The only people that still support and defend israel and the jews are dumb, paid, or jewish.
@Timcast is getting paid.
Israel has spent 100 million this year buying influencers in their feeble attempt to sway the narrative. They are paying some people 5-10k PER post. The larger the audience, the fatter the check.
How much did they pay you @Timcast. It HAD to have been pretty good.
At this point, anyone who refuses to name the jew or, in Tim's case, defend their honor, THESE are the people you should not trust.
Their voice is not their own.
They have sold their soul and compromised their integrity for a few sheckles...
... and there is a LOT of them.
At some point, you need to realize that it may be your closest friend or dearest neighbor who might be taking shots at your head when SHTF.
Anyone who hasn't spoken up is suspect.
Just know that you can't switch sides after the revolution starts.