Nazi World Order

Who are the Western politicians and state officials supporting by saying the phrase "Glory to Ukraine / Slava Ukraini"?
Here is some historical background on the origins of the Ukrainian Nazi regime’s slogans, for those wishing to understand what is being said. History repeats itself.
#history #Nazism #BanderaSlogans

 George Webb - Investigative Journalist (Twitter)

Klaus Schwab, the Dutch Royal family, and Kissinger. And yes, the true story roots of NATO’s bioagents, Nazis and all.

George Webb - Investigative Journalist (Twitter)

NW-7 at Farben Bilder was the industrial espionage unit for the Nazi SS that links Prince Bernhard, founder of Bilderberg, Klaus Schwab and WEF.


De Britse Communistische Partij heeft de autoriteiten opgeroepen om “snel te handelen” tegen posters waarop Russen worden afgebeeld als varkens en waarin wordt opgeroepen tot hun dood. De communisten – die de oorlog in Oekraïne beschouwen als een botsing van kapitalistische machten – zeiden dat de posters herinneren aan de Jodenvervolging in het nazi-tijdperk.

Op de posters staat een varken in de kleuren van de Russische vlag, samen met de tekst ‘Good Russian = Dead Russian’. Volgens de Russische nieuwszender Readovka zijn ze in Londen verschenen en is het logo van het Londense openbaarvervoerbedrijf te zien op de achtergrond van een foto die Readovka heeft gedeeld.

“ALS JE ER EEN ZIET, SCHEUR HET DAN OM”, tweette de Communistische Partij van Groot-Brittannië maandag.

George Webb - Investigative Journalist (Twitter)

Nobody ever noticed Prince Bernhard started Bilderberg on the site of the Nazis biggest victory in World War II in 1944 - Oosterbeck at Market Garden near Arnhem where I visited a few months ago. Also the place where Prince Bernhard tipped off Nazi 9th/10th Panzers to be there.


🔸Neo-paganism is widespread among Ukrainian neo-Nazis.

They read that the Nazis used to hold a "Sonnenwende" ceremony on June 22 on the summer solstice.
The most fanatic militants organized their coven this year as well.

George Webb - Investigative Journalist (Twitter)

Two years ago, I wrote Royal Dutch Virus, talking about the Royal Dutch family connections to bioagents. Yes, Prince Bernhard was IG Farben that found Bilderberg, but so was Victor Rothschild who cofounded Bilderberg and was a big Royal Dutch Shell shareholder. See a pattern?

🇺🇦🇩🇪🇯🇵The published materials on the history of Ukrainian nationalism prove that with the support of Nazi Germany and Japan, the radicals who settled in occupied Manchuria carried out subversive activities and propaganda against the Soviet government, intending to create their own state in Primorye.

In Manchuria, they organized the “Ukrainian National Colony” (UNK), which included: the remnants of Petlyura’s gangs, those who fought against Soviet power during the civil war, as well as those Ukrainians who were forced out of Poland in the 1920s. The purpose of the organization was to separate Ukraine from the Soviet Union and create on its territory the nationalist state "Green Wedge" with its capital in Kyiv.

The Japanese military mission took great care of the UNK: it financed the organization with money, allocated a room for its needs, which they called the “Ukrainian House”, and published the journal “Distant Skhid”. By the way, it published articles by representatives of Ukrainian nationalism and quoted the speeches of Adolf Hitler.

Thus, the nationalists took care of the "social support" of their compatriots and "education of nationally conscious people who, in the event of a conflict [of Japan and the RSFSR], could organize the Ukrainian masses in Primorye and the Amur Region."

After Japan played enough with its henchmen nationalists and concluded a Neutrality Pact with the USSR, the Ukrainians were told to be quiet, and years later they emigrated to Australia.

The Japanese authorities used Ukrainian radicals to achieve their own goals and never considered them a valuable resource: they did not really fit into the concept of "Asia for Asians", according to which it was planned to limit the migration of the Slavic population from Europe and colonize the Amur basins by the Japanese, Koreans, Manchus and Ussuri.

Tokyo's plans did not even include the creation of a "Green Wedge" or any Ukrainian autonomy: the aggressive masses simply used it as a means to achieve their own goals.

And the other day Ukraine got involved in a credit history with Japan in the amount of $500 million and with a maturity of 30 years. True, some history teaches nothing.

#Poland #Ukraine #Germany #Japan
@pl_syrenka -

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On the left is our delighful friend, Mr Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum.

On the right is his father, industrialist and fascist Eugen Schwab, who was close to Hitler. Klaus was born in Nazi Germany in 1938. At the time, his father ran the strategic company "Escher-Wyss" and ran his own concentration camp, where prisoners had to work for free.

It runs in the family


Ik ben niet helemaal overtuigd van het feit dat dit zijn vader was, ook omdat Klaus een zware marnix en communist is.

