Black Magic/Zwarte Magie

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Ik geloof niet dat ik dat heb gedaan. Ik heb juist dit televisiemoment in 2017 aangehaald om haar te ontmaskeren als de heks die ze toen al was.



I don’t care which side does it, or tries to “justify” it.

I understand in war, there will be unfortunate collateral damages. There always is…That doesn’t make it RIGHT, or something we should aspire to.

HOWEVER, cheering the killing on, or praying for harm to come to others is SICK, DEPRAVED, and SATANIC.

It may as well be BLACK MAGIC, and you know what the Bible says about that…ANY HARM you wish on another human being using Witchcraft, or BAD spiritual energy who is protected by the Holy Spirit WILL COME BACK ON YOU SEVEN FOLD.

So, be CAREFUL what you wish for.

Halloween is a satanic worshipping holiday.

They’ve tricked (you) into glorifying witches, occult, fear, demonic entities, Satanism, and death etc.

They’ve tricked (you) into sending (your kids) dressed up in costume and disguise house to house like that would ever be a good idea normally.

You are giving [them] consent.
There is no innocent participation.
It doesn’t matter if you don’t know or agree with it—it’s what it is.

Halloween is a satanic worshipping holiday.

They’ve tricked (you) into glorifying witches, occult, fear, demonic entities, Satanism, and death etc.

They’ve tricked (you) into sending (your kids) dressed up in costume and disguise house to house like that would ever be a good idea normally.

You are giving [them] consent.
There is no innocent participation.
It doesn’t matter if you don’t know or agree with it—it’s what it is.


Pagina niet beschikbaar ??
Zover ik het begrijp is het een aardse energie. Aardse energie is vrouwelijk.
Ik denk dat je de video van de third adam wel heel interessant gaat vinden. Deze video is belachelijk lang maar legt haarfijn uit wat er aan de hand is betreft dit occulte.


She literally does the 'climbing double devils horns' with both hands, then a double-hand collar lift to draw attention to the upside down cross.

As she's doing the double collar lift, watch what she does with her head.

She's shaking her head 'no'.

To Satanists, Jesus is a defeated enemy and Satan kicked his ass and the cross isn't what Jesus' disciples claim it is - a symbol of ultimate victory.

Climbing double devil's horns to a double collar lift to get everybody to look at her upside-down cross while mockingly shaking her head 'no' is pretty damn HARD to spin.

Oh and I'm sure its just an AMAZING COINCIDENCE that this person making satanic hand signs while wearing an upside-down cross is decked out in very expensive BALENCIAGA gear.

Made the climbing devils horns, then a double hand collar lift to draw the eyes to her upside down cross.

If asked, she was say she was being edgy and fooling around.

Satanists delight in flaunting their evil, then denying what they showed you.

For a prime example of this, study Jimmy Saville.

Laatst bewerkt:
Dr. Stella Immanuel :
"Go watch the movie, "They Live", these things are REAL. There are things walking among us that are not human. There are things living among us that are causing chaos."

"Look at all the craziness that is going on in the world right now & ask yourself, are these people even human? Is that a human being? Can human beings possibly be this diabolic?"

Radio DJ :
"Tell me about the alien DNA experiments that are going on right now."

Dr Stella Immanuel :
"Are you sure you want to know? Are you sure you want to know? This is actually deep stuff you guys are asking me about, that I'm not sure you want to know!"

Call them aliens, call them demons from (inter-dimensional) Counter-Space, which is ABSOLUTELY real, I don't care. Something EVIL is CONSUMING our precious children while causing chaos in our physical world and we want this shit eradicated off the face of OUR planet.

"The deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes."


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