
Ukrainian govt official had to give a TV speech to "remind everyone that we are a European army... We treat POW according to Genevra convention..." Keep watching the video after his appearance.

Russian POWs lay down on the floor all of them with wounds on the legs or knees... It's the aftermath of previous video a couple of days ago. Check the soldier with the urban camo trousers. People had argued before that they where not bleeding when shot in previous video.

Sterker nog, die Endloesung had op 8 maart moeren gechieden! Er was een grootscheeps offensief gepland door de nazi's in de Donbass. Dit was een dusdanig schofterige provocatie geweest dat Rusland geen andere keus had gehad dan om hardhandig in te grijpen. De media zou dit hebben uitgelegd als 'Russische agressie' en het was de lont geweest in een kruidvat dat tot WO3 had moeten leiden. Poetin was hiervan op de hoogte en greep op 24 februari in met een verrassingsaanval. Nu zijn het de nazi's zelf die van de aardbodem geveegd worden. Kijk naar de beelden om te zien waar deze onmensen toe in staat zijn. Wat mij betreft kunnen ze geen aanspraak doen op mensenrechten, tenzij ze tot inkeer komen.

Laatst bewerkt:
🇷🇺🇺🇦 The first video from the crash site of a downed helicopter in the sky over Mariupol.

15 died at the crash site, two survived, tried to escape, but were detained. The helicopter flew into Mariupol for half an hour, landed and loaded people. It was not destiny to fly.

De volgende fase van de Russisvhe operatie is de definitieve denazificatie van Donbass:

The whole time the political elite class created in the USA, Canada, Germany, the UK, France, Italy, Australia, New Zealand and about a dozen other countries I'm to tired to mention were calling their own citizens "Nazis" or worse for resisting their insane woke Great Reset bullshit, they've been laundering all their money in Ukraine where it was being protected by a government that uses ACTUAL NAZIS to oppress it's own citizens.

They won't be able to walk down the street when this is over.


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