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Things medical doctors won’t tell you:

There is no such thing as autoimmune disease.

It’s more aptly called “adaptive immunity”.

The immune system DOES NOT attack your own cells and tissues. This goes against what’s written on your DNA.

However, When the environment inside the body does not change the immune system adapts and stays active. When the liver and kidneys can’t keep up with detoxification and waste removal it’s compounded. And when the tissues associated are constantly undergoing damage from oxidative stress, infection, toxicity, and waste it WILL stay actively inflamed in a constant attempt to heal.

None of which really matter in the treatment if you can stop putting in toxins, restore CNS function and thus kidney and liver function, which in turn helps restore waste removal, and all essential nutrients uploaded consistently and daily.

What you eat and put in your body plays a huge role in the biochemical functions of the body - necessary to heal and operate systems.

For more information on how to perform a systemwide clean out to restore normal innate immune function it is necessary to detox and clean the body out - please read the liver and iodine protocols I have written here :


Iodine: which allows for full detoxification at high doses (use ONLY IOSOL FORMULA II)

Lastly, what you eat plays a big role. Stop putting in gmo foods, toxins, chemicals, preservatives, anything that is not considered a nutrient.
Eat to Live:

Western healthcare isn’t interested in healing you. They’re interested in long term pharmaceuticals.

This is why they tell you they “don’t know the cause of “xyz autoimmune disease”” and “there is no known cure”. LIARS.

Maybe THEY don’t know , but it is YOUR BODY that DOES KNOW how to regulate and regenerate itself- WRITTEN ON YOUR DNA.

Imagine this scenario:

If you had an injury to your hand and then you put a tourniquet around your arm and never took it off - what treatment, therapy, nutrient, drug, surgery, etc would work to heal your hand until you took the tourniquet off ?

None would work and your hand would actually progressively get worse.

Now imagine that same scenario, but instead of your hand being injured it’s your brain , and instead of the tourniquet on your arm, it’s around your brainstem and neural tube at the base of your skull , kinking off cerebrospinal fluid (circulatory system of your central nervous system encased inside your meninges).

This is the case for all people with the following “conditions”:
1. Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)
2. Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE)
3. Chiari Malformation Type 1 and 2

And what if it trapped metabolic waste and heavy metals inside your brain, unable to be filtered and cleaned out bc the CSF flow was altered, blocked, or stagnant?
This is the case for:
1. Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
2. Alzheimer’s
3. Dementia

And what if the nutrients to rebuild and grow new nerve tissue in the CNS then couldn’t be transported bc the CSF flow was altered, blocked, or stagnant?
This is the case for:
1. All neurodegenerative dis-ease processes

And what if neurotransmitters and neuroendocrine hormones that travel in CSF couldn’t be adequately transported or maintained inside the CNS?
This is the case for:
1. Depression
2. Anxiety
3. Parkinson’s
4. Essential Tremors
5. Schizophrenia
6. A multitude of mental health and cognition disorders
7. Insomnia
8. Hormone dysfunction
9. Thyroid, adrenal, reproductive organs, immune system, and kidney dysfunction

And what if your cranial nerves that control all vital functions and organ systems in the body sit directly in that space are directly compressed and squeezed off?

And since every nerve in your entire body also goes through this space like the main power conduit before it enters your brain to maintain constant communication in and out, and regulation for every cell and tissue in the body, including function, operational control, healing, and homeostasis for all things in the body - what happens if you directly squeeze off those nerves?
This is the case for:
1. Too many dis-ease processes to name

What therapy, treatment, surgery, drug, or nutrient is going to correct these problems until you take the tourniquet off ?

What if there is more than 1 tourniquet around this area ?

What if I told you that there is a lock on each tourniquet and to unlock it, like a locksmith, you have to figure out its unique combination (1 out of 108 possible combinations) in order to take the tourniquet off ?

What if I told you that it was recently discovered how to precisely and accurately find each combination to unlock the locks and remove the tourniquets, unlike ever before?

What if I told you that there are a finite number of tourniquets and once all removed you can restore ALL of it and your body will simply heal itself - like it was designed to ?

What if I told you that this process has never once failed to unlock the locks to remove all tourniquets - batting 1.000?

What if I told you there are currently 4 people in the world who know how to do this - and I’m personally one of them?

What if I told you this process saved my life and restored my health, as well for countless others already?

Not even kidding a little bit.

If you want more information and to have this done for you - read inside this substack


In rust ben ik niet duizelig, maar wel als ik ga lopen en onderweg ben.
Ik heb dit in huis van AOV. en een tijdje gebruikt. Weet het effect niet meer.
Ik ga het nogmaals uitproberen.

