Diabeet en pre-diabeet

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Een karig ontbijt of ontbijt overslaan lijkt niet echt een aanrader voor mensen met diabetesaanleg: ¨Ontbijten als een keizer, lunchen als een koning en dineren als een bedelaar;¨: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2015-03/afot-abo031615.php via http://www.leefbewust.com/2015/global/200315.html

Public Release: 16-Mar-2015
A breakfast of champions for diabetics

Tel Aviv University researcher says high-energy breakfast and modest dinner can control dangerous blood sugar spikes all day

American Friends of Tel Aviv University
A new Tel Aviv University study published in Diabetologia proposes a new way to suppress deadly glucose surges throughout the day -- eating a high-caloric breakfast and a more modest dinner. According to TAU's Prof. Daniela Jakubowicz and Dr. Julio Wainstein of the Wolfson Medical Center's Diabetes Unit, Prof. Oren Froy of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and Prof. Bo Ahrén of Lund University in Sweden, the combined consumption of a high-energy breakfast and a low-energy dinner decreases overall daily hyperglycaemia in type-2 diabetics.

"We found that by eating more calories at breakfast, when the glucose response to food is lowest, and consuming fewer calories at dinner, glucose peaks after meals and glucose levels throughout the day were significantly reduced," said Prof. Jakubowicz.
Voorkom diabetes: Moerbei blad stopt bloedsuiker pieken

Moerbei blad extract wordt gebruikt in de traditionele Chinese geneeskunde voor diverse aandoeningen, waaronder de bloedsuikerspiegel regulering. Haar waarachtigheid op dit gebied is nu onderbouwd met wetenschappelijk onderzoek.

Een 2012 studie van Am J Med Chin. vond dat moerbeiblad helpt om diabetische controle in type-2 diabetes en effectief lagere bloedglucoseconcentraties te verbeteren. Inname van moerbei extract vermindert ook ‘slechte’ cholesterol (LDL), terwijl het de ‘goede’ (HDL) cholesterol verhoogt. Deze successen geven aan dat mensen met metabool syndroom en glucose-intolerantie kunnen profiteren van moerbei blad.
Goed nieuws voor mensen die op zoek zijn naar een manier om overtollig gewicht te verliezen

Italiaanse onderzoekers vonden ook dat moerbeibladeren helpen met gewichtsverlies. Studie deelnemers kregen 2.400 mg moerbei extract dagelijks en werden gecontroleerd op regelmatige tijdstippen voor gewicht, bloed chemie en taille omtrek. Elke verloor gemiddeld 20 pond in 3 maanden vs. 6,5 pond in de controle (placebo) groep. Zij hadden ook betere plasma insuline en glucose curves. De belangrijkste voordelen van moerbeiblad extract zijn onder andere:

– Vermindering van post-maaltijd bloedglucose pieken
– Hogere gevoeligheid voor insuline
– Verminderde algehele eetlust
– Betere dagelijkse controle van de bloedsuiker
– Verbeterd cholesterolgehalte

Moerbei extract kan helpen om gewicht te verliezen, evenals dramatische verbetering van de bloedsuikerspiegel vergemakkelijken. Het tempert bloedsuiker pieken en helpt ook diabetes gedurende de dag te voorkomen en reguleren tot normale bloedglucose niveaus.

Terwijl voedingsmiddelen met hoge fructose maissiroop nog steeds moet worden vermeden, kan moerbeiblad helpen om na de maaltijd uw glucose niveau’s te reguleren. De aanbevolen dosering moerbeiblad extract voor de meeste gebruikers is 100 mg 2-3 maal daags.

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21333726 – See more at: http://www.naturalhealth365.com/mulberry-leaf-prevent-diabetes-1454.html#sthash.zUueM0pe.dpuf http://worldunity.me/voorkom-diabetes-moerbei-blad-stopt-bloedsuiker-pieken/

Source: NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV submitted to

Project Start Date
Jul 16, 2004
Project End Date
Sep 30, 2008
To better define the mechanism by which dietary boron decreased plasma insulin levels and increased insulin sensitivity, we have successfully conducted a lab study to confirm our previous findings.

