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Opinie: Laten we onbetrouwbare bigtechbedrijven volledig uit Europa weren​

Nu bigtechbazen als Elon Musk en Mark Zuckerberg samen met Trump Europese regels en waarden openlijk de oorlog verklaren is het misschien tijd voor radicale maatregelen.
Palestinians are the world's bravest Journalists.

This testimony is astonishing, with remarkable and powerful words from a brave journalist.

The lack of international solidarity for Palestinian reporters is a stain on humanity. Every Western Journalist should watch this and hang their heads in shame:

“The press vests we are wearing mark us as a target. They do not protect us … Because we are Palestinians we have only one right which is to die and be maimed.”

Alright this is the 3rd time I’ve seen someone try to rewrite history today and pretend like the 40 beheaded babies hoax was nothing more than a “reporting error” made by a “flustered journalist who was understandably discombobulated” due to the events on 10/7.

Let’s go ahead and shut that shit down right now.

Those lies were purposefully crafted propaganda material crafted and deployed in order to manufacture consent for the genocide in Gaza.

They were dutifully repeated by not only journalists but also by politicians and Israeli lobbyists for WEEKS and even MONTHS despite being totally debunked by actual evidence and documentation.

No one has ever been held accountable for any of this and if you think we’re going to let you cover up what actually happened by pretending it was all just an “honest mistake” you have literally lost your gottdam mind.

Follow @propandco and @MaxBlumenthal to see their incredible documentary Atrocity Inc which has meticulously documented exactly what really happened.

Worden er opeens mensen bij talkshows geactiveerd om dingen te zeggen die niet mogen worden gezegd? Is de linkse Maarten van Rossum opeens geactiveerd? Dat vreemde, nerveuse lachje op het einde van die man… #deepstate


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