
⚡️BREAKING: Al-Qassam Brigades spokesman Abu Obaida:

"We bless the unique operation carried out by the Yemeni Armed Forces this morning, which targeted a military objective near "Tel Aviv." We also highly appreciate the stance of the dear Yemeni people alongside their brothers in Palestine, and their readiness to make sacrifices for this cause.

The nature of the weapon used in the operation, the type of target it struck, and other details shared with us by our brothers in Yemen represent a significant shift that will have important implications for the course and outcomes of the Al-Aqsa Flood battle.

The Zionist entity, still mired in the quagmire of Gaza and failing today, along with its allies, to thwart or intercept even a single missile, is far too weak to expand the war to new fronts. From these fronts, it will face thousands of missiles and many surprises. Such a foolish step would mean that Netanyahu is steering his crumbling entity towards a certain catastrophe."

BREAKING: The Yemeni Armed Forces reveal footage of the new "Palestine-2" hypersonic ballistic missile, which targeted Occupied Yaffa ("Tel Aviv") on September 15th 2024:

🚨Specifications of the "Palestine 2" missile:

● Hypersonic missile
● Range: 2,150 kilometers
● Operates with solid fuel in two stages ("2-stage")
● Equipped with stealth technology
● Speed reaches Mach 16
● Possesses high maneuverability that surpasses the latest and most powerful air defense systems in the world, including the Iron Dome.


▪︎ I am pleased to write you this message on the occasion of the Prophet's birthday while we are jointly engaged in the blessed Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood.

▪︎ The Al-Aqsa Flood dealt a strong blow to the Zionist project in the region as a whole.

▪︎ I am pleased to thank you for the sincere emotions, overflowing sentiments, and firm determination that we have seen from you in the Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood.

▪︎ Palestine awoke to the news of your operation as part of the fifth phase of your participation in the Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood.

▪︎ I congratulate you on your success in reaching the depths of the enemy's entity with your missiles, surpassing all layers and defense and interception systems.

▪︎ Your operation deep within the entity reignites the momentum of the Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood and its impact on the heart of Tel Aviv once again.

▪︎ Your exceptional operation sent a message to the enemy that the plans for containment and neutralization have failed, and that the impact of the support fronts is becoming more effective and influential.

▪︎ The heroes of the dear Yemeni army excelled in developing their military capabilities until they reached the depths of the usurping entity.

▪︎ I extend my greetings to the great Yemeni people, who throughout their history have not ceased to support our Palestinian people and their just cause.

▪︎ The arenas of dear Yemen still bear witness to the Yemeni people's stance on the Palestinian cause weekly since the beginning of the Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood.

▪︎ Our people in the Gaza Strip are living between suffering from aggression and siege and the heroic resistance led by the Qassam Brigades.

▪︎ The Qassam Brigades conducted the October 7th attack with unparalleled skill and have been engaged in defensive battle for a whole year, exhausting the enemy and dealing it heavy blows.

▪︎ I assure you that the resistance is in good condition and that what the enemy declares is nothing but lies and psychological warfare.

▪︎ We have prepared ourselves for a prolonged war of attrition that will break the enemy's political will, just as the Al-Aqsa Flood shattered its military will.

▪︎ Our joint efforts with you, our brothers in the valiant resistance in Lebanon, and the Islamic resistance in Iraq will break this enemy and lead to its defeat.

Credit: @AFYemeni


Plaatje stelt een Amerikaanse MQ9 Reaper Drone voor. Kosten: ca. 30 miljoen dollar per stuk. Jemen heeft ee reeds 10 van vernietigd. Dat is 300 miljoen dollar schade en de projectielen van de Houthi's kosten een fractie van wat de Amerikanen kwijt zijn.


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