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Wells Fargo Warns Customers of ‘Incorrect Balances or Missing Transactions. Wells Fargo is absolutely the worst bank ever. They wrecked a 25 year relationship I had with them when they let the California government steal $42,000 directly from my bank account. California only has to believe that you owe them taxes and they can steal your money directly from your California bank account. I fled the State and luckily, got my money back. This was in 2014. Its much much worse now. Storing money in banks is insane. #TrueStory
Wells Fargo Warns Customers of ‘Incorrect Balances or Missing Transactions. Wells Fargo is absolutely the worst bank ever. They wrecked a 30 year relationship I had with...
Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) is vrijdag door de autoriteiten in de Amerikaanse staat Californië gesloten nadat het niet was gelukt om geld op te halen met de uitgifte van nieuwe aandelen. Daardoor kon de bank niet langer aan haar verplichtingen voldoen. De federale overheidsdienst FDIC is...