You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to see plain as day that there is something VERY VERY VERY WRONG with this…
The Blackhawk was flying above the 200 feet AGL limit where it was supposed to be, and heading directly at that AA Plane in what looks like a trajectory that was FULL SPEED AHEAD for what seems like an eternity.
You seriously mean to tell me that there wasn’t time for the pilot of that helicopter to maneuver to the left, or the right, up or down when the night was CLEAR with NO cloud cover or obstructions?
To put this solely on ATC doesn’t check out either, because it’s not like the helicopter doesn’t have a huge windshield to see a passenger jet right outside in a short distance, not to mention other super advanced radar technology.
Nah, I’m sorry…I’m just NOT buying it.
I’m just going to say based off this new video footage, this seems EXTREMELY INTENTIONAL. It looks like the FARTHEST thing from an “accident”.
Like President @realDonaldTrump has already pointed out, there wasn’t NO reason for this to have happened.
WHO was the actual pilot of the Blackhawk, and why is that third name being left out of the reports and obfuscated?
Was that person even flying at the time, or was the helicopter remotely taken over?
Unless they were on a suicide mission, this incident makes absolutely ZERO sense.
You will NOT convince me other wise.