Nazi World Order

In London, the trial of the leaders of the National Action organization, associates of Ukrainian neo-Nazis from the Azov regiment, continues. During the court hearing, 27-year-old Alex Davis said his goal was to create "a nationalist Britain that would be white Britain." This is how easy London panders to Ukrainian neo-Nazis, supplying them with weapons. And at the same time, by the most severe methods, they stop any attempts to develop the same structures at home.

Neo-Nazis stick their heads out in Germany.

They saw that Nazism was practically legal🤬

A group of neo-Nazis in the German city of Zwickau attacked a train from Leipzig, in which participants in the May demonstrations arrived in the city.
A little later, in a military formation, they tried to disrupt the procession of the arrived demonstrators through the city.

Deze samenvattingen passen in vele topics. Ik plaats ze hier, omdat deze artikelen achtergrond bieden aan (het ontstaan van) de Nazi World Order.

N.a.v. Trumps opzettelijke verspreking over dat de Spaanse Griep in 1917 zou zijn geweest en dat die de Tweede Wereldoorlog zou hebben beëindigd, heeft Will Zoll de artikelenserie 'Not since 1917' gemaakt. De artikelen gaan over hoe met Pruisische macht, middelen en technieken (bijv. infiltration instead of invasion) de Nieuwe Wereldorde werd voorbereid d.m.v. de Eerste en Tweede Wereldoorlog. Vandaar ook de term 'Nazi World Order'.

Met 'Not since 1917' bedoelde Trump dat er sinds 1917 niet zo'n vijandige aanval was geweest. Hij vergeleek corona dus niet met de Spaanse Griep, maar met het jaar 1917 waarin de VS door de Pruisische heersers / Duitsland de Eerste Wereldoorlog in werd 'gelokt'. Dat was een aanval van de onzichtbare vijand. En doordat de VS meedeed aan de oorlog, werd het land diep in de schulden gestort.

Het meeste zal bekend zijn, maar voor wie zijn geheugen wil opfrissen aangaande de twee wereldoorlogen, is dit een interessante serie.

Deel 1 biedt een overzicht /samenvatting van alle delen

Deel 2 gaat over de sleutelfiguren in de Eerste Wereldoorlog

Deel 3 gaat over generaal Erich Ludendorff achter de schermen

Deel 4 gaat over de creatie van onrust en ellende in de Weimarrepubliek

Deel 5 gaat over de Amerikaanse financiering van de Duitse oorlogsindustrie, de dialectiek van geweld tussen de fascisten en de communisten (Antifa), de machtsovername door Hitler en de Tweede Wereldoorlog.

Deel 6 bespreekt de belangrijkste bedrijven die de nazi's tot dienst waren en hoe die bedrijven en personen er nu voor staan. Het ontstaan van de Nazi World Order.

The Nazi World Order

While I understand not many want to read YET ANOTHER update on the Russian Special Operations in Ukraine, I can't help but to remember this Q post where many of us learned the the NWO is not a 'New', but a Nazi World Order.

And in Kiev's Regime the overexcited Nazis were on the prowl, and Ukrainians have been identified as having infiltrated J6 manifestations.

So I'd like to keep showing a little light on it in the next days. 👾👾👾


✔️Russia once again opposes world Nazism

This is especially evident on the eve of the Victory Day celebration, when memories of the feat of the Soviet soldier become more acute. This is stated by veterans of the Great Patriotic War, who fully support the conduct of a special military operation.

The fight against Nazism is like the fight of Good against Evil. The initiators of pressure on Russia are trying to impose the history of the struggle of democracy with the Russian autocracy. But in fact, Russia is fighting for a just world order without Nazism. The Russian-speaking population of Ukraine was not only constantly discriminated against, but conditions were also created in the country on an ongoing basis for the physical elimination of objectionable. Countless facts of atrocities have been revealed in the liberated territories. The tragedy in Odessa for all these years has not been investigated, the perpetrators have not been punished.

