
Kash Patel:

"Durham was able to put out a lot of information in this case in which he showed the world that he is conducting a large scale investigation. The advantages of a conspiracy case that it can be brought anywhere (where) the conspiracy occurred."

On Robbie Mook's admission under oath:
"That's all evidence. And a smart prosecutor uses that stuff to build further cases....there's a mountain of information they got that John Durham put out there..."

Full interview here:

I know you guys know this already but there are going to be mass amounts of paid "doom and gloom" trolls sent to everybody's pages today. (Due to the sussman verdict) They're like clockwork when something like this happens.

But we know better by now and despite a corny Verdict, MAJOR REDPILLING MATERIAL came out of this short initial trial. And that's what's going to win this battle. Redpilling Liberals.

FACT: The Sussman Trial Proved the Russian Collusion Hoax was a Hillary Clinton Operation. Proven. In the books. The Alfa Bank Hoax was made up, Discussed by and then Approved by Podesta and Hillary, then Sent to the Media to spread and taken to the FBI to "investigate" (spy)

That's all a matter of court record now. This is INVALUABLE information that smashes the original narrative. Use it to break your Liberal friends out of their propaganda comas...
Sussman could've gotten 18 days for lying to the FBI like Papadopolous or maybe even a year or two. I think he deserved it, but the point is that it barely matters compared to what was exposed. This Trial was a win.

Devin Nunes on the Sussmann verdict:

“Durham had to know when he walked into the DC courtroom that it was highly unlikely that he was going to prosecute a well known, prominent Democrat… in the cesspool… He ripped off the band-aid, so it’s exposed… They can actually see just how bad it’s really become in Washington, DC…

I would also be shocked if Durham does not bring additional indictments, and I think what he’s trying to drive for is a conspiracy indictment.”

We’re on track, Patriots!

Voor wie te jong is:

Dit is een verwijzing naar de film Scarface (1983), waarin Al Pacino de Cubaanse drugsbaas Tony Montana speelt. We zien de opkomst en ondergang van deze criminele immigrant in deze briljante film. Bovenstaand citaat verwijst naar de hoofdprijs (HRC en Obama), niet het voetvolk.

TG Brian Cates

The end of the Sussmann trial was disappointing because a DC jury decided to ignore all the evidence.

They were pulled from a population of the Swamp that believes Durham is on a witch hunt and that his investigation should have been ended by Merrick Garland over a year and a half ago.

Ah well!

Onto the next battle: the Danchenko case in Virginia.

The case of an actual real life honest-to-God Russian intelligence officer who fled the US in 2010 just ahead of a FISA warrant after an espionage case was opened against him. Danchenko got caught soliciting the theft of classified information in exchange for payment. You know the kind of thing undercover Russian intelligence officers do.

That espionage case was still open when Danchenko returned to the US sometime prior to 2016, when he turns up as Christopher Steele's primary source for the fake dossier.

The FBI knew Danchenko was a Russian intelligence asset. And yet...

And yet...they accepted dossier allegations from Steele that they knew Danchenko was the source for.

Allegations that were used to get a FISA warrant on an American citizen named Carter Page.

See, the FBI used what they knew were allegations from a suspected Russian agent named Danchenko to get a surveillance warrant on a suspected Russian agent named Carter Page, so they could launch an investigation of the Trump campaign to determine if Trump and Michael Flynn and others were also Russian agents.

None of this is speculation.

Everything I just told you was declassified and became public record long ago.

It's when Durham presents it as evidence in court that many more people are suddenly going to become aware of all of this.

[Doorgestuurd van Brian Cates - Politiek Columnist ★★★ (Brian Cates)]
Het einde van het Sussmann proces was teleurstellend omdat een DC jury besloot al het bewijs te negeren.

Ze werden getrokken uit een deel van het moeras dat gelooft dat Durham op heksenjacht is en dat zijn onderzoek meer dan anderhalf jaar geleden door Merrick Garland beëindigd had moeten worden.

Ach ja!

Op naar de volgende strijd: de Danchenko zaak in Virginia.

De zaak van een echte, levensechte Russische inlichtingenofficier die in 2010 de VS ontvluchtte net voor een FISA-bevel nadat een spionagezaak tegen hem was geopend. Danchenko werd betrapt toen hij vroeg om geheime informatie te stelen in ruil voor betaling. Je weet wel, het soort dingen die undercover Russische inlichtingen agenten doen.

Die spionagezaak liep nog toen Danchenko ergens voor 2016 terugkeerde naar de VS, toen hij opdook als Christopher Steele's primaire bron voor het nepdossier.

De FBI wist dat Danchenko een Russische spion was. En toch...

En toch... accepteerden ze dossierbeschuldigingen van Steele waarvan ze wisten dat Danchenko er de bron van was.

Beschuldigingen die werden gebruikt om een FISA-bevel te krijgen voor een Amerikaanse burger genaamd Carter Page.

Zie je, de FBI gebruikte wat ze wisten dat beschuldigingen waren van een vermoedelijke Russische agent genaamd Danchenko om een surveillancebevel te krijgen voor een vermoedelijke Russische agent genaamd Carter Page, zodat ze een onderzoek konden starten naar de Trump-campagne om te bepalen of Trump en Michael Flynn en anderen ook Russische agenten waren.

Niets van dit alles is speculatie.

Alles wat ik je net verteld heb is al lang geleden openbaar gemaakt.

Het is wanneer Durham het als bewijs in de rechtbank presenteert dat veel meer mensen zich plotseling bewust zullen worden van dit alles.
Former DNI John Ratcliffe:

“John Durham’s prosecution may have lost this battle, but they’re clearly winning the war.”

He continued on to say he is optimistic that Durham will successfully prosecute these criminals and also “expand the indictments.”

Did you hear that? We are winning the war.

Now, it might be a shock to some people to find out that the private spies Hillary Clinton hired in 2016 were spying on Trump family members, but that just means those people haven't been listening to me for the past 5 years.

I've said all along the evidence pointed to the entire Trump family being spied on.

The entire Trump family is:

1. Donald J. Trump
2. Melania Trump
3. Donald Trump Jr. and his wife
4. Jared Kushner
5. Ivanka Trump
6. Barron Trump
7. Eric Trump and his wife

When I've said they spied on the Trump family I meant they spied on the entire Trump family.

Even when Barron Trump was 10 years old they were looking for his electronic comms data to spy on it.

They were spying on the entire Trump transition team members and their families.

Kash thinks Durham knew he would “take a missile” by bringing the Sussmann trial to DC, but thinks he wanted to make a point: “He used the Swamp to create this source of information for the public. Had he tried it in, ya know, Western Kansas, almost nobody would have paid attention. But even the mainstream media was forced to at least acknowledge the revelations in this case.”

Sounds like everything went according to plan 🙌🏼

One hilarious article goes so far as to claim that Durham found evidence in Italy of “suspected financial crimes” linked to DJT, but chose to hide it from the public.

Ask yourself why now?

Something must be coming….


“Democrats to take a hard look at Durham’s probe into Russia investigation.”

If this doesn’t scream panic, I don’t know what does.


Article: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/democrats-take-hard-look-durhams-probe-into-russia-investigation

The coordinated media attacks on the Durham SCO, which are aimed directly at undermining the basis, merits, and legitimacy of his investigations, are NOT being rolled out now because they are anxiously awaiting a Durham Report.

It’s something else.

[They] are anticipating and getting ahead of something else…

The “incoming” Durham report will supposedly include material related to the Clinton emails and foundation.


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