Dit is een rake opmerking:
I’ve illustrated examples of feminine solipsism in many a post, but to really understand it, you have to read the responsive comments of women when they are presented with an objective observation, critical of women in General, how they solipsistically interpret that “attack”, personally reinterpret it in their personal experience, and then re-offer their interpretation as a generalized (i.e. universal) truth.
Hier nog een keer:
I’m only outlining a process and observing a feminine social convention. Obviously I don’t have to defend the observation, but LivingTree’s response highlights the typical female reaction to, an ego-invested, gender-specific offense. Process the objective in a personalized context, reinterpret the intent of that objectivity (imply bias), defend the feminine, defend the ego and then re-generalize the corrected universal interpretation in as feminine-positive a way as possible.
Oh, and if you can add a bit of masculine shame into that re-generalization (for daring to have been critically objective about the feminine in the first place), all the better.
Klopt helemaal, zelf ook talloze keren meegemaakt (ook hier op dit forum). Je maakt een algemene opmerking over vrouwen, een vrouw neemt het steevast persoonlijk op en antwoordt vervolgens in generalisaties over mannen, bij voorkeur met een onderhandse sneer. Dat is nou vrouwen'logica'!