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They are struggling to control the narrative in significant ways.
So much so that Psaki did an eight part thread on Twitter on muh Biolab dIsInfOrmAtiOn.
Winning. 😂

This establishment explanation is bullshit and it’s easily proven.

1. If these bio labs WERE taking US money and technical expertise for the purpose of cleanup/deactivating Soviet-era biological weapons, that’s a HUMANITARIAN mission. There’s nothing secret about that - why scrub websites?

2. Russia hit 9 of these facilities with CRUISE MISSILES

3. If these facilities had humanitarian missions and they were ATTACKED with cruise missiles, why not come out IMMEDIATELY and claim the public opinion points? Why did it take so long to admit these facilities existed and then spin the yarn about a humanitarian purpose?

Answer: because these facilities had a nefarious purpose, or there’s information there that the corrupt establishment is terrified that Russia will publicize. Possibly both.

They’re spinning the story so fast they can’t keep their narrative straight.


This is the environment where mistakes are made that cannot be fixed.

Brave search (https://search.brave.com) is a good alternative to DuckDuckGo and it is what I use.

Russia's Yandex Search has very good, uncensored, English results, but I can't recommend it because we should not be giving our search data to the Russians.

Microsoft's Bing generally has good results, but they are in bed with the Alphabet agencies and you won't get privacy there.

There are many other search engines that repackage Bing or Google results with varying degrees of privacy.

Brave search (https://search.brave.com) is a good alternative to DuckDuckGo and it is what I use.

Russia's Yandex Search has very good, uncensored, English results, but I can't recommend it because we should not be giving our search data to the Russians.

Microsoft's Bing generally has good results, but they are in bed with the Alphabet agencies and you won't get privacy there.

There are many other search engines that repackage Bing or Google results with varying degrees of privacy.

Ik gebruik nog steeds Vivaldi Browser en ben er super tevreden over. Had eerst ook Brave maar Vivaldi werkt veel prettiger.
“They’re not bio weapons labs, they’re bio research labs!”

Okay, let’s take a look at this 2005 Wapo article which explains the nature of these labs and why they were being funded by the US.

Heeft Vivaldi browser een eigen zoekpagina?
Oei dat zou ik niet weten.. ze hebben er veel maar geen eigen volgens mij. Wel webmail dat ik weet. En een hele goede AdBlocker en cookie Killer. Maar voor iedereen is dat anders wat je het liefst gebruikt natuurlijk😉

Hier kun je uit kiezen:
  • Thanks
Waarderingen: Luz
Now, something incredibly important we need to cover as I see other Anons are reaching out for clarification surrounding the difference between “Biological Laboratory” and “Biological Research Facility”.

Let me make this abundantly clear. THEY ARE THE EXACT SAME FUCKING THING!

Nuland and the deep state rats are playing semantics with you and utilizing euphemisms to make their biolab activity appear less diabolical and trying to discourage us from proceeding.

In order to conduct research on biological pathogens, you need a laboratory to house the pathogens. Every single research facility housing Biological material, is a laboratory. The harmful pathogens are on site. The only thing preventing that pathogen from being used for research and used as a weapon, is the INTENT of those in control of the laboratory.

At ANY MOMENT they could release these pathogens. That is the moment it becomes a bioweapon. When the user decides to use it as a weapon. Just like a carrot is not a weapon, until I decide to stab you in the eye ball with it. Now it’s a weapon.

Does it make sense? These “research facilities” are housing the most harmful and deadly pathogens known to man that at any moment can be released. We are also genetically modifying and altering these pathogens to target specific genome sequences, meaning targeting specific races and nationalities with specific DNA sequences.

Do not let them fool you with their wordage. Laboratory and Research Facility are the exact same thing. They are attempting to deceive you. Don’t let them.

🇺🇲🇷🇺⚡Facebook and Instagram will temporarily allow calls for violence against the Russian military

At the same time, the company noted that it still would not allow this in relation to civilians. The Russian Embassy in Washington demanded that the United States stop the extremist activities of Meta.


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