Fake news

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Ja als je zo onderhand als normie langzaam aan een beetje wakker wordt is het niet de bedoeling dat je een "wappie" genoemd wil worden dus Bennie wordt weer eens van stal gehaald om te framen. Vraag me af of hij dit zelf nog wel schrijft.

Clickbait accounts are using a fake quote attributed to Tim Ballard in order to attack Sound of Freedom - they're claiming Tim said we need to microchip children. I can't verify this supposed quote anywhere
Super fake articles from "The People's Voice" are going viral and people are too lazy to actually read the articles and see that they're tabloid trash
There's a couple images floating around being faked as recent Directed Energy Weapon strikes in Hawaii - they're actually years old images that aren't of DEWs

The image on the left is a long exposure shot from a SpaceX launch in May 2018

The image in the tweet on the right is a meteor over Michigan in Jan 2018

P.S. - most DEWs are invisible to the naked eye. If the Deep State wanted to hit something with a DEW, you wouldn't see the energy beam
Rant time
Any random account who claims that "the storm is here" or says they are Q, or military and that they have inside information is lying to you.

Social media can often be a den of vipers. These vipers have no conscious of whether they are hurting people, so as long as they get their dopamine hit of likes and reposts to feed their influence-hungry egos.

The internet is the wild west. Be cautious of who you trust. Justice will not be announced by some random anonymous user.
-End rant


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