Judy Wood Where did the towers go? [Audiovideo]

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This man's name is Rick Rescorla.

22 years ago today, Rick disobeyed orders, and saved 2700 lives.

Rick was the head of security for Morgan Stanley in the South Tower of the World Trade Center. He warned that the Towers' basements were vulnerable to attack.

His warnings fell on deaf ears.

Then the 1993 attack happened, and people started listening to him.

After that attack, Rick implemented regular evacuation drills, using his megaphone to direct the thousands of employees out of their offices, down the stairwells, and out of the building to safety.

Born in Cornwall, Rick would sing Welsh and Cornish songs from his megaphone, as he directed the employees out of the building.

He would routinely tell all of the employees: in an emergency, no matter what chaos is happening around you, no matter what anyone tells you, leave your offices, go down the stairwells, and leave the building.

Rick told his wife Susan that he suspected another attack on the World Trade Center would happen, this time by air.

And 22 years ago today, on September 11, 2001, that attack happened.

When the first plane hit the North Tower, the Port Authority announced over the South Tower's speaker system "Please do not leave the building. This area is secure."

Rick ignored them.

"The dumb sons of b------s told me not to evacuate," he said to his best friend Dan. "They said it's just Building One. I told them I'm getting my people the f--k out of here."

And so Rick picked up his megaphone as he had done so many times before, told his employees not to listen to the orders, and directed them out of the building.

His Cornish songs helped keep their nerves calm as they evacuated, even after the second plane hit their Tower.

Once he had successfully evacuated his employees, Rick went back to look for survivors.

But first, he called his wife Susan.

"Stop crying. I have to get these people out safely. If something should happen to me, I want you to know I've never been happier. You made my life."

Rick rushed back to the South Tower.

That was the last time anyone saw him alive.

All but 6 of the more than 2700 Morgan Stanley employees survived.

Had they obeyed the Port Authority, they would all be dead.

Thankfully, they listened to Rick instead.

Rest in Peace, Rick. Thank you for your service.

An important clip in retrospect showing how much Trump really knew about 9/11 and the aftermath.
He knew that Saudi Arabia were one of the main countries behind 9/11 and he was hinting at it here. Now think about what happened when Trump got into power. He immediately applauded and worked with King Salman to arrest the old guard in SA. You have to wonder if the masterminds were put to heel in that moment and few even knew.

Trump asks a simple question: Why can't we find Osama Bin Laden:

"Pakistan probably has Osama Bin Laden. Think of it. You have a six foot six Arab and we can't find him. Who's on a dialysis machine. With all of our so called intelligence we can't find Osama Bin Laden. There's something wrong...He may be housed, frankly, in Saudi Arabia because you think SA is our friend. Nobody hurts us like Saudi Arabia."

The director of the CIA said that the evidence showed a slam dunk that Iraq was carrying Weapons of Mass Destruction yet that was proven to be a complete sham.
A reporter confronted Bush on this lie:

"It seems that no one ever paid for that (WMD lie). We went to war largely on that basis...We sent young men and women there who were killed... So the American people began to lose confidence in their government."


"I can see that. I was responsible. I wish we would have found weapons of mass destruction. I believe that free Iraq is going to transform the Middle east. I think somebody is going to look back and thank goodness the United States believes in the universality of freedom and liberated 25 million people and gave the Iraqis a chance to have a free society."

The CIA, the establishment and the military industrial complex played the people for fools.
We didn’t even invade the country responsible for 9/11. It was all a sham and Bush is a war criminal. If there is one thing I agree with liberals on it is this: The Bush family is pure evil.

Wedden dat ze weer met die bommen en thermiet aankomen? Ik dacht dat het veilig zou zijn voor Judy Wood om over DEW's te spreken m.b.t. 9/11, maar na een dagje op X zie ik.dat de 'wakkeren" NOG STEEDS verliefd zijn op hun eigen theorie! Waarom zijn ze wel overstag m.b.t. Maui maar niet 9/11, terwijl EXACT DEZELFDE fenomenen waar te nemen zijn? Ik heb maar 1 verklaring: mensen doen aan collectieve en individuele (zelf)programmering, die verhindert dat ze 'out of the box' kunnen denken.

Wedden dat ze weer met die bommen en thermiet aankomen? Ik dacht dat het veilig zou zijn voor Judy Wood om over DEW's te spreken m.b.t. 9/11, maar na een dagje op X zie ik.dat de 'wakkeren" NOG STEEDS verliefd zijn op hun eigen theorie! Waarom zijn ze wel overstag m.b.t. Maui maar niet 9/11, terwijl EXACT DEZELFDE fenomenen waar te nemen zijn? Ik heb maar 1 verklaring: mensen doen aan collectieve en individuele (zelf)programmering, die verhindert dat ze 'out of the box' kunnen denken.


Misschien omdat ze denken dat het heel lang geleden is en ze toen nog niet over die techniek beschikten?
Geen idee.

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