De paus

De autoritaire wijze van regeren door de Jezuïet Bergoglio leidt tot slaafse gehoorzaamheid bij bijna alle bisschoppen, die doodsbang zijn tot voorwerp te worden gemaakt van de vergelding van de wraakzuchtige en despotische kliek rondom de ketter Bergoglio. Enkele bisschoppen beginnen zijn verwoestende acties, die het gezag en de autoriteit van de hele Kerk ondermijnen, niet langer te tolereren.

Er begint daarom iets te veranderen: de onderlinge afstemming begint vorm te krijgen. Als onomstotelijk is aan te tonen dat de huidige paus een ketter is en zijn acties strijdig zijn met alles wat van hem verwacht wordt in de uitoefening van zijn ambt, vervalt de plicht tot gehoorzaamheid.

Het ongehoorzaam zijn aan onwettige bevelen van een ketterse of afvallige overste is zelfs een plicht, aangezien gehoorzaamheid aan God vóór gehoorzaamheid aan mensen komt.
It’s interesting timing that the Pope signed a document reaffirming that Catholics are forbidden from becoming Freemasons considering that this was written in response to a bishop from the Philippines who had expressed concern at the growing number of Catholics in his diocese who are taking part in Freemasonry.

This is exposing and acknowledging the fact that there are Freemasons pretending to be Catholics. Make no mistake, they’re not just hiding behind the church, they’ve infiltrated it.

So this begs the question, how many leaders in the Catholic Church are actually Freemasons?

This is unreal, man. 😂

Pope Francis just said the Catholic Church’s “great sin” is being “too masculine.”

Further, he said he wants to “demasculinize the Church” because there are too many male theologians, and not enough female theologians.

Pope Francis is in direct violation of the Word of God.

The Bible has an extremely clear stance against women exercising spiritual authority in the church. (2 Timothy 2:11-15)

Dude’s a globalist subverter, through-and-through.

Look at his track record:

- He pushed for the global legalization of gay marriage

- He pushes globalist climate change narratives

- He supported COVID lockdowns

- He punished clergymen who stood against the COVID vaccines

- Pushed for open borders and the mass migration destroying the West

- He vocally supported the UN Agenda 2030’s Sustainable Development Goals

- Allowed for worship of pagan deities in the Vatican (complete violation of God’s 1st commandment)

How much more subversive could he get?

The man might as well be on the WEF’s payroll, at this point.


The Pope is once again sick and is reportedly being taken to Rome for hospital diagnostic tests.

It sure seems like the old guard and their puppets are on their way out of this world.

They really thought they could live the way they did and cheat God but death comes for us all. What will they say when they reach those pearly gates after committing such evil, especially towards the children?

The Pope may very well be the next cabal puppet to exit stage left but time will tell.

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