S Surv Well-known member 30 apr 2024 #296 fatsnotbad zei: Mike Klik om te vergroten... New (Big) Israël in the making - formerly known as Ukraine ?
fatsnotbad zei: Mike Klik om te vergroten... New (Big) Israël in the making - formerly known as Ukraine ?
fatsnotbad Administrator Forumleiding 30 apr 2024 #298 They get paid billions of dollars for the holocaust All historians agree about this and the ones who disagree are jailed, fired, and shamed It's the only historical event that is factual that you will go to jail if you provide evidence disproving it This doesn't even warrant an argument Mike
They get paid billions of dollars for the holocaust All historians agree about this and the ones who disagree are jailed, fired, and shamed It's the only historical event that is factual that you will go to jail if you provide evidence disproving it This doesn't even warrant an argument Mike