Black Magic/Zwarte Magie

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"Stranger Things"

Conquering inner demons.

This scene resonated with so many other people who also immediately recognized the symbology of this scene.
Read the comments posted.

Demons work though manipulating emotional Energy.
Physical, emotional, mental, sexual abuse. Break you down mentally.
Make you feel ashamed of yourself.
Make you feel worthless.
Make you feel weak.
A flawed & broken social society rooted in vanity finishes you off by writing you off as useless.

If you don't feel good enough for society, why would you feel good enough for God? That's the modus operandi for evil to remove that spiritual connection between you & God & get you to unwittingly turn your back on him.


The Light inside you still flickers.
Feed & fuel it.
If you need to crank up your favorite music while envisioning you yourself slaying lucifer & his minions with God's hands on your shoulders, to give you the Energy you need to keep moving forward... DO IT!

YOU are God's Weapon!

Demons are a reflection of human sickness. Demonic action stems from demonic thoughts which stem from a demonic consciousness -- created by generations of demonic practice encased in a demonic faith bestowed on mankind and rejected by all but one. The Rabbi class are servants of a Liar. Turn the character of Christ into its opposite and you have the Israeli state.

Netanyahu is an Anti-Christ

That is how priests should sound if they had a shred a decency. Instead of appealing to and leading the strong, they appeal to the weak and afraid and con them out of money. Our priestly class is little more than a commercial business with a religious theme. There is zero moral leadership.

Islamic leaders too wear their white linen and prance around while their city centers become more debaucherous than Vegas. They have become in love with their own protected image of piety. Yet they do nothing as children are starved and murdered.

By their fruits ye shall know them.

Palestine is being exterminated in front of the world. Which side are you? Those who stick their hand in the sand can only have a view of Hell.

"This is my command: Love each other." - Jesus, John 15:17

Demons are a reflection of human sickness. Demonic action stems from demonic thoughts which stem from a demonic consciousness -- created by generations of demonic practice encased in a demonic faith bestowed on mankind and rejected by all but one. The Rabbi class are servants of a Liar. Turn the character of Christ into its opposite and you have the Israeli state.

Netanyahu is an Anti-Christ

That is how priests should sound if they had a shred a decency. Instead of appealing to and leading the strong, they appeal to the weak and afraid and con them out of money. Our priestly class is little more than a commercial business with a religious theme. There is zero moral leadership.

Islamic leaders too wear their white linen and prance around while their city centers become more debaucherous than Vegas. They have become in love with their own protected image of piety. Yet they do nothing as children are starved and murdered.

By their fruits ye shall know them.

Palestine is being exterminated in front of the world. Which side are you? Those who stick their hand in the sand can only have a view of Hell.

"This is my command: Love each other." - Jesus, John 15:17


Een vriend van stuurde me deze bijbelteksten n.a.v. de tweet.

Jozua 6:21 NBG51‬
[21] Toen sloegen zij alles wat in de stad was, met de ban, zowel man als vrouw, zowel jong als oud, tot runderen, schapen en ezels toe, met de scherpte des zwaards.

Jozua 8:26-29 NBG51‬
[26] En Jozua trok zijn hand, waarmee hij de spies uitgestrekt hield, niet in, voordat hij alle inwoners van Ai met de ban geslagen had. [27] Alleen van het vee en de buit der stad hebben de Israëlieten zich meester gemaakt naar het woord des Heren, dat Hij Jozua geboden had. [28] Jozua verbrandde Ai en maakte het tot een puinhoop voor altijd, een woestenij tot op de huidige dag. [29] De koning van Ai spietste hij op een paal tot aan de avondstond; tegen zonsondergang gebood Jozua, dat men zijn lijk van de paal zou afnemen en men wierp het neer bij de ingang van de stadspoort; daarna richtte men boven hem een grote steenhoop op, die er is tot op de huidige dag.

‭Jozua 10:13 NBG51‬
[13] En de zon stond stil en de maan bleef staan, totdat het volk zich op zijn vijand gewroken had. Is dit niet geschreven in het Boek des Oprechten? De zon nu bleef staan midden aan de hemel en haastte zich niet onder te gaan omstreeks een volle dag.

Cult of Baal 🔥👹

No one said that taking out a 6000 year old death cult would be easy, but we're here to do it anyway.

