False flags en andere geheime operaties

It’s time for the masses to get “the memo” that most — if not all! — the chaos, mayhem and tragedies happening right now are not “accidents” but actually acts of terrorism committed by the Deep State or a direct result of their intentionally reckless policies that have been mostly in retaliation against President Trump who is and has been actively taking down their global Satanic child sex trafficking networks.

The last and only other time we saw this many tragedies — fires, plane crashes, false flag shootings, etc., — was during President Trump’s first term. However, very few were awake back then, nor were they paying attention or connecting the dots to understand and comprehend that all those tragedies were also not accidents but actually were done by design.

There’s been a shadow war going on for years!

The people who were doing the work & research all those years uncovering all this evil were the anons who have been ostracized and shunned from society.

Well guess what!

It will be those people who were horribly persecuted that will be the guiding lights for all the normies who mocked us as shit continues to hit the fan so they can understand what is and really has been going on.

Now that people are awake, The People need to demand answers and disclosures on everything that happened during Trump’s first term from those Cali fires, COVID, Jeffrey Epstein’s “suicide”, the Las Vegas shooting, Kobe Bryant’s helicopter crash and all the aviation crashes from those four years and much more!

If you’re a normie, my best advice to you is to apologize to your “conspiracy theorist” friend and for once listen to what they’ve been trying to warn you about for years. Then, go do your own research and pray.

I have questions, as do many others.

These recent crashes simply do not add up, and yet so many people are blindly trusting the narrative and attacking others for questioning the “facts.”

Have you learned nothing?

Those of us questioning things are doing what we have been doing this entire time , which is why we have been able to expose their crimes and corruption and quite literally become the news.

Trump is back, yes, but the Deep State is still fighting, and they will continue to fight until the very end.

Regarding Philadelphia, just like with the 9/11 attacks, there appears to be no plane debris (again), yet so many people believe it was a plane, even though it looked and sounded like a missile.

Seriously. Have you ever before in your life seen a plane come barreling through the sky and crash that fast?


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