Covid vaccins

Hugo de Jonge omschrijft het covid-19-vaccin als 'het beste dat ons kan overkomen'. Tienduizenden reeds gevaccineerden zullen daar een andere mening over hebben. Zij zijn blijvend invalide, levensbedreigend gewond, of overleden. Zijn deze mRNA-injecties werkelijk een geschenk uit de hemel? Of zijn ze een vloek uit de hel?


Al die verwijzingen naar artikelen over Covid "vaccins" en hun negatieve uitwerkingen die hier elke keer maar weer gepost worden deel ik volop. Tnx👍
Nog één Johnny. Ik heb sinds een maand of 2 alle berichten over de nadelige gevolgen van het 'vaccin' van Ninefornews opgespaard. Dat is inmiddels een flinke waslijst!!!
Helaas kan ik de lijst hier niet delen omdat er (uiteraard) meerdere linken in staan.....Kan het evt. wel op Telegram posten.
Van Telegram :

We The Media, [10.02.21 14:35]
[Forwarded from InevitableET (IET)]
Let’s play logic, science, and theory
>Vaccines use two sets of fetal cells , both patented, to use in their vaccines. Look it up. It’s true.
>one is from a male and one is from a female
>the same two fetal cells have been cultured over and over again since the the beginning of vaccinations and put in vaccines.
>fetal cells are stem cells. Aka they don’t have a program course of action yet. They can become any cell. They can become a nerve cell,
lung cell, heart cell, skin cell, etc.
>these fetal cells/stem cells still carry a full genetic code / DNA
>that dna still describes gender on the 23rd chromosome XX (female) or XY (male)
>now let’s talk about vaccinations. In the 1950’s there were 4 scheduled vaccines. By 1980’s there were 24 doses of vaccines by 18 years of age. By 2000 there were 40+ doses of vaccines by 18 years of age. By 2016 there were 72+ doses of vaccines and by 2020 who knows I’ve stopped counting.
>now. Let’s assume that you have a 50/50 chance of receiving a vaccine with a male fetal cell or a female fetal cell.
>if you’re a male and you received vaccines in 2000’s you could have gotten somewhere between 40-70 vaccinations. Flip a coin for the gender of the vaccine. What if they were all female?
>what happens when a child is growing and developing their sexual bodies, introducing hormones, and more and their body has the DNA of the opposite sex floating around IN A STEM CELL, which is a blank slate as far as what cell it can become?
>Would that create a chance for a person to THINK AND FEEL that they were a different gender than they actually are biologically ?
>would that cause them to be attracted to the same sex ?
>at what rate would a child randomly receive vaccinations to where the 50/50 split resulted in them receiving the opposite gender vaccine?
>is homosexuality a spectrum ?
>is homosexuality increasing or decreasing (in kids) over time ?
>let’s assume it’s genetic for a minute. since homosexuals by and large dont procreate their own children their own genetics typically are not passed forward
>since that is against the continuation of life then homosexuality can’t be a dominant gene, it must be recessive. Indicating that when procreation occurs, unless two recessives met, that genetic marker wouldn’t carry forward. Pundit squares. Math and stuff.
>I have many homosexual friends that have said they have known they were different SINCE THEY WERE LITTLE KIDS. They say they were born this way and it wasn’t their choice. When is your earliest memory? 4 years old ? You’ve already received 50 vaccines by then in 2020
>truly if it were genetic than the rate should be decreasing but it’s increasing indicating something in their environment is pushing it that direction.
>are unvaccinated children also homosexual or transgender ? Idk. No one has done a study on it.
>add in all the soy and endocrine/hormone disruptors in our foods, cleaners, household products, etc.
>sexual abuse in children also plays a role in sexuality - is it the driver or adding to a system that’s already developing? Both?

All just questions.

Don’t shoot the messenger. This is All just theory of mine. I’ve only discussed this with a few people until I saw this. 👇🏼

We The Media, [10.02.21 14:40]
It’s not one thing or another. It’s a thousand things. But since vaccines have DNA in them, I’m assuming it has a greater role than endocrine disruptors. But together , all thousands can cause untold change to a developing human body
Medusa die waslijst v d laatste maanden heb ik grotendeels gedeeld. Bedankt en misschien ben ik de enige maar het forum leest prettiger en overzichterlijker dan Telegram.
Bedankt en misschien ben ik de enige maar het forum leest prettiger en overzichterlijker dan Telegram.

Helemaal mee eens Johnny ;-)
Erik van der Horst debunkt frikandellenverhaal van de Jonge
misschien dat iemand anders het lukt, krijg dit dus weer niet geplaatst met goede link, doe niks anders als anders, maar doet het niet.
Dat komt omdat je bij deze link alleen het gedeelte hoefde te kopieëren tussen die " ", dus vanaf https tot en met mp4.
Ik heb net linksboven van dit tekstvak op link geklikt en daarin gekopieerd, en dan pakt ie hem blijkbaar wel 😊
en misschien ben ik de enige maar het forum leest prettiger en overzichtelijker dan Telegram.
vind ik ook Johnny, Telegram misschien nodig als andere social media of websites geblokt worden.
John Kennedy jr nu ook van twitter afgekieperd,

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