did not do as he desired; when they gave idolatry, and worse.

But when Jesus is going after them, it’s more than just what they where doing, it seemed he was saying you are who you say you are.

Later in revelations, John prophecy on the end times refer to the the synagogue of sat*n as J*ws who say they are J*ws but are not.

So there is an argument that even coming out of Egypt Satan is showing the seeds of infiltration using the descendants of Esau as the primary culprit for infiltration of God’s chosen people.

By the way, once the King, Jesus Christ, did come, the covenant is fulfilled for God’s promise to Abraham.

Once the King comes, the King decides who is the kingdom and who isn’t.

Terms are pretty clear.

You are either with me or against me.

That one must repent in truth and believe in him as the only begotten son of God.

Everyone is invited, but those who reject him shall be rejected.

The war went from being about Abrahams descendants as the chosen people of God; to being a war of hearts and minds, for truth, for souls of men.

The chosen now are those who have chosen to follow Jesus Christ.

The target of Satan’s ire and infiltration became the Christian’s after Christ came and it’s been that way ever since.


Voor wie geen TG heeft:

The upcoming Solar Eclipse on April 8th 2024 is going to be MIND BLOWING & BIBLICAL. 🤯🤯🤯

In conjunction with the Solar Eclipse that happened in August 2017, that spanned over the whole US over many towns with the name “Salem”. The town of Jerusalem was originally just “Salem”.

This time, the path of totality will follow over many towns in the US called “Nineveh” making an “X”.

What’s MOST interesting here, it’s that the way the eclipse takes this time will coincide with a series of Biblical named towns…Cross, Elijah, Enoch, Flood, Groom, Israel, Jonah, Nineveh, Noah & Rapture.

Interestingly…Rapture, IN is the center point of the “X” where BOTH eclipse paths will have crossed.

BUT, it gets even MORE WILD…

The way that the planets in our Solar System will line up during this 2024 eclipse, represents a literal LADDER TO CHRIST, based on the names of the constellations.

Is the eclipse of 2024 a FORESHADOWING of the RAPTURE, when God takes His faithful HOME???


Listen up Catholics. The Vatican is merely a perpetuation of the Mystery schools and Mystery Babylon Religion. It intertwined with Christianity to remain hidden. It very literally merged Christianity with the ancient Egyptian worship of the sun.

The obelisk in the courtyard of the Vatican representing the Phallus of Osiris (The Lost word of Freemasonry) and the courtyard is the round temple of the Sun.

The same as the Druids and Celts built at Stonehenge. The Druids migrated from the Middle East after the fall of Babylon.

The Roman Empire never fell, just became the Vatican, and the Emperor is now the Pope. It is a perversion of the Babylonian Mysery Religion and was established by a Pagan Roman Emporer and worshipper of the sun.

Emporer Constantine a worshiper of the sun and Mystery Babylon Religion, blended pagan worship of the gods of the Heavens and Earth with Christianity, partly as a political move but also to continue the worship of the Mystery Schools.

The Emporer became the Pope, as seen in the below source:

"Boniface VIII was ecstatic He remembered the words said to him as the papal crown had been placed on his head: 'Take the tiara, and know that thou art the father of princes and kings, the ruler of the world, the vicar on earth of our savior, Jesus Christ.' Now, he indeed felt like the ruler of the world as he staged a regal pageant He put on the dress and the insignia of the ancient Roman emperors and went out into the streets with two swords, held high in front of him, indicating his supreme authority over both the secular and the spiritual worlds, with heralds crying out, 'Behold! I am Caesar!'"

- Dungeon, Fire and Sword, John J. Robinson (This book is the complete history of the Knights Templar and i highly recommend it)

It was the Old World Order, and since America was founded, has since become the New World Order.

Constance Cumbey, who has authored numerous books on the New Age Movement, said,

"The New Age movement is a religion complete with its own Bibles, prayers and mantras, Vatican City/Jerusalem equivalents, priests and gurus, born-again experiences (they call it ‘rebirthing’), spiritual laws and commandments, psychics and prophets, and nearly every other indicia of a religion."

The symbol of the Roman Empire was the double headed eagle. Symbolizing the rule over East and West. This symbol remains on the walls of the Vatican to this day.

‘Christian Nationalism’ is apparently the key buzzword phrase that they’re deploying for the 2024 election.

I like it, no wait, I LOVE IT.

Because it really is gonna be Christians that love their country vs Godless Globalists in November.

Nationalists vs Globalists IS the proper framing.


Dit is zeer belangrijk. Christenen spreken van een 'covenant' (verbond) en een 'new covenant' (nieuw verbond). Het eerste verbond is gesloten tussen Moses en God, waarbij Moses de10 geboden doorkreeg (Mozaische wetten).

Christenen geloven dat de Israelieten o.l.v. Moses joden waren, omdat de joodse Torah de eerste 5 boeken van het OT zijn. De Israelieten (nazaten van Jacob, later Israel genaamd) moeten dus wel joden zijn geweest en daarmee de uitverkorenen.

Maar wat als God toen al een onderscheid maakte tussen hen die de Mozaische wetten volgen en hen die dit niet doen? M.a.w. zij die het 'straight and narrow path' van goedheid volgen en de satanische club die als motto 'do as thou wilt' heeft? Kan het onderscheid tussen de uitverkorenen en de verloren zielen zo eenvoudig en zo fundamenteel zijn, ook in het OT?

Christenen geloven dat Jezus in het NT een nieuw verbond sloot met de mensheid. In dit nieuwe verbond stelt hij dar de Mozaische wetten uit het oorsprionkelijke verbond nog steeds van kracht zijn, maar dat we nu allemaal Israelieten zijn en daarmee dus uitverkoren, mits we bereid zijn tot inkeer te komen en berouw te tonen voor onze zonden. Was dit een nieuw verbond of zette Christus simpelweg een hardnekkige misvatting recht die post had gevat in de geest van velen? Is het 1 en hetzelfde verbond en probeerde Jezus te voorkomen dat het verbond met Moses werd toegeeigend door joden om zichzelf zo te kunnen bestempelen als een uitverkoren volk? Daar lijkt het wel op.

Zie ook mijn recente bespiegeling op X:

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