Bijbel en intuïtie

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Volgens hem lopen hier dus inderdaad veel verwarringen. Yeshua praat altijd over zijn vader (god) maar Yahweh praat nooit over zijn zoon. Hiermee wordt dus gesuggereerd dat Yeshua niet over dezelfde god praat. in de text hierboven wordt ook aan gegeven dat elohim in plural gebruikt kan worden.

Ik zal hieronder het filmpje even erbij plakken. mocht je het interessant vinden

Dan hebben we ook nog het verhaal van the garden met adam en eva. Hier heeft hij ook een uiteen zetting gemaakt. over Yahweh en de snake.

Nu heb ik ook even opgezocht waar het woord snake vandaan komt. snake of wel serpent komt van het woord Nakesh. maar Nakesh kan ook betekenen magician.

En wat zei Abramovic ook al weer over trump?
Ik ben nou het Big Book van AA opnieuw aan het lezen. Deze wijze passage van Bill Wilson, de auteur en oprichter van AA, wil ik jullie niet onthouden:

First of all, we had to quit playing God. It didn’t work. Next, we decided that hereafter in this drama of life, God was going to be our Director. He is the Principal; we are His agents. He is the Father, and we are His children. Most good ideas are simple, and this concept was the keystone of the new and triumphant arch through which we passed to freedom

When we sincerely took such a position, all sorts of remarkable things followed. We had a new Employer. Being all powerful, He provided what we needed, if we kept close to Him and performed His work well. Established on such a footing we became less and less interested in ourselves, our little plans and designs. More and more we became interested in seeing what we could contribute to life. As we felt new power flow in, as we enjoyed peace of mind, as we discovered we could face life successfully, as we became conscious of His presence, we began to lose our fear of today, tomorrow or the hereafter. We were reborn.

Dit is mij ook overkomen. Vervulling i.p.v. verdoving. Ik kan het iedereen aanraden om de 12 stappen te doorlopen, ook als je geen verslavingsprobleem hebt!

Laatst bewerkt:
Interessant topic. Ik ben ook benieuwd of hier mensen bekend zijn met Israel Anderson?

Hij heeft namelijk een aparte theorie welke ik nog nergens ben tegen gekomen. Hij onderbouwt zijn verhalen met passages uit de bijbel.

Ik denk door het samen te vatten, doe ik hem te kort. Maar ik zal toch maar even een opzetje maken.

Zijn claim is dat er een council is van goden omdat Elohim een woord dat zowel enkelvoudig als meervoudig gebruikt kan worden. Dus dat het christendom verkeerd zit door te denken dat er maar 1 is.

Daarom komt dit ook voor uit de Sumeriaanse, Griekse en Romeinse mythologie. Het zijn allemaal namen voor dezelfde personen

Anu ->Saturn -> Kronos -> Vader God
Enlil -> Jupiter -> Zeus -> Yahweh/satan
Enki -> Neptune -> Poseidon -> Yeshua/Jezus

Yahweh, een fysieke god de satan is die Mozes vermoord heeft. Hij zet dit uiteen in een van zijn video's genaamd who is

Paul Wallis en Mauro Biglino zijn dezelfde mening toegedaan.
Seeking out the root meanings of keywords in these ancient texts they find another, quite different story emerges ' one with enormous implications for our understanding of the human race and our place in the universe.

For more than two millennia readers have interpreted the ancient texts of the Bible as stories of God, a seamless narrative in which God creates the heavens and the earth, botanical and animal life and eventually the human race. However, a number of anomalies in the texts along with intriguing questions of translation point to another possibility.

Paul Wallis is an internationally Bestselling author, researcher and scholar of ancient mythologies. Over the last decade Paul's work has probed the world's mythologies and ancestral narratives for the insights they hold on our origins as a species and our potential as human beings. As a senior churchman, Paul served as a Church Doctor, a Theological Educator, and an Archdeacon in the Anglican Church in Australia. He has published numerous titles on Christian mysticism and spirituality. He is a popular speaker at summits and conferences around the world. Paul's work in church ministry has included training pastors in the interpretation of Biblical texts. His work in Biblical translation and interpretation has revealed a forgotten layer of ancient story, with far-reaching implications for our understanding of human origins and our place in the cosmos.

