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Het Vrijheidskonvooi van tienduizenden truckers is uitgegroeid tot het grootste burgerprotest in de geschiedenis van Canada en heeft zich na twee weken nu uitgebreid naar andere steden, zoals Toronto. Er komt ook steun uit de VS en zijn enorme vrachtwagengemeenschap. Terwijl de linkse premier...
All tow-truck companies on contract with the city have refused to haul away the big rigs that have gridlocked Ottawa's downtown for the second week in a row, the city's manager says.
[Doorgestuurd van]
JUST IN - Canada: Alberta to scrap vaccine passport program at midnight tonight, Premier Jason Kenney announces.
"None of this has to do with a few trucks parked at the Coutts border crossing," Kenney says.
Kenney says he predicts people will need annual Covid boosters for years, and he doesn't want to see vaccine passports become a permanent fixture.
Kenney adds: "I think it's quite likely that for the rest of our lives we're probably going to need to take an annual COVID shot much like the annual flu shot."
JUST IN - Canada: Alberta to scrap vaccine passport program at midnight tonight, Premier Jason Kenney announces. "None of this has to do with a few trucks parked at the Coutts border crossing," Kenney says. Kenney says he predicts people will need annual Covid boosters for years, and he...