Globalisten & Cultureel Marxisme

Jan Roos: Wie rassen gaat tellen in kerstreclames, is zo racistisch als de pest

Opgepast! Doctor Endendijk dringt genderwaanzin op aan families: ‘geen blauwe en roze geboortekaartjes meer!’

Uiteraard een VROUW.

Er bevindt zich zowaar een scherpe geest onder de Domme Dwaze Sukkels:

Die Teunis Dokter is me al vaker opgevallen in positieve zin.

2018 – Het jaar van schizofreen links en het doorgeslagen deugen

2018 – Het jaar van intens tere zieltjes!


Zoals altijd dweept links graag met wetenschap wanneer het hen uitkomt, maar ontkent het wetenschap als het hen niet welgevallig is:

Ontslag dreigt voor prof die genderstudie-fraude blootlegde dankzij hilarische neponderzoeken

ALSTUBLIEFT! Inclusieve jeugdboeken bij GeenStijl
Bah. Kinderboeken met blanke kindertjes. Niet meer van deze tijd!


Vreemd, socialisme betekent juist welvaart, vrede en gelijkheid, dat weet iedereen

Kinderen iets leren over trouw? Nee, hoor. Vergeet het maar. Egocentrische Peter vertelt een schoolklas vol kinderen trots hoe hij naast z’n vrouw ook het bed deelde met allerlei maitresses. Maar Peter kan zichzelf wel in de spiegel blijven aankijken, want hij noemde het een “open huwelijk”. Dus het was geen vreemdgaan, hoor!


Forumlid bastiaan en ik zijn het over zo'n beetje alles eens, behalve over Ayn Rand. Ik beschouw haar als een kille sociale darwinist. Gelukkig heb ik nu een beschouwing gevonden van Ben Shields (The Right Media) die precies mijn positie verwoordt:

Ben Shields legt zijn probleem uit met anarchie:

Indrukwekkend hoe zo'n jong iemand met zulke filosofische uiteenzettingen op de proppen komt!


According to the APA, “traditional masculinity ideology has been shown to limit males’ psychological development, constrain their behavior, resulting in gender role strain and gender role conflict and negatively influence mental health and physical health.”

The association blames this masculinity for the fact that 90 percent of homicides in the US are committed by men, and for the fact that men are over three times more likely to die from suicide than women. Boys are also far more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD than girls and suffer harsher punishments for misbehaving in school.

As such, the APA is instructing psychiatrists to change how they talk to their male patients. Clinicians, the association says, must be aware of and challenge “dominant masculine ideals,” and “combat these forces.

Zucht. Had trouwens beter gepast in de topic Feminisme.

Quelle surprise - the American Pychological Association is volledig overgenomen door VROUWEN:

De huidige directrice is een 'woman of color', met de gebruikelijke doopzeel:

Davis’ scholarship has focused on the power of inclusion, multicultural vocational psychology, ethics and living well in a diverse society. She has served on the editorial boards of several journals, including currently on the Journal of Career Assessment. She is the author of numerous articles and book chapters on career counseling and has co-edited two books. She is a co-founder of APA’s National Multicultural Conference and Summit, which takes place every two years.


Davis’ professional awards include the Janet E. Helms Award for Mentoring and Scholarship, the Authur S. Holman Lifetime Achievement Award, the Charles and Shirley Thomas Award, the Dalmas A. Taylor Award, APA Award for Distinguished Contributions to Institutional Practice, the APA Society for the Psychological Study of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Issues mentoring award, the Tennessee Psychological Association Len Handler Award for Distinguished Research Psychologist and two APA Presidential Citations.

En dit was haar voorganger:

Daniel has long been concerned about the small number of research psychologists who are people of color. In 1999, with a vision of a mentoring program for women of African descent, she obtained funding from the National Institutes of Health, the Kellogg Foundation and Harvard Medical School for the Next Generation Program, an ethnically based mentoring program for early career women of color who are committed to research careers that focus on adolescents.

In 2009 and 2011, Daniel served as a faculty member of the Diversity Leadership Development Workshop, an initiative of Div. 31.

Daniel’s career has focused on instruction, training and mentoring. Her contributions as a mentor were recognized by Harvard Medical School in 1998 when she received the A. Clifford Barger Excellence in Mentoring Award — the first woman, the first person of color and the first psychologist to be so honored. She is the recipient of mentoring awards from the American Psychological Association of Graduate Students (1999), the Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues (2003) and the Society for the Psychology of Women (2006). Beginning in 2007, the latter award was renamed the Strickland-Daniel Mentoring Award. She also received the 2001 Distinguished Alumni Award from the University of Illinois-Urbana, the 2002 APA Distinguished Award for Education and Training, the 2004 MPA Kenneth D. Herman, PhD, JD, Career Contribution Award, the 2006 Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers Award for Excellence in Psychology Diversity Training, the 2008 Committee on Women in Psychology Distinguished Leader for Women in Psychology Award, the 2010 Caldwell-Colbert Clinical Educator Award (APA Society of Clinical Psychology), and the 2010 Ivan Mensh Award for Distinguished Teaching (Association of Psychologists in Academic Health Centers). In 2010, she received the Harvard Medical School Harold Amos Faculty Diversity Award in recognition of her instruction and training programs that address diversity issues at Children’s Hospital. She is a 2011 recipient of the Elizabeth Hurlock Trust Award, which honors inspirational professors. Also in 2011, she received the Samuel M. Turner Mentoring Award from Section VI (Clinical Psychology of Ethnic Minorities) in Div. 12 (The Society of Clinical Psychology). Daniel is an APA fellow.



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