Mauro Biglino is an internationally Bestselling Italian author, researcher, and highly regarded scholar of ancient Hebrew. For many years he worked for Rome’s Saint Paul Press as a Bible translator, providing with great precision the literal meaning of Hebrew words for Vatican-approved interlinear Bibles.

It is an exacting discipline. The scholar must be rigorous in avoiding any kind of interpretation of the word and give only the literal etymological meaning of each word part.

Mauro’s findings set him at odds with the conventional expectations of the Catholic world and propelled him onto the international stage where his work has opened up a world of cultural memory recorded in the Bible, yet hidden from the public for centuries by mistaken translation and the dogmas of the Church.

Together, Mauro and Paul show that the root meanings of a series of key words in the Bible reveal an earlier layer of information very different to the story of God associated with the Bible. Hidden plain sight in the pages of Genesis is an even more ancient narrative, one which reframes the whole story of human beginnings.

The oldest word in the Bible rendered as “God” is the Hebrew word “elohim.” But is that what the word means? And what are the implications of the translation choices surrounding this mysterious word?

The final edit of the old testament of the bible, the hebrew canon included the layering of some beautiful and profound theology over the top of ancient texts. Unfortunately mistranslating traumatic ancestral memories as if they were encounters with god is a choice with far-reaching consequences.

Belief in a violent xenophobic hierarchical god has been used through the ages to justify violence wars and all manner of abuses. however, the fidelity with which the ancient manuscripts have been curated in the hebrew canon by countless generations of priests and scribes means that in our generation we can now return to these fascinating artifacts of our pre-history and ask how differently they might be translated.

Seeking out the root meanings of keywords in these ancient texts they find another, quite different story emerges ' one with enormous implications for our understanding of the human race and our place in the universe.

For more than two millennia readers have interpreted the ancient texts of the Bible as stories of God, a seamless narrative in which God creates the heavens and the earth, botanical and animal life and eventually the human race. However, a number of anomalies in the texts along with intriguing questions of translation point to another possibility.

Paul Wallis is an internationally Bestselling author, researcher and scholar of ancient mythologies. Over the last decade Paul's work has probed the world's mythologies and ancestral narratives for the insights they hold on our origins as a species and our potential as human beings. As a senior churchman, Paul served as a Church Doctor, a Theological Educator, and an Archdeacon in the Anglican Church in Australia. He has published numerous titles on Christian mysticism and spirituality. He is a popular speaker at summits and conferences around the world. Paul's work in church ministry has included training pastors in the interpretation of Biblical texts. His work in Biblical translation and interpretation has revealed a forgotten layer of ancient story, with far-reaching implications for our understanding of human origins and our place in the cosmos.

Mauro Biglino is an internationally Bestselling Italian author, researcher, and highly regarded scholar of ancient Hebrew. For many years he worked for Rome’s Saint Paul Press as a Bible translator, providing with great precision the literal meaning of Hebrew words for Vatican-approved interlinear Bibles.

It is an exacting discipline. The scholar must be rigorous in avoiding any kind of interpretation of the word and give only the literal etymological meaning of each word part.

Mauro’s findings set him at odds with the conventional expectations of the Catholic world and propelled him onto the international stage where his work has opened up a world of cultural memory recorded in the Bible, yet hidden from the public for centuries by mistaken translation and the dogmas of the Church.

Together, Mauro and Paul show that the root meanings of a series of key words in the Bible reveal an earlier layer of information very different to the story of God associated with the Bible. Hidden plain sight in the pages of Genesis is an even more ancient narrative, one which reframes the whole story of human beginnings.

The oldest word in the Bible rendered as “God” is the Hebrew word “elohim.” But is that what the word means? And what are the implications of the translation choices surrounding this mysterious word?

The final edit of the old testament of the bible, the hebrew canon included the layering of some beautiful and profound theology over the top of ancient texts. Unfortunately mistranslating traumatic ancestral memories as if they were encounters with god is a choice with far-reaching consequences.

Belief in a violent xenophobic hierarchical god has been used through the ages to justify violence wars and all manner of abuses. however, the fidelity with which the ancient manuscripts have been curated in the hebrew canon by countless generations of priests and scribes means that in our generation we can now return to these fascinating artifacts of our pre-history and ask how differently they might be translated.