'Weinig onafhankelijk onderzoek suikerziekte'
2 jul 2015

De onafhankelijkheid is ver te zoeken als het gaat om onderzoek naar suikerziekte. Het gros van de publicaties wordt geschreven door onderzoekers en auteurs die banden hebben met farmaceutische bedrijven, met belangenverstrengeling als gevolg. Dat concludeert het Academisch Medisch Centrum (AMC) in een donderdag verschenen studie in het Britse wetenschappelijke tijdschrift British Medical Journal (BMJ).

De AMC-onderzoekers namen bijna 3800 artikelen onder de loep, geschreven in een periode van twintig jaar. Slechts 6 procent van de berichten bleek volledig onafhankelijk. ,,Het diabetesonderzoek kent weinig werkelijk onafhankelijk onderzoek en is veel te afhankelijk van een paar onderzoekers bij wie sprake is van serieuze belangenverstrengeling'', zegt Frits Holleman, internist bij AMC.

Als je onderstaand leest, dan denk je ook van: waar zijn we nu helemaal mee bezig? Een naaste van mij die voelt zich vele malen beter met de insulinepomp. Ja logisch. Maar als ik zeg dat in het geval van diabetes type 1 (maar type 2 ook) de autoimmuunconditie met de insulin niet verbetert, dan lijkt dat niet door te dringen. Diabetes Takes a Toll on the Brain

By Nicholas Bakalar
July 8, 2015

Having Type 2 diabetes is associated with greater impairment of blood flow to the brain and a sharper decline in mental acuity compared with nondiabetic people of similar age and health status, even over a two-year period, researchers report.

The study, published in Neurology, included 40 people whose average age was 66, half of whom had been in long-term treatment for Type 2 diabetes. All were tested at the start of the study and then two years later with M.R.I. scans, various blood tests and several tests of cognitive ability.

At the end of two years, people with diabetes had greater declines in gray matter volume, composite scores on mental tests, and in rates of blood flow to the brain than those in the control group. They also had greater increases in blood measures of inflammation. Among the group with diabetes, those with more severe declines in cerebral blood flow had correspondingly greater declines on tests of mental skills.

“There is currently no treatment for cognitive decline in diabetes,” said the lead author, Dr. Vera Novak, an associate professor of neurology at Harvard. “Even tighter glycemic control did not improve things. We are doing a new trial to assess whether injecting insulin into the brain through the nose could improve cognitive function or slow down cognitive decline.” http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/07/08/diabetes-takes-a-toll-on-the-brain/?smid=tw-nytimes&_r=1
A Cleansing Trial

If you are on high doses of insulin or are concerned for other reasons, or just want to see how your blood sugar reacts, I suggest that you make a cleansing trial for 4 to 6 hours to see how it goes.

After rising measure your blood sugar (except if you know from experience what it will be). Then drink a large glass of water (free of chlorine and fluoride) with the addition of fresh lemon juice at the ratio of 1 : 10 (1 part lemon juice + 9 parts water). Also add up to half a teaspoon of spirulina powder (or 1 to 2 g of crushed tablets). Drink this slowly and then test your blood sugar again 45 minutes later. If it is much too high then use a small amount of insulin, but better if you can avoid it. If you have a pump that automatically provides the required insulin to keep the blood sugar. level normal, then just try to record how much insulin has been used.

An hour after the first lot, take another large glass of lemon juice and spirulina, and 45 minutes later check again the blood sugar. Again, use insulin only if you feel it is much too high. Continue drinking hourly glasses of diluted lemon juice with spirulina for several more hours until you have an understanding of how your blood sugar level behaves. [...]

If the lemon drinks taste too acid, partly neutralize the lemon juice so that it is only mildly acid. A good way is by keeping the juice of a lemon in contact with a spoonful of dolomite powder for about on hour or two. When needed for a drink, pour off the required amount. From time to time add more lemon juice to the dolomite. With a longer cleanse use fresh dolomite powder each day. If occasionally you do not have lemon juice at hand, you may use a tablespoonful of (organic) cider vinegar in a glass of water. With raised blood pressure also magnesium oxide or magnesium carbonate, and potassium bicarbonate may be used as alkalizers. For children or with low blood pressure sodium bicarbonate may sometimes be used.