This graphic illustrates the timeline of an occult belief system that relishes human sacrifice 🔪 and war ⚔️, and uses banking 💰 as a tool for worldwide international domination 🌍.

It highlights the 13 most prominent ruling societies in our recorded history 📜, and shows how they are interconnected 🔗.

At the bottom of the diagram, there is an abridged "Deity Chart" 📊 that lists the relevant deities of the Cult of Baal and the analogous archetypes found in different cultures 🌐.

The Cult of Baal poster is available here: 🖼️

Blatant Satanic Imagery at Madonna's Concert 2024 Celebration Tour. 🚨
They are showing you exactly who they are.
Madonna is surrounded by hooded darkened priests as ominous music plays. Behind her is what appears to be men in bondage masks in front of the cross of Christ. They position themselves and put themselves upside down in what some would say is a mockery of the religion. They proceed to have reveal debauchery behind her.
Why are the celebrities in our culture obsessed with mocking God and the occult?
In the next part of the concert, fire burns as words from the book of Revelation is spoken out loud. Eery images of Madonna sitting as royalty is displayed. Is she liking herself to the whore of Babylon in the book of Revelation? These people are weird and sick.
"Blessed is he who reads aloud the words of the prophesy. He is coming with the clouds. And every eye will see Him. Everyone who pierced Him. Those of you who have not learned the deep things of Satan. I know your patient endurance...You have abandoned the love you had.
I saw a beast riding out of the sea and a blasphemous name on his head. *People displaying this scene with sexual overttones"

Entire Concert here:

Her Super Bowl Half Time show where she displayed symbolism:

Blatant Satanic Imagery at Madonna's Concert 2024 Celebration Tour. 🚨
They are showing you exactly who they are.
Madonna is surrounded by hooded darkened priests as ominous music plays. Behind her is what appears to be men in bondage masks in front of the cross of Christ. They position themselves and put themselves upside down in what some would say is a mockery of the religion. They proceed to have reveal debauchery behind her.
Why are the celebrities in our culture obsessed with mocking God and the occult?
In the next part of the concert, fire burns as words from the book of Revelation is spoken out loud. Eery images of Madonna sitting as royalty is displayed. Is she liking herself to the whore of Babylon in the book of Revelation? These people are weird and sick.
"Blessed is he who reads aloud the words of the prophesy. He is coming with the clouds. And every eye will see Him. Everyone who pierced Him. Those of you who have not learned the deep things of Satan. I know your patient endurance...You have abandoned the love you had.
I saw a beast riding out of the sea and a blasphemous name on his head. *People displaying this scene with sexual overttones"

Entire Concert here:

Her Super Bowl Half Time show where she displayed symbolism:


Poeh, heftig. Ze was altijd wel al provocatief, maar nu speelt het element God en satan een grote rol. Vroeger meer (bi)seksualiteit, wat natuurlijk ook bespotting van het Goddelijke is. Of het toen meer een modeverschijnsel was of dat ze echt wist waar ze mee bezig was, dat weet ik niet.
Ze is natuurlijk een van de grote sterren van mijn tijd. Ik ben er ook voor gevallen en ze was een voorbeeld voor mij betreffende hoe ze uitzag (niet het vulgaire, maar de kapsels, de opmaak van de ogen etc.).
In het verleden heeft ze zeker ook zeer goede nummers gehad en ik geloof dat ze ze ook zelf schreef en de choreografie deed.
Met pijn in mijn hart zie ik dan toch hoe ze steeds meer afvallig geworden is. Met alle ingrepen en wat ze ook allemaal doet (misschien adrenochrome) ziet ze er toch nog wel steeds zeer jong en goed uit. Ook al roept iedereen dat dat niet zo is. Bekijk andere vrouwen maar eens van haar leeftijd.
Spijtig dat het zo is. Maar ze staat duidelijk aan de kant van satan, dat is niet te ontkennen.

Since the Olympics took no time whatsoever to begin mocking Christ with the transexual Last Supper, let's take a look back at the 2022 Commonwealth Games where they bow to Moloch as a symbol of light.
This is real people.
If people aren't waking up to the spiritual war at this point, then they truly need to open their damn eyes. It's literally staring at them in the face. But God wins!

Share my thread around below. It seems timely!


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