Globalisten & Cultureel Marxisme

The liberals of the 1960's were anti-war
The liberals of the 1970's were anti-government
The liberals of the 1980's voted for Reagan
The liberals of the 1990's were pro-individual freedoms
The liberals of the 2000's were anti-GMO, anti-vaccine, and pro-organic food

The liberals in the 2020's became that which they were fighting against.

We have to have an open border because Alejandro Mayorkas had family in the Holocaust.

We have to defend Israel because “Never Again” the Holocaust.

We have to go to war in Ukraine because Putin is just like Hitler.

Free Speech and sexual morality have to be curtailed because they might lead to another Holocaust.

White people collectivizing will lead to another Holocaust.

So no, you can’t question the Holocaust.

None of my early life friends would come out as trans.

In fact, 95% of ny early life friends are all still married and have 2-4 kids each.

Nobody relates to this story created by Hollywood.

Directed by a Jewish man.

Why does Hollywood green light this garbage?

I’ll tell you why, cause they don’t care about the money. They can make much more producing a film everyone related to.

They don’t though, because Pedoworld, is hired by a cult, a cabal, that wants our family values destroyed, and our children lost and sick.

They want you fat, hooked on drugs, weak, and gay.

No warriors or strong women.
They can’t have that.

Today everyone is talking about the money the tenet media received from a Russian that wants to meddle and create chaos in our country, when are we going to talk about Hollywood and the money they receive from foreign countries to divide, and make our people sick.

Fuck this movie, fuck Hollywood, and fuck all of you who promote this garbage.

Save your kids.


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