Fake news

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So many people have inside information from insiders they know in Washington.

I know a military guy from my old job who has Trump in his phone.

If I were to ring him and ask him for insider information he would tell me to go fuck myself and ask for the 300 bucks I owe him from that bar fight in Asia in the late 80s.

Even if I gave him that 300 and I never will because fuck him the scar above my right ear is his fault and easily worth that IMHO, he would still never tell me shit.

I'm not sure if you guys realize it but if you get top secret or above clearance it's usually because you have proven you keep your mouth shut.

No one can get you to talk without torturing you.
Not even your wife.

The guys that do leak shit to low level influencers on Twitter are never who they say they are or the guys with "Inside info" are lying.

Trump has appointed a slew of neocons to top forget policy positions, but Bill Kristol and AOC are melting down right now about the appointment of Tulsi Gabbard as director of national intelligence.

The fact is that the new Trump administration heavily leans neocon but has contradictions with Gabbard and the nationalist influence of Tucker Carlson. It is not the “most neocon admiration ever.” That title belongs to the current Biden administration, which doesn’t have a single skeptical voice and is supporting genocide in Gaza, war on Iran, and arming Ukraine to strike inside Russia.

Also, 80% or “the Jews” voted for Kamala Harris, which is a weird way of “letting Trump win.”

But Fuentes isn’t supposed to be coherent, he’s just a shady race huckster selling culture wars to his gullible followers and acting as a scarecrow to liberals so none of them ever figure out the establishment’s real game. If he isn’t a fed, he’s missing out on a nice paycheck.

This post is going viral. "Radar operator here, I know what's happening"

Source: trust me bro.

Questions on this:

- If it's on a "need to know"... how does this dude know?
- If he does know, why/how is he posting supposed classified information on Reddit?
- Why would this be Space Force if we are dealing with aerial craft close to the ground?

"full turnover of all aircraft communication to the military" - lol ok

And again, why would this be posted on Reddit where the dude could get found out for posting this?

Seems like fake and gay disinfo
De aanhangers van Nick Fuentes worden 'groypers' genoemd. Ze blijken nogal pedofiele neigingen te hebben.


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