Elon Musk

Fox Business: As Elon Musk offers to buy the rest of Twitter, the SEC and DOJ have launched a "joint investigation" into Musk

The Biden regime is weaponizing the federal government against those who threaten their grip on power… This is the type of authoritarianism we see happening in Banana Republics

If they sell it to him. He owns it and free speech reigns again. If they don't sell twitter will die. Stocks will drop to where they were and lower before he bought in and keep on sliding. The downward spiral would be hard to stop.

Elon Musk's first order of business when acquiring Twitter should be :

Banning all users promoting pedophilia.

Removing all bots, removing some of these influencers' following & destroying their marketing revenue

Reinstating users who were banned for exposing pedophiles.
There is no such thing as "Harrasment or Bullying" when it comes to outing pedophiles & cannibals. That's called draining the swamp.

ALL Radical Left extremists who are a danger to our country should be removed from Twitter. Antifa, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama George Soros, ect.

Don't stop at Twitter.
Throw them out of our country.
Deactivate their conciousness & get them off our planet.

In a way this is true, but good luck getting them to admit they acted against shareholder interests and "do the right thing".

The resigning part probably won't happen, but they will be crippled by never ending law suites and find it hard to focus on their previous agenda of controlling speech.

Twitter will turn into an even bigger dumpster fire (for management) if they reject Elon's offer.

On the other hand... if forced to accept it... how much illegal / shady code and data will people start erasing to avoid legal trouble and maybe even jail time?

There are secret dark / compartmentalized projects at Twitter... like the most nasty parts of their shadow banning and allowing third party access to data for purposes like election meddling & modeling.

Do you think they walk away and "leave the lights on" for that stuff? No, they have to vaporize it, which means they'll be committing crimes of a different sort because they'll be destroying parts of what Elon just bought.

There are already lawyers working on how to get everybody's asses out of this fire. And Elon knows this and already has a cyber team ready to descend and freeze systems.

Let's see what happens.

IMHO this whole setup allows Elon to PROVE that Twitter's Board has been running the company for ONE REASON, and that has been to control speech for political reasons.

If they reject his offer, he dumps his shares, and the price tanks, and Twitter is sued until the end of time by shareholders who missed out on the profit.

Twitter execs are right now trying to decide if they can "ride out that storm" and still deny a platform for conservative speech.

Twitter might be MORE valuable to them if it DIES because of their allegiance to their ideological interests.

"If we can't have it, we'll destroy it so nobody can have it" - Twitter Board

Now this is getting interesting.

Will Elon up his offer? Or will he dump his stock? Imagine the latter.

“Twitter turns down Elon’s offer, they don’t want free speech, and Elon dumps 10% of twitters stock price.”

Talk about terrible PR for Twitter.

Elon could crash Twitter, or own it.


The battle is joined! Remember, this guy owned the Four Seasons Hotel and the top floors of the Mandalay Bay hotel in Las Vegas when the massacre took place. He sold out his holdings in the Four Seasons to... Bill Gates.

Alaweed and Vanguard making moves to try to stave off Musk’s hostile takeover. They like Twitter JUST THE WAY IT IS. Under their control and able to control the flow of information for it’s users.


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