It is truly unbelievable what's happening in the west atm.
Today in San Francisco, grown men were allowed to walk around with their penis' out in front of CHILDREN.
There's video footage of this everywhere but I will not be sharing it.
Here you have a cop saying it's fine for a man to have his penis out in front of a kid as long as he's not masturbating.
But you know what, a couple years from now, masturbating in front of children will probably be legalized.
Because it would follow the pattern of how we reached this point.
First society said:
“We only accept relationships between a man and a woman, anything else is unacceptable.”
Then a fringe group said:
“We want you to accept same-sex relationships!”
Initially society said no, but after a while society allowed it.
Then society said:
“Marriage is only between a man and a woman, anything else is unacceptable.”
Then a fringe group said:
“We want you to accept same-sex marriages!”
Initially society said no, but after a while society allowed it.
Then society said:
“You're either born a man or a woman, this cannot be changed.”
Then a fringe group said:
“We want to change sex!”
Initially society said no, but after a while society allowed it.
Then society said:
“There's only 2 genders, male and female, this cannot be changed.”
Then a fringe group said:
“We want you to accept unlimited genders! People should be able to identify as whatever they want and use whatever pronouns they want! Throw biology out the window!”
Initially society said no, but after a while society allowed it.
Then society said:
“Adults can't be naked with their genitalia out in front of minors.”
Then a fringe group said:
“There's nothing wrong with having our penis' out in front of children! It's a way of expressing ourselves!”
Initially society said no, but after a while society allowed it.
Now, if you showed the society that allowed homosexual relationships where we are now, they'd be horrified!
So how did we reach this stage?
The line was moved once.
And as soon as the line moved once, it made it so if could be moved an infinite amount of times.
Every time it was moved, everyone said "oh this is it now, this is our set of morals that we'll follow."
But it never was.
And following this trajectory, things like pedophila may also become normalized.
We're already hearing terms like MAPs (Minor Attracted People) because some feel the term pedophile is too offensive!
Western governments fear religion becoming mainstream again, because God's law means that line is set in stone, and cannot be moved.
CR: @TaylerUSA