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CBC News attacks Ontario doctor for Covid-19 tweets on HCQ
By Benjamin Fulford Letters to the Editor 35 Comments
This letter, sent by an aware reader, shows how old people are being killed in the name of promoting the Covid-19 fear porn campaign. Warning to medical personnel, when this is over, those of you who have been sending old people to premature graves will be prosecuted.
Hi Ben,
I’m a retired M.D. with an M.Sc. in Microbiology and Immunology, but I did lots of infectious disease rotations during my medical training and worked at the AIDs clinic at the Ottawa General Hospital. It was the fake Ebola epidemic of 2013/2014 that woke me up out of this matrix.
This “Pandemic” has been so frustrating for me! My father was in a nursing home in Brampton, Ont. He was 87 with advanced dementia. In the last month of his life, I was not allowed to see him or even do a “window visit” and he was too deaf to speak on the phone. They were keeping the patients locked in their rooms (he was in a private room) and you know how hot those rooms can get.
Other than dementia, my dad was healthy. However, we were informed that he had developed a mild fever, was tested for Covid-19, and had come up positive. The Ministry of Health had claimed there was no “therapy” and had recommended that nursing home patients just be kept comfortable.
He seemed fine for the next 10 days with minimal if any symptoms and we thought he was improving, but on the 11th day we were told that he’d suddenly lost his appetite and his oxygen saturations were dropping. They started him on oxygen by nasal prongs and IV antibiotics (in case he had pneumonia) but by the next day he’d fallen unconscious and I was finally allowed to go in and sit with him. It was unfortunate because my older nephew had power of attorney and would not let me talk to the doctors (family dysfunction) so I never had a chance to talk to them about early treatment with HCQ (hydroxychloroquine) of which there is ample research showing its benefit.
What I did witness is that after I’d been sitting by his bed for several hours, a nurse came in and gave him an injection in the shoulder. When I asked her what it was, she said hydrocodone (a strong narcotic). He was dead within 2 hours after that.
Ben, there was no reason to give my father narcotics. While his oxygen sats were low, he was breathing rapidly and shallow (which was expected) but he was totally comfortable. If you give a narcotic to someone who’s trying to maintain their oxygen levels, it will slow down their rate of breathing, and cause their CO2 levels to rise. In other words, it is essentially euthanizing them. While he may not have pulled through, and he probably only would have lived for another year with his dementia, it shocked me to see that they had a “protocol” for how they handled patients with Covid-19. They seem to want to hasten their deaths rather than see if their immune systems can fight the virus off. Some of these patients may have recovered on their own.
I have accepted that it was my father’s time to go, but I can’t help but wonder if my father would have “tested positive” to begin with if he hadn’t been swabbed for Covid-19. I know it sounds paranoid, but there have been reports of testing kits being contaminated with the virus, and as the President of Tanzania demonstrated, even fruit and a goat can generate a positive test. My friends who work in nursing homes have also said that they think some of these patients are registering “low-grade fevers” because of being kept in stuffy, hot rooms with poor ventilation and no windows open.
Anyways, back in Feb/March, I tried to send research information to some of my Med school class-mates who are still practicing medicine about the effectiveness of HCQ/Zithromax/Zinc in treating Coronavirus infections. I sent them a link to all the studies, going back to 2005, which supported the use of Chloroquine. They were all so “brain-washed” that not a single classmate responded to me. They all believed their professional organizations/Ministry of Health’s claim that HCQ was ineffective against Covid-19, and they apparently view me as a “conspiracy theorist”.
There is one Canadian doctor who is bravely speaking out on Twitter about the benefits of HCQ here, and she is being demonized by the MSM in Canada: ?s=20
The CBC wrote this “hit-piece” against her, which was full of lies and innuendo but the comments section was disabled so I couldn’t respond.
Ontario doctor subject of complaints after COVID-19 tweets | CBC News
Ontario doctor Kulvinder Kaur Gill has been criticized by fellow doctors and others after a series of tweets…
I’m so glad I left my profession early because quite frankly, I’m disgusted with their unwillingness to examine the research first-hand or question the narrative of their professional organizations. If there are some who know the truth, they are keeping quiet out of their fear of reprisal. The only brave one is Dr. Kaur above! I’m doing my best to spread the truth on Twitter, and I’ve told all my relatives/friends about taking Vitamin D and zinc to boost their immune system.