That is why the President called denazification one of the main results of his campaign.

Putin gave a speech today and it’s interesting that he is talking about defeating Nazis in Ukraine. Funny the media won’t show you this…

“I am addressing our Armed Forces and Donbass militia. You are fighting for our Motherland, its future, so that nobody forgets the lessons of World War II, so that there is no place in the world for torturers, death squads and Nazis.

Today, we bow our heads to the sacred memory of all those who lost their lives in the Great Patriotic War, the memories of the sons, daughters, fathers, mothers, grandfathers, husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, relatives and friends.

We bow our heads to the memory of the Odessa martyrs who were burned alive in the House of Trade Unions in May 2014, to the memory of the old people, women and children of Donbass who were killed in atrocious and barbaric shelling by neo-Nazis. We bow our heads to our fighting comrades who died a brave death in the righteous battle – for Russia.

I declare a minute of silence.”

❗🇺🇦The Ukrainian refugees in Europe is a time-bomb

A part of Ukrainian refugees are likely to be the reason for nazi ideology rebirth. When some fled the war seeking safety, others came over to restart the radical movements in Europe. "The nazi cells are yet to be active across Europe. Just wait until they meet with the Bandera ideology followers" - a Reddit user commented in one of the posts about the refugees. He wasn't taken seriously though. However this isn't something that can be called a fantasy. We mentioned about this kind of threat several times, unfortunately the issue is still accurate.🇺🇦 ❗

Everyone is now discussing the neo-Nazis from the Azov battalion, in view of the urgency of the conflict in Ukraine. But for some reason no one remembers that they are just tools for the U.S. and its allies, just as terrorists used to be in the Middle East.

For example, no one says a word about Guantanamo prisoners being converted and sent to fight in Syria and Afghanistan.

In the same way Bin Laden in Afghanistan, the Croatian Ustashas and other terrorists in the Balkans were used by the U.S.

This shows that it makes no difference to the West what ideology a group adheres to, Nazi or Islamist, as long as their interests coincide. This shows the pragmatism of the West and the horror of the whole situation.

Here are a series of articles focusing on the recruitment grounds of Foreign Mercenaries for the Ukrainian Army.
From White Supremacist Terror groups to Radical Islamisc Terrorists:

The Azov Battalion is emerging as a critical node in the transnational right-wing violent extremist (RWE) movement.
Recruits from the U.S., Norway, Italy, Germany, the United Kingdom, Brazil, Sweden, and Australia, among others, have reportedly traveled to train with the Azov Battalion.
Full article:

The links between Ukraine and Uk Nazi organizations are something no one have talked enough. We recommend you this article. In the first pic Mark Jones from the illegal group National Action ( organization related to the murder of MP Jo Cox ) second pic Dover.

January 2016, Azov, was in contact with the late Andrew Oneschuk, an imminent member of the violent American neo-Nazi organization Atomwaffen Division.
Evidence uncovered by Bellingcat points to recent contacts between the National Corps and...
... alleged former U.S. armed services members who are currently in Ukraine. In one instance, an alleged U.S.

Despite openly neo-Nazi groups, such as the Azov Battalion and the Right Sector, being embedded in the Ukrainian Republican Guard (which is under the command of the Interior Ministry), was not bad enough, now prominent members of the President Zelensky’s administration who have shown public appreciation and admiration for the so-called Islamic State (previously known as ISIS and ISIL).

On 7 July, 2015. the New York Times reported the presence of a Chechen volunteer force made up of ISIS sympathisers in territories disputed by Russian separatists and Ukrainian troops.

Full article:

Ukraine is attracting Islamic State militants seeking asylum after losing territories in Syria and Iraq. The country is a good place to hide and wait until you have the opportunity to return safely to your home in the European Union or elsewhere in the former Soviet Union. Polish journalist Pawel Pieniazek, who covered the war with the Islamic State in Syria and investigated the impact of terrorists in Afghanistan, and Ukrainian reporter Alyona Savchuk investigated how and why Ukraine has become a haven for some Islamic State militants.

