EXCLUSIVE: Ben Shapiro working behind the scenes with journalists to discredit his enemies: Tucker Carlson, Candace Owens, Andrew Tate, Charlie Kirk
@benshapiro, through a behind-the-scenes network of “pro-Israel journalists”, is allegedly employing @isaac_schorr to write hit pieces targeting all of his enemies.
To date, Isaac Schorr of MediaIte has attacked @TuckerCarlson, @RealCandaceO, @charliekirk11, and @Cobratate at Shapiro’s behest.
The source claims that Isaac never published a single article about Candace Owens on the website until the day she tweeted “Christ is King” which infuriated Ben.
“Ben views Tucker and Candace as his mortal enemies.
His issue with Charlie is that he continues to work with them both while not committing himself fully enough to the Israeli narrative.
Ben wants a rift between the three and is using a network of journalists to attack them with smears of antisemitism.”
The website reveals that Isaac Shorr exclusively writes puff pieces about Ben while exclusively writing hit pieces about Charlie, Tucker, Candace and Andrew, often mentioning a combination of them within the same articles.