Laatst bewerkt:
Ik wil mijn medische dossier inzien en heb info hierover bestudeerd.
Maar hoe betrouwbar is die info?
We worden doodgegooid met info over betrouwbaar betrouwbaaren in the end is het gelogen en ligt de info op staat.
Is dat wel zo handig om te doen?
Laatst bewerkt:
Mijn laatste ontl. onderzoek gaf aan dat de PH waarde niet oke is.
Ik ben dus te basis. .
Ik dronk voorheen iedere dag 1 koffie en nu al een tijdje niet meer.
Dus ik zocht nu even naar de invloed van koffie op de PH waarde.
Ik wist van vroeger al dat die PH waarde best wel belangrijk is.
Het gemakkelijkste om te controleren is met die plastic stokjes in de ochtend-urine dopen.

Dat is JFK jr. toch?
Hij heeft bepaald geen zangerige stem. Ik kan dat eigenlijk niet aanhoren, is maar een kort bericht.
TOO many times, western healthcare has told people “we don’t know the cause of xyz disease” and “there is no cure for xyz disease”.

To the point that most people have NO IDEA what is possible when it comes to the body’s ability to heal.

We KNOW that simple things can heal on their own like cuts on our skin because we see it happen day in and day out our entire lives. But for some reason that logic stops there and people just trust that everything else “just can’t”—this just must be how it is.


I’d like to share a testimonial of a patient recently that shows off the absolute POWER of the human body to heal itself if you just provide the opportunity:

"As a 32yo you dont expect to hear a doctor say “you have Parkinson’s disease” but 5 years ago thats exactly what I was told. Now as a 37yo I have vivid memories of two MDs tell me there was nothing I could do, besides medication, to curb this disease. Needless to say, I didnt accept that…

Over the last 5 years I kept that disease relatively stable, with a relatively normal life…I did every natural remedy to try and reverse this awful disease, but found no silver bullet.

Paleo diet
Intense exercise
Every supplement that had potential
Red light therapy
IR therapy
Ozone therapy
B1 treatment

There are more, but you get the picture… then, in the middle of March, I found myself nearly bedridden. I could not play with my kids, I could not help my wife, and I could barely work. It seemed like it happened overnight….scary was an understatement.

I came across one of Dr C’s telegram posts explaining his method and it described the exact way I felt, so I booked an appointment..My first appointment was a Wednesday evening. When I walked in, I was very unstable, bracing myself on walls and using every single piece of furniture as a crutch. I needed assistance getting on and off the table and really struggled moving side to side.

During my first adjustment, while it’s hard to explain, I felt immediate feedback immediately afterward…I felt very woozy and discombobulated having to stay lying on the table for 10-15 min. That night I felt “drunk” with a massive headache which was uncomfortable but showed me it was working!

When I woke up the following morning, I could move much easier, in fact, I jumped up the stairs to my appointment. Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t 100% but my body felt different. I was able to move around easier and didn’t need so much assistance walking. This was the first time that I felt an immediate change in all of the therapies that I have done.

Since my first appointment (3/28/24), I have cleared 10 layers (in 4 appts) and I don’t know how long it will take to finish this, but I’ve never been so optimistic. My back is not as tight, neck feels loose, and have had little, if any, trouble getting in and out of a seated position.

I’m not going to lie, the healing process is not easy (as Dr. C told me), but this a great sign things are working. I am a true believer that this is going to allow my body to heal itself. If your doctor or anyone else told you, there is “nothing that they could do,” do yourself a favor and reach out to Dr C."

What a story!!!

Many people would probably say they don’t believe this is possible without there being some sort of miracle.

However, when you see the miraculous every single day, it becomes common place and you are affirmed over and over and over again that the healing power of your body, as designed by God, is second to NONE.

To be able to contact me or book an appointment, please click this link and follow the instructions.

Eventjes een opmerking omtrent rauwe melk. Wij hebben hier in de buurt een boer, die verkoopt niet biologische rauwe melk (Is dat dan A1 melk? Dat verschil snap ik nog steeds niet).

Maar in Akersloot bij het vertrouwen verkopen ze biologische melk, dat is natuurlijk beter. En smaakt ook lekkerder, verteert beter.

Drinken jullie allemaal biologische rauwe melk?
Eventjes een opmerking omtrent rauwe melk. Wij hebben hier in de buurt een boer, die verkoopt niet biologische rauwe melk (Is dat dan A1 melk? Dat verschil snap ik nog steeds niet).

Maar in Akersloot bij het vertrouwen verkopen ze biologische melk, dat is natuurlijk beter. En smaakt ook lekkerder, verteert beter.

Drinken jullie allemaal biologische rauwe melk?

Misschien helpt deze uitleg over A1 en A2:
Trek je er niet teveel van aan. Het is ook een marketingtruc volgens mij en veel boeren laten hun koeien niet op A1 of A2 testen want dat kost ze teveel.

Zit Loeigoeiezuivel in Eenigenbrug niet bij jou in de buurt? Als je met de boer[in] overlegt kan je daar wel terecht voor rauwe melk.

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