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If Credit Suisse and or Wells Fargo collapse, then that will have EXTRAORDINARY ramifications. A bank like SVB, or Signature, poses more of symptomatic risk, but not as much SYSTEMIC risk that is more likely to occur with the fallout of these larger banks.
Either one of those, would have the power to start a FULL collapse of the bank based financial system.
If Credit Suisse and or Wells Fargo collapse, then that will have EXTRAORDINARY ramifications. A bank like SVB, or Signature, poses more of symptomatic risk, but not as much SYSTEMIC risk that is more likely to occur with the fallout of these larger banks. Either one of those, would have the...
De koersen van banken en verzekeraars gaan hard onderuit op de Amsterdamse beurs en dat drukt ook de AEX-index. Oorzaak is de grote onrust rond de Zwitserse bank Credit Suisse.