HEART BREAKING! Unbelievable that the fucking IDIOTS in the medical community are absolutely destroying women's lives. Look at this freak doctors face while his victim is melting down. This is pure evil. Fuck the entire RADICAL LGBTQ+++XYZ IDIOTS who AFFIRM the mental disorders called GENDER DYSPHORIA! This is the EVIL Cody Rhodes, CM Punk and Will Osprey support. Fucking demented. Praying for this young woman's salvation. 🙏

At what point have we gone too far with tolerance?

I believe consenting adults should be allowed to mostly do what they want as long as it doesn't hurt others

I also don't to be forced to look at naked gay perverts and definitely don't want our children to be

We already have laws against public nudity and public sex but it's not enforced with gays

Remember when Democrats and LGBTQ activists preached to us that it was important to teach kids about adult toys, adult acts, including very fringe ones … because that would teach them about consent, and that’s the only effective way to teach them about “bad touches”? Apparently, toys for insertion are necessary for kids to learn their no-go zones.

Clearly, it is not necessary, and people have been teaching their kids about bad touches just fine, without them seeing a book with a boy performing an act on another boy

One such Democrat activist is this guy. Head of Maryland’s LGBTQ Democrats, and a professional visitor of Biden’s White House staff. This is who Democrats are … Michael Knaapen.


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