
Why So Many Men Are Checking Out Of Society:

People respond to incentives, and women are typically an incentive for men, but modern women are often arrogant, foolish, unempathetic and promiscuous and therefore do not provide a sufficient incentive for responsibility taking.

Is it really fair to expect men to commit to women with impaired pair bonding ability who were raised poorly, who will fight you along the way on everything and act like more of a combatant than a helpmate even if you are sufficiently competent and dominant? No. They fail in their godly duty as much as modern men do.

What many modern women are blissfully unaware of is that they inspire psychic disgust rather than endear - they are spiritually (not sexually) unattractive to men, and hence many men would rather avoid them than help them.

Women are meant to attract, inspire, nourish - and modern women are bereft of these qualities because they are out of touch with their femininity, have attachments to previous romantic partners, are stressed out by working in the world of men, and often arrogant and resentful about their lot in life.

They lack gratitude, they are neurotic, they complain, they are arrogant - not all of them, no, but far too many of them, enough to generalise the matter - now ask yourself, would you want to spend your life with someone like that? Is it a fair ask? Dangling the carrot of sex only gets you so far.

Quite simply, it is the responsibility of fathers to cultivate viable marriage worthy daughters - and millions of families have failed utterly in this endeavour.

And you can't expect women to realise this and work on fixing the issue, because women are low agency and blame shift rather than take the initiative. Women will never turn society around, even if you blast this into every woman's brain everywhere. They, like sheep, need to be led. This is not polite to say, but ask yourself if it's wrong - can we rely on women to get us out of this mess? Of course not. They are our burdens, not our redeemers. They're not capable of leading a society, only dismantling it - hence the necessity of patriarchy.

So men, like Jesus, are expected to sacrifice themselves for the sins and failures of others, for a society that denigrates them, that undermines their authority and fails to give them deference, honour, position as the head of the home, and a solid repeatable track in life to achieve status.

Society will not provide men with good women IN ORDER to inspire them to break the cycle at any sort of scale, no, essentially, they are being asked to take these broken women - these non-virginal women, these arrogant women, these women with attachments to previous men who have stupid ideas about life and are argumentative and insufferable and build a family with them. But would you want to build your castle on shifting sand? Do you think the average modern woman is seriously deserving of economic and psychological investment as part of a lifetime commitment given their level of delusion, combativeness, ingratitude and entitlement? Is it a fair ask?

The men of yesteryear were asked to serve in gruelling mechanised warfare against other industrial powers where they were mowed down in their millions, the men of today are expected to pick up the broken pieces of civilization left by boomers who ruined the west economically with offshoring and the commoditisation of property into a speculative asset whilst simultaneously socially uprooting Christianity and supplanting it with wokeism, and so men, once again, are expected to sacrifice themselves for a society that doesn't even respect them, constantly besmirches them, and affords them little honour, position or dignity, and all of this is being asked of men who often weren't even provided stable and masculine fathers themselves.

Today's men are expected to build paradise from ashes, with little assistance from God, the state, any sense of brotherhood or often even their own broken families.

They are asked to make something from nothing, whilst being constantly undermined and denigrated by "polite" society.

And many modern women will not give up the power and status they've achieved through feminism without a fight even though submission is woman's ultimate calling - that's why they have to compartmentalise between their sexual personality and their everyday one.

And that's not to say men shouldn't try to build something beautiful with a wholesome woman, that they shouldn't try to build beautiful and intelligent families, of course not, that's the dream of many men - it simply bears worth considering all the variables when complaining about men's unwillingness to commit - there's some pretty good reasons for it, and the people most affected by the problem (not women, they're just the most vocal in complaining) are expected to fix it, even though it was previous generations of men that caused these issues.

Is it fair to be born into the mess caused by previous generations and tasked with achieving what they failed to despite having less resources and social support than they did? No. But that's the harshest lesson of being a man - even if it's not your fault, if it affects you, it's still your problem. So what are you gonna do about it? Because women are never going to fix anything. They will just complain and keep failing until men fix the problem, even if they're part of the problem and why many men aren't incentivised to fix it.

And that's really what it means to "suck it up", because once again, as they always have been, men are being asked to suck it up - and some will take up the mantle and try to stack the deck and beat the odds, but many will say "fuck you", and understandably so.

You would have to be completely without empathy to not understand the plight of modern man - but of course, contemporary society doesn't listen to men, it just thinks it can shame them into compliance, rather than bargain with or incentivise them.

In no other other domain would you expect change without incentive - men then truly are being called to mirror Jesus in their actions, and it is for this reason I expect religiosity to rise in the coming decades.


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