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For exactly 10 hours, we have been posting about the attack on Kamal Odwan Hospital, from targeting the main gate to blowing up a booby-trapped vehicle and opening fire at the patients and doctors.
And not a single “major” (or even minor) western TV or newspaper mentioned a thing. Not a thing. Not even the attack on a tent in the quad of a school shelter that killed eight people four hours ago.

Good night 💔
Shame on you!

You’ve repeatedly accused Russia and Syria of genocide, both of which are ludicrous claims, but now that your beloved Israel is carrying out a Holocaust in the Gaza Strip, you’ve suddenly become very pedantic about how the term is applied.

Do you have the integrity to admit you’re being completely hypocritical?

The only people that still support and defend israel and the jews are dumb, paid, or jewish.

@Timcast is getting paid.

Israel has spent 100 million this year buying influencers in their feeble attempt to sway the narrative. They are paying some people 5-10k PER post. The larger the audience, the fatter the check.

How much did they pay you @Timcast. It HAD to have been pretty good.

At this point, anyone who refuses to name the jew or, in Tim's case, defend their honor, THESE are the people you should not trust.

Their voice is not their own.

They have sold their soul and compromised their integrity for a few sheckles...

... and there is a LOT of them.

At some point, you need to realize that it may be your closest friend or dearest neighbor who might be taking shots at your head when SHTF.

Anyone who hasn't spoken up is suspect.

Just know that you can't switch sides after the revolution starts.

Tim Pool had a guest booked who was an expert in Jewish power and manipulation of society

When Tim saw who the guest was he canceled his show for the night

The guy had already traveled 12 hours yet Tim never paid him for his time or apologized

Tim fired his booking agent Casandra right after this(unsure if it's related)w


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