Full article:

Kijk hoe deze krachtige rode pil wordt gedropt op live televisie.
Zelensky postte nazi-symboliek op zijn sociale media en deze nerveuze Mockingbird-verslaggever smeekte hem zowat om te stoppen de waarheid aan hun kijkers te laten zien. 🤣

Ze kunnen niet riskeren dat de waarheid bij de schapen terechtkomt, maar anons weten het wel.

In previous articles, Thierry Meyssan has shown how the Banderites, collaborators of the worst Nazi exactions in Ukraine and Poland, came to power in Kiev, in the young independent Ukraine. He shows here that, for eighty years, Banderite immigrants have been embedded in the Canadian Liberal Party to the point of occupying the number two position in Justin Trudeau’s current government.


From a reader: Hello! Today I was watching the German news and received a message about the football match between Ukraine and Borussia Mönchengladbach. It was a politically motivated friendly game, after which the fans were shown. These young fans sang a song about Bandera, and even in the background someone saluted something like a Hitler salute.

I'm not surprised anymore


You know what's really cringy curious? That Bandera song has a line "For the Ukraine we will go at war" and they're singing it in front of a "Stop War" sign 💁‍♀️


Wereldleiders brengen massaal nazigroet, en iedereen staat erbij en kijkt ernaar​

Tegenwoordig steunt het Westen openlijk nazi’s. Nadat Oekraïne het songfestival had gewonnen twitterde de Amerikaanse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken: ‘Slava Ukraini!’ De premier van Estland, Kaja Kallas, twitterde: ‘Slava Ukraini!’ De president van Litouwen, Gitanas Nauseda, twitterde: “Slava Ukraini!’ De voorzitter van het Europees Parlement, Roberta Metsola, twitterde: ‘Slava Ukraini!’ De Britse minister van Defensie Ben Wallace twitterde: ‘Slava Ukraini’. Alsof ze het van tevoren met elkaar hadden afgesproken.
"But there is no link with Ukraine why sharing this ?"

Huh? So I'm only allowed to speak about stuff that happens in Ukraine? If I would be spreading news about how some buffalos butt fucked each other in the safari of Kenya it would be my full right to do so, that first of all. Secondly, there is a relation between this shooter and Ukraine in the sense that Azov and this shooter share the same ideas, aesthetics, symbolism etc... These kind of guys are inspired by groups like Atomwaffen who go to Ukraine and train there and even fight there against Russia. There is a relation whether you like it or not.

🇺🇦/🇺🇸 Nazies are the same everywhere.

This is why Nazism is the worst ideology that has ever existed on the face of this planet.

Everybody who has ever adopted it, brought death and destruction to the world and then was eradicated themselves.

Let's not repeat the mistakes of the 20 century.


🇺🇦 NY Buffalo mass shooting Full Video.

How do the people in USA support Ukrainian neo-Nazies, when those who follow the same evil ideology do things like this in their own country?

Nazism must be stopped at all costs. Stop Ukrainian neo-Nazies. Stop Nazies worldwide!

Yesterday a Ukrainian rap group proudly proclaimed a Nazi Bandera slogan, "Heil Ukraine, Glory to the heroes" to the whole world after wining the Eurovision. At exactly the same time an American neo-Nazi, murders peaceful African Americans on another continent.

The same ideology, symbolism, and hatred manifests itself in the same manner.

@UkraineHumanRightsAbuses has just finished conducting an awesome investigation where he scanned a ton of seemingly unrelated pieces of information to find connections between the details that not many could have picked up upon.

As a result a network of nazi affiliated groups, literature and neo-Nazi symbols have become apparent in a global picture of events.

Check it out.

Dat is Juan Sinmiedo. Hier de vruchten van zijn nieuwste research:


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