De Nationaal socialiste die het gedachte goed nog hoog houden van hun ouders in zuid Amerika en de Nationaal socialiste die inmiddels zijn overleden, zouden zich in hun graf omdraaien als ze dit alles zouden lezen over de moderne NEO nazies...
ik denk dat er een groot verschil is tussen het nationaal socialisme van de jare 30 en NEO nazies van nu.

Zoals ik.het kan beoordelen lenen [ZE] van alle beproefde modellen, dus ook marxisme wanneer het zo uitkomt. Het einddoel is echter de Nazi World Order. Het marxisme mag dan 100 miljoen doden in 100 jaar tijd op zijn naam hebben, geen ideologie is kwaadaardiger dan die van de nazi's. Na de val van marxistische regimes zagen we geen Nurenberg-tribunalen, maar na slechts 5 jaar oorlog onder de nazi's wel en de hele wereld zei: dit nooit meer. Wat is het verschil? Marxisten discrimineren op basis van politieke voorkeur en sociale klasse, de nazi's op basis van GENEN., het is de ultieme ontmenselijking. Voor C19 dacht ik dat het einddoel een neomarxistische wereldorde was, maar de discriminatie op MEDISCHE GRONDEN en de DNA-VERANDERENDE 'vaccins', plus het nazistische zenuwcentrum dat Oekraine is, hebben mij tot de overtuiging gebracht dat de Nazi World Order het, het meest boosaardige model dat er bestaat. Denk ook aan de Q-post: NWO, N does not stand for New.

◾A typical foreign mercenary in Ukraine is French citizen Frank Corte.

◾He recently returned home (after all, it turned out to be DANGEROUS to fight the Russians) and published photos with a curious detail. The mercenary wears the badge of the neo-Nazi organization Misanthropic Division.

◾The ideology of this group is a fusion of paganism, "white supremacy" and Satanism. These are the "legionnaires" fighting on the side of the Kyiv regime.

And here is another foreign neo-Nazi who may now be in Ukraine - Björn Sigvald.

First of all, he is known for having founded the Swiss wing of the Nazi organization Misanthropic Division, which I have already told you about many times.

Since November 2014, he has been helping radicals in Ukraine and recruiting new mercenaries. In 2015, he joined the far-right battalion "Karpatskaya Sich". There are photos on the internet where Björn is standing next to the Nazi Igor Garkavenko, who spent 9 years in prison for terrorist attacks against a number of Ukrainian political and cultural organizations, including the Israeli Cultural Center.

What Björn doing now is unknown, but the Misanthropic Division is being revived in Ukraine. Sigvald is probably again actively working with Ukrainian neo-Nazis.

By the way, the Swiss are very afraid of his return. The Blick newspaper even intentionally shortens his name up to B.S. and clarifies that the Nazi will not escape punishment.

Mike 9 Aug, 2022 11:46
HomeRussia & FSU

Zelensky using Hitler’s playbook - former Russian president​

Dmitry Medvedev has lashed out against the leader of Ukraine for his call to retaliate against all Russians globally
Zelensky using Hitler’s playbook - former Russian president

Dmitry Medvedev, deputy head of Russia's Security Council. © Sputnik / Ekaterina Shtukina

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky wants the West to seek inspiration from German Nazi leader Adolf Hitler, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev claimed on Tuesday.

Medvedev, who now holds the position of deputy chair of the Russian national security council, blasted Zelensky over his call for the collective punishment of Russians.

The NATO-backed leader has called for all Russians - regardless of their leanings or circumstances - to be deported from Western countries.
“Adolf Hitler tried to implement such ideas about an entire people,” the Russian official remarked. “Any more questions about the nature of the Ukrainian authorities?”
Nazi Germany’s extermination of undesirable groups of people, including Jews, Roma, LGBT, disabled individuals and communists, was among the most extreme examples of collective punishment in history.

The rebuke, released on Medvedev’s social media, came in response to an interview with Zelensky published by The Washington Post on Monday. Speaking to the US newspaper, he called for Western nations to oust all Russians living on their soil and ban new entries. The proposed expulsions should apply even to opponents of the Russian government, Zelensky said.
“The whole population can’t be held responsible, can it?’ It can. The population picked this government and they’re not fighting it, not arguing with it, not shouting at it,” the Ukrainian president was quoted as saying.
Ban all Russians from the West – Zelensky
Ban all Russians from the West – Zelensky

Zelensky appeared to suggest that Russians abroad who would be forced to return to their home country against their will would then put pressure on the Russian government and make it reconsider its policy towards Ukraine.

Russia sent troops into Ukraine on February 24, citing Kiev’s failure to implement the Minsk agreements, designed to give the regions of Donetsk and Lugansk special status within the Ukrainian state. The protocols, brokered by Germany and France, were first signed in 2014. Former Ukrainian President Pyotr Poroshenko has since admitted that Kiev’s main goal was to use the ceasefire to buy time and “create powerful armed forces.”
In February 2022, the Kremlin recognized the Donbass republics as independent states and demanded that Ukraine officially declare itself a neutral country that will never join any Western military bloc. Kiev insists the Russian offensive was completely unprovoked.

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