Elon Musk

Elon's move is pretty brilliant. He bought low, makes a hostile takeover offer that is way above market. Either he wins, and does with Twitter what he wants and the shares go up; or he compels Vanguard or someone else to outbid him, in which case he unloads his shares even higher than his tender offer...and still wins.

In the process, he forces the board to do things that potentially get them into trouble from a fiduciary responsibility perspective. F'ing brilliant.

If he loses the bid to takeover Twitter, he rakes in a few billion which he could then turn around and invest in DWAC, since it is striving to do what he just said in his TED talk social media should be doing.

I guarantee you that Musk's legal team has been over the Twitter Bylaws with a fine-tooth comb before he ever uttered the statement about buyout. He wouldn't have said a thing unless he was sure he already won. My bet is that he has.

DJT on Elon Musk (January 2020): "I was worried about him, because he's one of our great geniuses and we have to protect our genius.... he's one of our very smart people and we wanna cherish those people. That's very important."

Needless to say, it's starting to seem like Elon might have a key role in the information war.

I am lead to believe that HUGE changes are coming soon quite possibly very soon to Twitter.

As many know I have been digging into Twitter, Dorsey, Agrawal and Bluesky. Although I have not been able to dig further over the past couple days I have been giving it a lot of thought and here is my initial theory and the timeline that this is based on.

In Dec. 2019 Dorsey announced the Project Bluesky and named Parag Agrawal, the current Twitter CEO, as the project lead.

Very little information was released through out 2020 and most of 2021. On Bluesky's website they state that very little few meetings occured during 2020 due to covid restrictions. I question that because in the "How we started" page of the website they state that most of the work in the beginning was discussions in a secure chat room that they setup.

The next real bit of information that I found was in August 2021 Jay Graber was introduced as the new project lead replacing Parag Agrawal.

Nov 29, 2021 things start to pick up pace in ernest, when Jack steps down from Twitter and names Parag Agrawal as the new CEO. Keep in mind that Jack is staying on the board for the time being.

On Dec 11 2021 Bluesky announces they have formed Bluesky PBLLC, a new company completely independent of Twitter.

As January and February progress the @Bluesky's Twitter account becomes more active. And on Feb 9 2022 Dorsey is given a seat on Bluesky's board. Currently he has a seat on both Twitter and Bluesky's boards.

Around Feb 19, 2022 Bluesky publishes their How we started letter on their website

Sometime around the beginning of March 2022 Bluesky starts looking for employees.

On March 31, 2022 they announce their first hires. 7 people total. No one stood out but I haven't been able to dig into the as of yet.

April 4, 2022 Elon announced that he bought 9.2% of twitter stock.

April 6, 2022 Bluesky says now that they have enough employees to answer questions they are starting to release their work in order to be transparent and open source.

My Theory

My thinking is that throughout 2020 and most of 2021 they were able to build the infrastructure as well as the programming needed to switch Twitter over to a decentralized social network. They were intentionally deceptive with their comments about this period of time. The statements don't align. If they are meeting online in a private and secured chat room, why would covid restrictions keeping them from meeting? This has to indicate that the meetings in the chat room was solely referring to the discussions they had about ideas and troubleshooting. And the statement about covid restrictions not letting them work was in reference to the hands on work with the hardware when they did need to physically work together in close confines.

By August 2021 I believe that they have completed the majority of the software programming as well as the build up of the infrastructure with acquiring the rights to use other independent servers, not owned or controlled by Twitter, Bluesky or any other controlling big tech company.

Placing Jay Graber as lead and eventual CEO, once incorporated, in Aug 2021 shows to me that they had begun finalizing the project. From what I had found in a quick look she has coordinated and implemented the launches of a couple different cryptocurrencies companies which are all on decentralized networks.

This also removes Agrawal from this project and makes him available to take over for Dorsey when he resigns on Nov. 29, 2021.

The more I look into this and reading between the lines Dorsey keeps stepping closer to a white hat for me. From at least late 2019 he is pushing decentralized social media which is an open source, transparent, user controlled structure. By Dorsey stepping down and appointing Agrawal as CEO he keeps his cover and doesn't upset the libs, while insuring that Twitter continues plans to become open source and uncensored.

Agrawal although appearing as big of a oligarch with his one interview about needing to advance the control of information, that everyone had heard or read when he was announce as CEO, stands in contrast to his actions. He has been very heavily involved with Bluesky and talks frequently about all of social media, not just Twitter, needing to become decentralized.

This brings me to Elon. His buying the majority of the stock has put 100% of the focus on him, something that he loves. Everyone is watching his every step and analyzing his every tweet. From even before he announced the purchase he was asking how to improve Twitter, if it should be open source, if things need to change. This is doing 2 things.

The first is it is making it appear that he is pushing these HUGE changes, not Dorsey or Agrawal but him. Takes all eyes and blame off of the Twitter execs.

The second is his polls are showing that vast majority of Twitter users want big changes and want open source algorithms.

This is likely why Elon refused the board seat. With not being on the board he further insulates Twitter from the fallout when the far left libs and the media go ballistic after they loose one of their key censorship elements. They will be pissed at Elon for pushing this and never look at the fact that it was Twitter that had done it. This will keep the majority of liberal and never Trumpers from leaving.

Once this move does take place both Truth Social and Twitter along with some others will all be on decentralized networks. One of the other objectives that Bluesky has is to develop a protocol that will allow any social media network using that protocol to be able to communicate back and forth. Truths posted on TS can be seen on Twitter and Tweets can be seen on TS. You would also be able to access the media that you saved to your accounts on other platforms as well.

In essence this means that once TS and Twitter can send and receive messages from the other Trump will be able to post his truths and they will be seen on Twitter even if his twitter account is still suspended.

Look to Twitter exactly this. "My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us..."😉

Finally I suspect that the temporary activation of Trump's Twitter account on April 4 was a test. Either a test to make sure his account could be reactivated or it was a test of the decentralized network which could potentially make all of the suspended accounts to become active once again. I shy away form this second test simply because I don't believe switching between networks would be able to be done that quickly but my guess is simple a guess as I have no IT experience let alone networking experience.

*Twitter Moves to Block Elon Musk From Increasing Stake.

The company on Friday adopted a so-called poison pill that makes it difficult for him to increase his stake beyond 15%.

What the MSM won’t tell you, is that the poison pill doesn’t work if existing shareholders decide not to buy the new shares... not to mention that it wouldn’t stop Elon from doing a hostile takeover given his amount of resources.

As the saying goes, nothing can stop what’s coming...


Oh, just a side note. Remember when the Saudi Princess outed Al Waleed Bin Tala and the rest of the Saudi government for human smuggling and child slaves back in 2017?

"Russian online newsportal Fort Russ reports quoting Aden’s interview on Le Monde, the princess said they’ve turned the city of Jeddah into a slave market where underage girls are being exploited for noisy sex parties involving drug and alcohol abuse."

Is it making more sense why the Saudi's want nothing to do with Musk taking over the platform?

Sauce: https://archive.dhakatribune.com/wo.../11/saudi-princess-unveils-kingdoms-dark-side


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