Ik ga er maar even van uit dat het klopt wat je zegt. Beste Rhoss, nu.nl citeren als waarheid zal je hier niet ver brengen. Hier zijn we van de Weston Price-lijn en dit is wat zij schrijven:
A study published in July, 2001, for example, found that breastfed children in Japan had more asthma than bottle-fed infants.1 A European study found that breastfeeding was not related to iron status in one-year-old children. Those with the best iron status were those who received iron-fortified formula.2 A Swedish study found that breast fed infants were just as likely to develop childhood cancer compared to formula-fed babies.3 In fact, babies breastfed for one month or more had a higher risk of non-Hodgkins’ lymphoma, although this finding was based on low numbers of cases. A study from Norway found that breastfeeding did not provide protection against frequent ear infections.4 A report in Pediatric Clinics of North America noted that many breastfed babies suffer from failure-to-thrive and dehydration.5 The author warned: “Those who enthusiastically promoted breastfeeding for its many health benefits must confront the reality of breastfeeding failure and implement necessary changes in medical education and support services to foster successful outcomes in breastfed infants.”
Only one study carried out during the past two years found a clear-cut benefit for breastfeeding. Researchers at the Harvard Medical School found that children who were breastfed we much less likely to be overweight as adults.6
Studies on the relationship between breastfeeding and cognitive skills are mixed.7 Some studies have shown that breastfed infants are more intelligent while others show no difference. Critics contend that better cognitive scores in breastfed infants are due to the fact that mothers with higher levels of educational attainment are more likely to breastfeed.
Formula manufacturers are quick to use the lackluster performance of breastfed children as proof that formula is “just as good” as breast milk. Breastfeeding advocates retort that the studies were designed to give results that benefit the formula makers. Our interpretation is the following: the diet of modern American women is so appalling, and their preparation for successful breastfeeding so lacking, that their breast milk provides no better nourishment for their infants than factory-made formula.
Korte samenvatting: In tegenstelling tot inheemse vrouwen doen westerse vrouwen totaal niet aan een zorgvuldige voorbereiding op de zwangerschap middels voeding. Hierdoor is hun moedermelk van een even slechte kwaliteit als poedermelk en biedt het idd weinig tot geen bescherming tegen astma en andere aandoeningen. Deze studies bewijzen dus niet het tegenovergestelde, nl. dat borstvoeding van een uitmuntende kwaliteit wel degelijk kan beschermen tegen allerlei aandoeningen.