Censuur, media

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Got roughed up & tossed out of the White House Correspondents Dinner for holding a sign: '100 journalists killed in Gaza.' Today was supposed to be about Free Speech. Irony much? My partner Tighe is still in pain after security's assault and while this was happening, journalists turned a blind eye, much like they do with the ongoing genocide in Gaza. Shame on them!


Israel could launch airstrikes on the U.S. students protesting the genocide ongoing in Gaza and the U.S. media and Congress would approve of it. Why not destroy some of universities as Israel is an expert on doing that. Speaker of lies Mike Johnson will probably be praying for it to happen in church, while Biden will treat himself to an ice cream. What we are all witnessing and seeing every day occurring in Gaza for 7 months has become that which shall not be mentioned. The slaughter, starvation, dehumanization, the open declarations of genocide, it's all just anti-Semitism to point it out and stand up against it. They can't silence the world. I have no doubt that Israel will attack Rafah. That will unleash hell which means their will have to be a military intervention directly on Israel to deter it. America will keep sending weapons to Israel and provide it with diplomatic cover. This will not suffice. Rafah is where the morality of mankind will be tested. The living conditions there for up to 1.5 million Palestinians are already hellish, and Israel have told the entire world that they will go in there. Will the world just stand by as Israel and America does what it pleases, or is there still some humanity left on this planet?


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