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To all these pathetic Zionists that think they’re smart, spamming the comments calling me a ‘criminal’ on every post:

Do you really think I care that people know who I am?

I literally posted a photo of myself on here numerous times you clowns

As for the news report you keep posting,

Yes I was arrested in December 2018, for ATTEMPTED robbery

The newspaper lied and said it was TWO separate ARMED robberies

Me myself was only involved in ONE and I was sentenced for ATTEMPTED robbery, not armed robbery

To my followers here’s what happened -

I came from a different background to a lot of people on here

I grew up in a rough area in the UK, the second most dangerous in Essex

At a young age I had no father figure and was involved crime as I was always out on the streets due to my sibling being severely sick and my mother had to be a 24/7 carer for them

My mother never really had any money growing up so I had to find a way to earn money myself, so I ended up selling weed

Cut to the chase - someone owed me money and didn’t pay me for months, then I found out he was selling drugs himself, so I went to his house to confront him for my money

I was with a driver and a couple of friends and we went to the door and his mother opened the door

I used to be close with their family before this situation happened, so his mother let me in as she didn’t think anything of it

Then after I walked in she realised after I asked for her son and said I wanted my money, so she started getting annoyed and told me to leave

It turned into a shouting match with the mother whilst the coward son hid upstairs and left his mother to fight his battles

She then threatened to call the police so we left, but as we left, she took down the number plate on our car

The next day we went out in the car and was surrounded by police and arrested

NO KNIVES or ANY WEAPONS were used, this was all fabricated by the family as they won money from this so they had to play the game

I was sentenced to 21 months in prison for attempted robbery, I was NOT involved in another robbery

The other two co defendants were involved in robbing another drug dealer, but I was NOT involved or even present, this was a complete LIE by Echo News!

You can tell this is a LIE, because who tf gets sentenced to 21 months for an ARMED ROBBERY?!

It started off as aggravated burglary, then dropped to armed robbery, then dropped to attempted robbery…The judge knew things in their story didn’t add up

I had to do 10 and a half months in prison, but when I was released after only 6 weeks I was recalled again for breaching my license conditions

I then had to do the remainder of my sentence in prison so in total I did around 19 months

To be honest I’m glad I went back, because the second time was when I started going to church and realised how stupid I was acting

Since then I’ve never been involved in anything like that again, I started staying indoors every day and learning

I learned the truth about what’s going on in this world - I realised my enemy was not on my doorstep, but my enemy was the global Zionist elites that tax us into oblivion and start endless wars and commit genocides on the world stage

Then I felt ashamed of myself that all of this stuff was going on in the world and I was just wasting my time doing nothing about it

I created an X account and start exposing everything that’s going on in this world, then when the Gaza genocide kicked off, that’s when I put my 100% into this every day posting, because it was honestly INSANE to me how this was happening in front of my eyes

Then that’s how I ended up here today.

I was already going to tell this story one day anyway but I just kept telling myself I’ll wait for the right time, so if anything this just gets it out the way now which is easier

I understand some people will unfollow me but I can’t do anything about that, we all come from different backgrounds and have all made mistakes - we live and we learn

@fatsnotbad jij bent toch ook weer volgers kwijtgeraakt?

Did X Conduct A “Bot Purge” Or Is Jack Dorsey’s Twitter 1.0 Back With The Same Tired Censorship Tactics?

Did you fall for the “bot purge” scam?

A ton of conservative accounts reported they lost thousands on Thursday. Everyone wrote it off as a meh “bot purge” because, of course, God Emperor of Free Speech Elon Musk would never silence or censor us sheep who worship him as the Second Coming! 🙄

What no one either cared and/or took the time to look into is who did this impact?

Well, I did look into it.

This so-called “bot purge” only hurt conservative accounts — once again! Big conservative accounts like @catturd2
and many others lost literally thousands while liberal accounts with similar following number counts lost only a few hundred and/or some of them less than 100 or they gained followers. And oddly, some accounts — like @MrBeast
🍕🌭 — gained thousands during the rumored “bot purge”.

What everyone seems to forget is that Twitter 1.0 bled out followers from conservative accounts under the guise of a “bot purge” under @Jack
dictatorship in 2018. More interestingly, this bot purge trended under #TwitterLockout which has been well-documented.👇🏻

Source: https://politico.com/story/2018/02/21/twitter-purges-accounts-conservatives-357028

Yet, search results for those tweets, as of this post, yield no results of this here on X — AKA they scrubbed the evidence. 🕵🏼‍♀️

Furthermore, let’s not forget that @Jack
— along with Prince Alwaleed and @diddy
via Sean Combs Capital LLC — are among the top investors/shareholders who helped @elonmusk
acquire Twitter/X and, in effect, own it. It’s also important to note that X’s lawyers fought hard in court to keep this a secret from YOU!

So let me ask you something — did you really think things would be different here under Dark MAGA Elon’s rule with the same chess players in place?

Silly rabbits. 🐇🐇🐇

Side note: We’ve collected and saved all the data to prove these claims.

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