Judy Wood Where did the towers go? [Audiovideo]

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Gage is sounding more ridiculous every day. First he uograded his 'nano thermite' to 'superthermite' (whatever the hell that is), now the architects and enigineers were so high on acid that the buildings were able to withstand earthquakes and other harsh conditions for over 30 years. The buildings were also designed to withstand the impact of not one but several commercial planes in the event of one or more accidentally crashing into the buildings. But Gage wants you to believe the construction was faulty, when really it's only his logic which is faulty. Something else caused this to happen. And no, it wasn't explosives or Gage's magical thermite. It was a free-energy weapon, otherwise known as a DEW. Research Dr. Judy Wood to find out more and ignore this 🤡.

On 9/11 there was at least one, likely several teams of Israelis sent to video tape the attack. They were observed by multiple witnesses with a video camera.

Afterwards, they drove away from the Doric apartment complex- according to the later detained Israelis, they made a stop somewhere and met with someone, then got gas- then were arrested later that afternoon.

Based on reading all the declassified FBI documents multiple times- I speculate that they handed the video camera off to their handler at that first stop. Because that was their primary mission. The photographs they were caught with, that are now the famous dancing Israeli photos were their own souvenirs and thus remained with them after meeting their handler.

The FBI later executed search warrants looking for this video camera, and never found it.

Somewhere in some secret file in Israel, they probably have secret video footage of the attacks.

Once the investigation heated up- someone very senior at FBI stepped in and closed the investigation down and deported the Israelis. They later appeared on Israeli TV where one of them had a Freudian slip and said “we were there to document the attacks” on live TV.

Don’t take my word for it- do the research for yourself. You can start at the original FBI files archives here:

9/11 then became the justification for us taking out Israel’s number one enemy at the time for them- Iraq- despite Iraq having nothing to do with 9/11.

They love to remind us of 9/11 as it was successfully pinned on their Arab enemies because the lead hijacker conveniently left a bag in the airport for us to find with a complete list of all the hijackers names and a passport somehow survived the blasts that melted steel beams and brought down the towers. It was found in the street of downtown New York somehow and given to police.

Nothing weird about that at all.

This is not to mention the massive Israeli spying operation on US soil the year leading up to 9/11 called the Israeli art students. Where hundreds of teams of Israeli spies were posing as art students and walking into government buildings to “try to sell art” - yes you are reading that correctly.

They were walking into government offices, like DEA for example, and trying to gain access to buildings to conduct surveillance. They were also approaching government officials homes and doing the same thing trying to gain access to their homes. Probably fishing for anyone that could be bribed or subverted.

This happened hundreds of times in 2000 and 2001.

Here is the full DEA report archived:

Normally I would agree with you. I'm usually not one for character assassination, but this is personal. Gage is part of a team of disinfo artists led by Steven E. Jones, whose job it was to present their phony thermite theory as well as to discredit Dr. Judy Wood.

Dr. Wood is the ONLY one who carried out an independent forensic analysis into what happened to the towers on 911. Neither thermite nor explosives can explain why the towers vanished into dust in mid air, why there was very little rubble and why there was very little seismic impact.

Dr. Wood noticed several anomalies which happened that day which seemed to defy the laws of regular physics. If these laws don't fully apply, then we must think outside of the box. For example, high amounts of tritium were detected in the atmosphere, yet a Geiger counter did not pick up high levels of radiation.

The only explanation which does make sense is Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR), otherwise known as Cold Fusion. This doesn't officially exist, but in March of 1989 Utah University scientists Pons and Fleischmann presented their findings on this. Guess who discredited them back then? Steven E. Jones!

Fast forward to 2005 and Jones, Gage, Fetzer and others come onto the scene as 'Engineers for 911 truth' with a specific job: discredit Judy Wood, who discovered that this free-energy technology does exist and was weaponized to vaporize the towers. Gage was part of this gang of gatekeepers and he's spreading his thermite nonsense to this day.

Can you see now why this is personal? It's his turn to be discredited now and it's long overdue.


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