
Girls typically say they don't plan on sleeping with you so you don't think she's a slut

In the morning, she will say she got caught up in the moment and never does this

If you don't make a move she will think you are a pussy and a faggot

You Might as well subscribe to her OF

We live in a world not unlike the one before it, designed to float an aristocracy on the backs of peasants. In order to enjoy the benefits of the most complex technological innovations the ownership class needs you to slave away learning technical subjects for years 7 hours a day 5 days a week behind a desk waiting away your youth absorbing academic minutia, at a school.

This unnatural environment is particularly damaging to boys, and it is partially why so many young men become addicted to the virtual world of video games. In a game The link between effort and reward is solid and it's fair. Do X get Y. It psychologically satisfies something young men don't see mimicked in real life. Fair play.

A game is instantly dead of people figure out some people have aiming bots or some way of cheating. People don't mind challenge, they'll do the most complex level of Undertale or Minecraft if it's fair. The fairness is what they need bc they don't have it outside the game.

In school you're obedience level will be graded before you are sent to an indoctrination facility that you have to pay for largely in the form of looming debts...

male simps are soul draining because they don't have the masculinity to be direct.

they stay like this for years and often times never admit to simping. because "they don't want to lose you"

97% of male friends have ulterior motives

males who simp are fundamentally weak; but the girl doesn't want to be 'mean' by dropping him because he refuses to be direct and she assumes its a friendship

so it becomes more a mother and son relationship and she will never respect him because of it

he spends everyday, for years, hoping for something to magically change


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