het smelten van de ijskappen

Sneeuw in Mexico Stad!


Al die kou wereldwijd komt natuurlijk omdat de aarde opwarmt:


Mike Rivero:

They never quit!

This article is in error in saying that only the eastern US saw record cold and snow. That is not true. Capracotta, Italy received 100 inches of snow in just 18 hours, and we had a blizzard on the Big Island here in Hawaii just yesterday!

Back in 2000 the global warming Carbonazis were screaming that snow was a thing of the past. But, they cannot admit they were wrong about human-caused global warming without losing their reputations and funding, and science has a long history of promoting major goofs for long periods of time, rather than admit error.

Alchemy, for one.

Phlogiston Chemistry, for another.

Prior to the 14th Century Astronomers thought the Earth was the center of the universe, because, well, that's what the church wanted, and spent hundreds of years of scientific research on the theory of Epicycles; which holds the record for longest running scientific goof!

17th Century doctors thought rubbing chicken dung into your scalp would cure baldness! They also thought leeches sucked disease out of patients.

18th Century Geologists thinking the Earth was 6000 years old, because, well, that's what the church wanted!

Prior to the 1950s, scientists thought proteins carried our heredity.

Until the 19th Century, doctors though infection was caused by bad air.

Scientists claimed cigarettes were good for you up until the 1950s. They even had a machine to pump tobacco smoke into your anus...

... the origin of the phrase "blowing smoke up your a**!"

Until 2005, doctors thought ulcers were caused by stress.

National Geographic should not be questioning why people do not trust science after its own 1999 "Piltdown Chicken" scandal!

Science is not perfect. Science does make mistakes. The beauty of science is supposed to be that they admit it, not use the label of "science" like a modern religious icon to push agendas onto people! Anyone who says the "Science is settled" is not being scientific, they are being propagandistic!

You are witness to one of the greatest frauds perpetrated on the people of planet Earth, to trick them out of their money and into obedience under the guise of the fight against Human-Caused Global Warming (now rebranded "Human Caused Climate Change" to explain away the icicles we were told were not going to happen). The global warming scare was concocted out of outright lies, purchased science, and scare mongering to trick you into being willing to pay carbon taxes to solve a non-existent crisis you were told was all your fault. And, of course, to lull you into accepting the dictates of a global government that needed to save the Earth from you icky-poo human beings.


Boston heeft zijn eigen sneeuwrecord gebroken:


Dankzij de opwarming van de aarde natuurlijk. Als je dat gelooft, heb ik nog wel wat sneeuwpoppen voor je te koop!

Nu de sneeuw eindelijk aan het smelten is in de V.S. en het daar ook lente wordt, is er een reeel risico op overstromingen:


Als het in de zomer loeiheet is, welk gedeelte van je huis is dan het meest warm? Nee, geen strikvraag, dat is natuurlijk het hoogste gedeelte, want warmte stijgt naar boven. Hoe leg je dan uit dat de dieptes van de oceanen de vermeende 'opwarming' in zich zouden hebben opgenomen? Dat valt ook niet uit te leggen:


Mike Rivero hierover:

Of course, this claim betrayed how little science the global warming people really know. Warm water RISES TO THE SURFACE. Even if there were some mechanism to "hide" warming in the deep ocean, it could not stay there due to convection.


Aanhangers van de gobal warming-fabel kunnen niet om de ongewone kou en sneeuwval in het noordoosten van Amerika heen. En dus beweren ze glashard dat dan ook de enige plek ter wereld is waar het ongewoon koud was:


Mike Rivero (whatreallyhappened.com) hierover:

Nonsense! One town in Italy got 100 inches of snow in a single 18 hour period and last Friday we had a blizzard on the Big Island here in Hawaii that required the evacuation of the observatories! The Mexico City-Puebla freeway was closed by snow just a few days ago!

En het is nog niet voorbij:



De Amerikaanse mainstream media zitten volop in damage control-modus:


Mike Rivero:

There is a flood of these stories in local media all across the country that make the same claim, "Yes, it was really cold here where you are, but everywhere else it was roasty-toasty warm because of human-caused global warming, and just because YOU are still shoveling the snow from your driveway is no reason at all for you to ever, ever, ever, EVER, doubt the divinely revealed dogma from Al Gore!"

So far I have found similar media stories all across New England, Colorado, and even here in Hawaii.

Dit is wat er werkelijk aan de hand is:


Om de dictatoriale politieke agenda omtrent 'klimaatverandering' nog maar eens te benadrukken:

Een beetje drastisch is het voorstel om een ijspegel te gebruiken om Al Gore op zijn plaats te zetten wel, maar de strekking van het filmpje is duidelijk:


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