Keep a detailed record of all the blood sugar results, and how much insulin was used and when, and any problems that you may have encountered. This may give you confidence to repeat it for a full day or a weekend. http://www.health-science-spirit.com/diabetestreatment.html
< Spirulina Can Help Manage Blood Sugar

By Ryan Bisram on May 14, 2013

In what's becoming one of the more well known superfoods, spirulina is a versatile food that can be used in your meals and snacks in a variety of ways. Some of the benefits of adding spirulina to your diet include its ability to inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells, and the fact that it could also improve your academic performance. However, a new study has indicated that spirulina has another positive effect: it can help regulate blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetics.

The study, which was reported by Nutra Ingredients found that "over a two-month period, type 2 diabetes mellitus sufferers developed improved blood sugar and lipid profiles after taking the dietary supplement."

With regards to the specifics of the study, researchers wrote that "a study group of 25 patients were randomly assigned 2g of spirulina each day over the period of the research. The control and study groups each had a similar medical and nutritional profiles." The report went on to conclude that "the research found that those taking the spirulina supplements showed lower fasting blood glucose concentrations and reduced glycolsylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels than those on a placebo."

The researchers also found that "spirulina supplements also lowered serum triglyceride concentrations, total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol while increasing the level of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol." They noticed "a significant reduction in the at herogenic indices. The level of apolipoprotein B registered a significant fall together with a significant increment in the level of apolipoprotein A1" leading to a favorable increase in the A1:B ratio."

Panam Parikh of the MS University's Department of Foods and Nutrition concluded the report by stating that "these findings suggest the beneficial effect of spirulina supplementation in controlling blood glucose levels and improving the lipid profile of subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus.”

- See more at: http://naturallysavvy.com/eat/spirulina-can-help-manage-blood-sugar#sthash.PeRVcLpt.dpuf
Misschien is het oud nieuws maar volgens dit artikel verbetert rauwe appelazijn de gevoeligheid voor insuline.

Vinegar Improves Insulin Sensitivity to a High-Carbohydrate Meal in Subjects With Insulin Resistance or Type 2 Diabetes
Carol S. Johnston, PHD, Cindy M. Kim, MS and Amanda J. Buller, MS

Glucose Intolerance

By the 3rd day of bed rest there are reduced day of bed rest there are reduced insulin binding sites;
Can be improved by isotonic exercise of the large muscles groups of the lower extremities;
After 2 weeks of bed rest, it takes 2 weeks of resumed activity before the glucose response returns to normal. http://aging.ufl.edu/files/2011/01/deconditioning_campbell.pdf

Written by Andrew K Fletcher

Category: Diabetes
Published: 29 May 2015

Inclined Bed Therapy and Diabetes: The Effect of Inclined Bed Therapy on Diabetes individuals.

Erica Billen, Pohnpei Islands Central School (PICS) High School, Kolonia, Pohnpei Federated States of Micronesia
Tetaake Yee Ting, BA, University of the South Pacific, College of Micronesia, FSM


Introduction: Inclined Bed Therapy (IBT) is a therapy introduced by Andrew Fletcher. IBT involves sleeping on a bed raised at the head between 4 and 8 inches taking advantage of the benefits of gravitational force and utilize it to improve circulation of the body while asleep allowing body cells to heal and regenerate.
Objective or Hypothesis: We will examine whether IBT has a positive effect on diabetic individuals. We hypothesize that sleeping on an inclined bed eventually decreases blood sugar levels.
Methods: 13 participants registered of which 12 were diabetic and 1 was pre-diabetic. Participants were interviewed, evaluated and monitored while sleeping on a bed raised at the head initially at 4 inches for four weeks and then 6 inches thereafter. Blood glucose readings were taken from participants before using IBT and then once every week thereafter. Due to transportation limitations, Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS) readings were taken only from 5 individuals and Random Blood Sugar (RBS) readings were taken from the remaining 7.
Results: The expected outcome is the decrease in blood sugar levels from using IBT. 7 participants started using IBT for 1 week. From the 7 participants, 2 showed a decrease of 21% and 31% in FBS, 2 showed a decrease of 10% and 9.6% in RBS while 3 showed an increase of 23%, 7% and 31% in RBS.
Conclusion: 4 out of 7 participants who started already on IBT for 1 week, showed reductions in blood sugar levels. We expect that after 6 to 8 weeks we will able draw up final conclusion.

