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Michigan’s Democratic House passed legislation on Tuesday that enables attorneys to shut down “hate speech.” The new House Bill 4474 is a vague and unconstitutional censorship law that determines “feeling threatened” as reasonable grounds to prosecute offenders. The punishment for making someone...
Ook voormalig OMT-lid Marc Bonten reageert op het artikel. Hij vindt het ‘misdadig’ dat De Andere Krant nog op de markt blijft. “Stelselmatig liegen. Vaccins worden zeer nauwkeurig gevolgd op bijwerkingen. Bewijs: de zeldzame stollingsbijwerking van vector-vaccins was binnen enkele maanden duidelijk, myocarditis als zeldzame bijwerking van mRNA-vaccins ook,” schrijft Bonten.
Voormalig OMT-lid vindt het ‘misdadig’ dat De Andere Krant op de markt blijft
MSNBC now equates being healthy and taking care of your body with being a far right extremist.
The agenda is clear:
They want you weak,helpless, and dependent.
They fear a people who think for themselves, who are self reliant, and resist propaganda.
Headlines like these prove that we are winning the narrative war.
Pure desperation and nonsense.
MSNBC now equates being healthy and taking care of your body with being a far right extremist. The agenda is clear: They want you weak,helpless, and dependent. They fear a people who think for themselves, who are self reliant, and resist propaganda. Headlines like these prove that we are...
NEW - EU Digital Commissioner is threatening to shut down social media platforms in the event of social unrest. @disclosetv