Elohim (Hebrew: אֱלֹהִים, romanized: ʾĔlōhīm: [(ʔ)eloˈ(h)im]), the plural of אֱלוֹהַּ‎ (ʾĔlōah), is a Hebrew word meaning "gods". Although the word is plural, in the Hebrew Bible it usually takes a singular verb and refers to a single deity,[1][2][3][4] particularly (but not always) the God of Israel.[1][2][3][4][5][6] At other times it refers to deities in the plural.[1][2][3][4][5][6]

Morphologically, the word is the plural form of the word eloah[1][2][4][7][8][9] and related to el. It is cognate to the word 'l-h-m which is found in Ugaritic, where it is used as the pantheon for Canaanite gods, the children of El, and conventionally vocalized as "Elohim". Most uses of the term Elohim in the later Hebrew text imply a view that is at least monolatrist at the time of writing, and such usage (in the singular), as a proper title for the supreme deity, is generally not considered to be synonymous with the term elohim, "gods" (plural, simple noun). Rabbinic scholar Maimonides wrote that the various other usages are commonly understood to be homonyms.

Ēl is a Northwest Semitic word meaning "god" or "deity", or referring (as a proper name) to any one of multiple major ancient Near Eastern deities.
Ēl is listed at the head of many pantheons. In some Canaanite and Ugaritic sources.
Seeking out the root meanings of keywords in these ancient texts they find another, quite different story emerges ' one with enormous implications for our understanding of the human race and our place in the universe.

For more than two millennia readers have interpreted the ancient texts of the Bible as stories of God, a seamless narrative in which God creates the heavens and the earth, botanical and animal life and eventually the human race. However, a number of anomalies in the texts along with intriguing questions of translation point to another possibility.

Paul Wallis is an internationally Bestselling author, researcher and scholar of ancient mythologies. Over the last decade Paul's work has probed the world's mythologies and ancestral narratives for the insights they hold on our origins as a species and our potential as human beings. As a senior churchman, Paul served as a Church Doctor, a Theological Educator, and an Archdeacon in the Anglican Church in Australia. He has published numerous titles on Christian mysticism and spirituality. He is a popular speaker at summits and conferences around the world. Paul's work in church ministry has included training pastors in the interpretation of Biblical texts. His work in Biblical translation and interpretation has revealed a forgotten layer of ancient story, with far-reaching implications for our understanding of human origins and our place in the cosmos.

Mauro Biglino is an internationally Bestselling Italian author, researcher, and highly regarded scholar of ancient Hebrew. For many years he worked for Rome’s Saint Paul Press as a Bible translator, providing with great precision the literal meaning of Hebrew words for Vatican-approved interlinear Bibles.

It is an exacting discipline. The scholar must be rigorous in avoiding any kind of interpretation of the word and give only the literal etymological meaning of each word part.

Mauro’s findings set him at odds with the conventional expectations of the Catholic world and propelled him onto the international stage where his work has opened up a world of cultural memory recorded in the Bible, yet hidden from the public for centuries by mistaken translation and the dogmas of the Church.

Together, Mauro and Paul show that the root meanings of a series of key words in the Bible reveal an earlier layer of information very different to the story of God associated with the Bible. Hidden plain sight in the pages of Genesis is an even more ancient narrative, one which reframes the whole story of human beginnings.

The oldest word in the Bible rendered as “God” is the Hebrew word “elohim.” But is that what the word means? And what are the implications of the translation choices surrounding this mysterious word?

The final edit of the old testament of the bible, the hebrew canon included the layering of some beautiful and profound theology over the top of ancient texts. Unfortunately mistranslating traumatic ancestral memories as if they were encounters with god is a choice with far-reaching consequences.

Belief in a violent xenophobic hierarchical god has been used through the ages to justify violence wars and all manner of abuses. however, the fidelity with which the ancient manuscripts have been curated in the hebrew canon by countless generations of priests and scribes means that in our generation we can now return to these fascinating artifacts of our pre-history and ask how differently they might be translated.

Bedankt hiervoor. Ik ben nu bij part 2 hiervan. Echt een aanrader voor iedereen die in dit topic geïnteresseerd is.
Een lange maar uitstekende en fascinerende video over waarom de King James-bijbel de enige authentieke Engelstalige bijbel is:

Gedeelte beluisterd en weer wat geleerd (en later opgezocht):

Understanding thee and thou, and ye and you, in the KJV is actually very simple. Once you learn it, you’ll never forget — you’ll have that knowledge the rest of your life. And you can apply it to the Bible, to other literature, even to hymns, where those words are still in use today.