Investigating the 2 elevated blood sugar levels, Eltrine from was off from using inclined bed for a few days by attending a home away prayer retreat which was followed by one week of church feasting activity in her Church.

Kerson had to leave his home and stayed away for a few days to attend a family funeral. Funeral activities and ceremonies in Pohnpei involved participating in many food catering, meals and drinking of kava for almost a week. The two participants both admitted to have had anticipated and felt an elevation in their blood sugar levels from the activities. Lucy from the RBS group was on prescribed medication and had been missing on her doses a few days in a row during throughout the duration of the study. Anrak from the same RBS group was not on any medication but had not been watching much over what she ate. She mostly had oily and fatty meals. http://inclinedbedtherapy.com/my-research/diabetes-research
Over MSG: mononatriumglutamaat: E621: het neurotoxische ingredient dat overal in verstopt mag worden van onze overheid:

In Nederland wordt op geen enkele officiële site vermeld dat dit additief zeer verslavend en neurotoxisch is, zelfs niet bij het voedingscentrum (Hoezo? – eerlijk over eten).

Dit additief wordt moedwillig bij proefdieren ingespoten om obesitas te veroorzaken.

Dit additief kan de insuline aanmaak verdrievoudigen en wordt door menigeen in verband gebracht met de steeds groter wordende “diabetes II – epidemie” (ouderdomssuiker)

Dit additief zorgt ervoor dat iemand een zak chips achter elkaar op eet en na een uur weer trek heeft.
http://www.ninefornews.nl/een-gehei...e-belangrijkste-redenen-om-e621-te-vermijden/ via http://www.leefbewust.com/2015/nieuws/070815.html
Waarschuwing Juglen Zwaan nieuwsbrief 23 augustus 2015:

Wanneer je teveel vet consumeert kunnen de receptoren van cellen verstopt raken, waardoor hormonen zoals insuline niet goed meer werken. Te veel vet kan dus voor diabetes zorgen. http://nutritionfacts.org/video/What-Causes-Insulin-Resistance/

Deze uitspraak doet me ook denken aan de uitkomst van dit tweelingexperiment http://www.foodlog.nl/artikel/vet-versus-suiker-het-tweelingexperiment/ Degene met het vetdieet had meer insulineproblemen dan degene op het koolhydraatrijke dieet.
WELK vet? Dit is net zoiets als:

- Melk onttrekt calcium aan je botten.
- Rood vlees veroorzaakt darmkanker.
- Zout verhoogt de bloeddruk.

WELKE melk? WELK rood vlees? WELK zout?

Overgewicht, eetstoornissen, insuline resistentie en diabetes type 2 zijn aandoeningen die allemaal een verminderde werking (resistentie) van het endorfinesysteem en het dopamine beloningssysteem gemeen hebben.

Bij mensen met diabetes type 2 die 12 weken een exorfinen-vrij dieet volgden zagen we een verbetering van de insuline resistentie met 26% !!!
Er wordt echter in de behandeling van diabetici met geen woord gerept over exorfinen. Vreemd als men nagaat dat gluten-exorfinen in vergelijking met andere voeding de glucose respons verlengen van 4 naar 9 uur.

zie: http://exendo.be/epigenetica/#Epigenetica
hypothyroidism is characterized by diminution of the acute insulin response, similar to that observed in some patients with maturity-onset diabetes, which may be responsible for the impaired glucose tolerance observed
November 1973
Hypoinsulinemia of Hypothyroidism
Jayendra H. Shah, MB, BS, MCPS; Gerard M. Cerchio, MD
Arch Intern Med. 1973;132(5):657-661. doi:10.1001/archinte.1973.03650110017004


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