
Hier beschrijft hij de 'trad thots':

What’s going on here is the knowledge that something is seriously wrong with women is starting to become widespread. A great many men are looking at women who display warning signs and avoiding them. More often, they are taking steps to prevent relationships from becoming too deep (ie, they avoid monogamy, avoid living together and avoid marriage like the plague). This causes a problem for the average predatory female. The worst can’t get a man, at all. And most find that all the desirable men are putting severe limits on their power over them. So, to cope with this, they have come up with the “woman who is the exception” phenomena. What they do is present a facade that they aren’t like all the other women. They go out of their way to present themselves as normal, mentally healthy, committed and loving. Unfortunately, it is a lie. As soon as you surrender even the least bit of power to them, they reveal themselves as just like everyone else. Women who actually are the exception are EXTREMELY rare. Women who pretend to be the exception are common as dirt (and you WILL meet one, trust me). You cannot tell the difference. You will find yourself in a bad situation with no power to prevent it.


Mannen beginnen steeds meer door te krijgen hoe schadelijk de meeste, zo niet alle, vrouwen zijn, zeker in het westen. Hierdoor zijn ze meer op hun hoede en stellen ze hogere gedragseisen aan vrouwen voordat ze zich aan hen willen verbinden. Sociale kameleons die ze zijn passen vrouwen zich aan en PRETENDEREN ze de 'uitzondering op de regel' te zijn, de zogeheten 'trad thots' (hoerige types die net doen alsof ze traditioneel zijn). Behoort Lauren Southern hier nu wel of niet toe? Daar zijn de geleerden het nog niet over eens...



Waar is de media? Ik hoor het geluid van krekels. Dat wordt nog wat met Oud en Nieuw!

Ik ga dit nog vertalen - Arthur Schopenhauer over vrouwen, 1851 (!):


No is the magic word that will protect you from women…..today. No, we won’t get married. No, you can’t move in with me. No, I don’t want to meet your parents. No, that kid isn’t mine. No, you can’t have any money. No, I just don’t want a monogamous relationship. No. No. No. No. NO.



Long story short, a lot of these harassment accusers—be they real or phony victims—aren’t looking for justice. They don’t want their harassers tried in a court of law for their criminal misdeeds; they want free and easy money. They couldn’t give a shit about their dignity, all they’re seeing is dollar signs and quite possibly the ability to salvage their sagging careers under the auspices of a trendy hashtag.

Why else would anyone drudge up alleged sexual misadventures that took place in the late 1970s, or suddenly spill the beans about gross harassment incidents after 20 years of working with the alleged pervert? The statutes of limitation have long since passed, and the only three things that can come out of such accusations are public sympathy (itself a precious commodity for many a washed-up or never-was actress), the public shaming of their alleged abusers (which I suppose can also be considered a commodity of sorts), and out of court pocket change.

Isn’t it just a tad suspicious that—despite Roy Moore holding public office for almost 30 years—it wasn’t until he ran for a national congressional seat that a deluge of supposed rape victims came out of the woodworks to shame him off the U.S. Senate ticket? Where were these women when he was running against Luther Strange, or jockeying for a seat on the Alabama State Court—you know, the one he was apart of for only 20 years?

That none of his accusers are pursuing legal actions in the aftermath of his Senate defeat tells you everything about their underlying motives, doesn’t it?

Despite there being scores of men—Matt Lauer, Mark Halperin, Charlie Rose, Louis C.K., Garrison Keillor, Tavis Smiley, etc.—getting fired for alleged sexual misconduct over the last few months, to the best of my knowledge none of them have actually been arrested for sex crimes. Indeed, in most cases absolutely zero proof has been presented to the public backing up these claims.

Ours is a cultural milieu where the powers that be tell young women that men commenting on their smile constitutes a form of verbal sexual assault, while women who publicly call for the mass genocide of male babies are considered level-headed freedom fighters for gender equality.


New York Times: Vice blijkt #metoo-safe space waar vrouwen vrezen voor seksuele intimidatie
Vice: het afvoerputje van het afvoerputje van de nieuwe media


Vice-bazen bieden officieel excuses aan voor #metoo-gedrag op Vice-redactieburelen
'Sorry voor de seksistische bedrijfscultuur'


The bottom line is women have no real power, no intrinsic power. They are totally, completely and permanently dependant on men for power. This situation is deeply rooted in our biology and not going to change because some wacko broads think it should. We created this hobgoblin ourselves, feed it and keep it alive despite it’s obviously odious nature. The very moment we stop, it will evaporate in a puff of smoke. Women know this. Their biggest fear is we will wake up and know it too.


Een studie van het nationale bureau voor criminaliteit in Frankrijk wees uit dat meer dan 220.000 vrouwen gedurende twee jaar werden lastiggevallen, gekust en seksueel werden mishandeld in het Franse openbaar vervoer.


Door 'jongeren'. En het heeft beslist niets met de islam te maken. :roll:


Strong, healthy patriarchal societies protect women and string rapists up under the nearest tree. They also take a dim view of false rape allegations. When a society is sick, good men are unable/unwilling to dispense justice, and evil men are free to do bad things. But that pales in comparison to what happens in a society like ours where women actively select evil men, giving them preference above all others, especially rapists. Under these conditions, the number of evil men multiplies and are empowered.


Helemaal waar, het is FEMINISME dat verkrachting in de hand werkt, omdat het de rol van de man als BESCHERMER ondermijnt!

Slachtoffers die de Europese Unie aanduidden als ‘een absoluut broeinest van seksuele intimidatie’, waar ambtenaren en Europarlementariërs – sommige al zeer op leeftijd – jonge vrouwelijke stafleden oneerbare voorstellen zouden doen, hen seksueel intimideerden en in sommige gevallen masturbeerden in hun aangezicht, zeggen dat de instellingen van het blok hebben geprobeerd om hen tot zwijgen te brengen en het misbruik verdoezelen.


Er zit evolutionair een steekje los aan vrouwen. Na 100 jaar feminisme is dit nu openlijk zichtbaar en dit is wat je krijgt:


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