Here are the three things you need to know to make understanding easy:

1. Thee and Thou are used in conversation.​

First, the thee’s and thou’s and ye’s and you’s are all used only in conversation, when one person is talking to another.

2. One person or more than one?​

Next, you can know whether the speaker is talking to one person or more than one person by which of those words he uses:

• If the writer is using a T-word like thee or thou, he’s talking to one person.

If the writer uses a Y word, like ye or you, he’s talking to more than one person.

3. The letters are a picture.​

Finally, it’s easy to remember what I just showed you by looking at the letters themselves almost as a picture:

• The T has a single line across the top, therefore Thee and Thou mean one person.

The Y has two lines extending from its base, therefore You and Ye are plural.

Easy, right?
In deze fascinerende video beschrijft de verteller dat er vanaf ca. 1880 NEPBIJBELS MET VOETNOTEN verschijnen. Dat is exact wat ik beschrijf in mijn draadje over de Scofield "Reference" Bijbel!

Lees de KJV voor de echte Engelse vertaling die niet afkomstig is van Rome, gebaseerd op ruim.5000 originele manuscripten!

Niet iedereen kan Engels lezen en al helemaal niet dat wat ouderwetse Engels in de KJV. De vraag is: bestaat er ook een Nederlandstalige bijbelversie die trouw blijft aan de oorspronkelijke manuscripten, vanuit de oude protestantse hoek komt, waarop geen cooyright berust en die geen voetnoten bevat? Ik hoor overal dat de Statenbijbel de meest oorspronkelijke Nederlandstalige versie zou zijn. Dit lijkt me echt iets voor FFF om in te duiken, dat doet hij al regelmatig m.b.t. vergeten Nederlandse geschiedenis!

Dank hiervoor! Allebei natuurgetrouwe vertalingen dus. Past ook in het tijdsbeeld, het bedrog begon pas in de 19e eeuw.

Wel vreemd om dit nog aan het eind te lezen:

Ten slotte, de King James Version bevat wel verwijsteksten, maar -in tegenstelling tot de Statenvertaling- geen verklarende kanttekeningen.

Ik heb de KJV, deze heeft geen voetnoten. Wellicht dat de auteur van dit artikel de KJV verwart met de frauduleuze New KJV?

Een nadeel aan de Statenvertaling is dat het in het oud Nederlands is geschreven en dus lastig te lezen... Ik lees daarom de Herziene Statenvertaling. Maar ik heb begrepen dat ze hierbij soms andere vertaalkeuzes hebben gemaakt ten opzichte van de oorspronkelijke SV. In hoeverre het afwijkt weet ik niet precies... Maar ja, ik heb geen andere keus, want die SV is gewoon niet te doen voor mij.

Hier is wellicht ook goede info te vinden. Ik heb nog niet de hele site doorgelezen maar dit beviel me alvast ;

Informatie voor Christenen over vaccinaties, en Covid-19 ‘corona’ virus:​

Christenen behoren niet te vaccineren aangezien hun lichaam een tempel is van de Heilige Geest, (1 Corinthians 6:19) God woont in ons en wij behoren ons lichaam goed te verzorgen. Ook horen wij ons DNA niet te veranderen wat vaccins tegenwoordig wel doen door middel van genetisch gemodificeerde cellen, ‘mRNA’.
Een nadeel aan de Statenvertaling is dat het in het oud Nederlands is geschreven en dus lastig te lezen... Ik lees daarom de Herziene Statenvertaling. Maar ik heb begrepen dat ze hierbij soms andere vertaalkeuzes hebben gemaakt ten opzichte van de oorspronkelijke SV. In hoeverre het afwijkt weet ik niet precies... Maar ja, ik heb geen andere keus, want die SV is gewoon niet te doen voor mij.
Dat is idd precies het probleem: de 'herziene' versies bevatten copyright en wijken dus inhoudelijk minimaal 10% af van de oorspronkelijke tekst.

Dat is idd precies het probleem: de 'herziene' versies bevatten copyright en wijken dus inhoudelijk minimaal 10% af van de oorspronkelijke tekst.

Ja in het boek staat idd copyright vermeld... Jammer. Ze zouden eigenlijk een letterlijke vertaling van de SV moeten maken in het moderne Nederlands.

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