Bijbel en intuïtie

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Difficult truth:

The reason most people are miserable and unsuccessful is because they think the meaning of life is “me me me”

If (you) were the only entity on earth - what would the purpose of your life be ? (There wouldn’t be one)

Therefore, the purpose of (your) life must be “other people”.

When you focus on “me me me” you are seeking to entertain the flesh.

When you focus on “other people” and what (you) can do for them you nourish the soul.

Think about it. Really. Think.

This is what Jesus was trying to teach everyone.

God gave us free will. Free will to believe or not believe in Him. Free will to do His will or that of His spiritual opponent. Many people ask why God doesn't intervene when great evil is being committed. That's because God is love and love cannot be imposed, it must be chosen out of free will. The very definition of evil is imposing one's will on others, no matter how good the intention. I guess Tim forgot about that part.


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You know how they did that? They told Christians Jesus died for our sins and that he will return. These are misinterpretations from the bible designed to keep Christians passive cowards. Jesus died for our sins by courageously and unselfishly showing that love, truth and courage are worth dying for.

Early Christians got the message. When they were put in an arena by the Romans and were told to kneel before the Emperor they chose to be mauled by hungry lions instead.

Contrast that with the cowardice of modern Christians. They are now on the side of Neo Pharisees genociding the people of Jesus in the land of Jesus. And once they're done with that they'll come for the very 'Christians' that supported them, because they were foolish enough to believe the fake Jews running the Synagogue of S*t*n are their brothers and that Islam is their mortal enemy.

The Devil is a master of deception. Another fairytale that Christans were made to believe is that Jesus, God's only begotten Son, was God in the flesh and that he died on the cross. God cannot be human and He can't die either. That's blasphemy and the Muslims have been trying to point that out forever, just like they've been on to the Zionist Jews for the longest time. The Holy Trinity was an invention by Rome - you know, the Christ killers.

But Muslims are the enemy and Jews are our friends, when the latter refuse to accept Christ as the Messiah, yet Muslims do. Christians are literally in bed with the Antichrist!


Ik heb hier een vrij uitgebreid antwoord op geschreven, maar helaas slaat het algoritme van X aan op bepaalde termen en kan ik daarom de link naar mijn post hier niet delen. Ik heb de tekst daarom gekopieerd en hieronder geplakt:

You know how they did that? They told Christians Jesus died for our sins and that he will return. These are misinterpretations from the bible designed to keep Christians passive cowards. Jesus died for our sins by courageously and unselfishly showing that love, truth and courage are worth dying for.

Early Christians got the message. When they were put in an arena by the Romans and were told to kneel before the Emperor they chose to be mauled by hungry lions instead.

Contrast that with the cowardice of modern Christians. They are now on the side of Neo Pharisees genociding the people of Jesus in the land of Jesus. And once they're done with that they'll come for the very 'Christians' that supported them, because they were foolish enough to believe the fake Jews running the Synagogue of S*t*n are their brothers and that Islam is their mortal enemy.

The Devil is a master of deception. Another fairytale that Christans were made to believe is that Jesus, God's only begotten Son, was God in the flesh and that he died on the cross. God cannot be human and He can't die either. That's blasphemy and the Muslims have been trying to point that out forever, just like they've been on to the Zionist Jews for the longest time. The Holy Trinity was an invention by Rome - you know, the Christ killers.

But Muslims are the enemy and Jews are our friends, when the latter refuse to accept Christ as the Messiah, yet Muslims do. Christians are literally in bed with the Antichrist!


Weet je hoe ze dat deden? Ze vertelden christenen dat Jezus stierf voor onze zonden en dat hij zal terugkeren. Dit zijn verkeerde interpretaties van de bijbel die bedoeld zijn om christenen passieve lafaards te laten blijven. Jezus stierf voor onze zonden door moedig en onbaatzuchtig te laten zien dat liefde, waarheid en moed het waard zijn om voor te sterven.

De vroege christenen begrepen de boodschap. Toen de Romeinen hen in een arena plaatsten en hen vroegen om voor de keizer te knielen, kozen ze ervoor om door hongerige leeuwen te worden verscheurd.

Zet dat eens af tegen de lafheid van moderne Christenen. Ze staan nu aan de kant van Neo Farizeeën die het volk van Jezus in het land van Jezus uitroeien. En als ze daarmee klaar zijn, komen ze voor de 'christenen' die hen steunden, omdat ze dwaas genoeg waren om te geloven dat de nepjoden die de Synagoge van S*t*n leiden, hun broeders zijn en dat de Islam hun aartsvijand is.

De Duivel is een meester in misleiding. Een ander sprookje dat Christenen werd wijsgemaakt is dat Jezus, Gods eniggeboren Zoon, God in het vlees was en dat hij aan het kruis stierf. God kan niet menselijk zijn en Hij kan ook niet sterven. Dat is godslastering en de moslims hebben dat altijd al beweerd, net zoals ze al heel lang de waarheid weten over de zionistische Joden. De Heilige Drie-eenheid was een uitvinding van Rome - je weet wel, de Christusmoordenaars.

Maar moslims zijn de vijand en Joden zijn onze vrienden, terwijl de laatsten weigeren om Christus als de Messias te accepteren en moslims dit wel doen. Christenen liggen letterlijk in bed met de antichrist!
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