
Mariopol staat op het punt om volledig door de Russen ingenomen te worden:

PANIC! Russisch olieveld aangevallen:

Dit zal ze duur komen te staan:

💥💥💥💥💥💥💥Latest video by the Ukraine Nazis calling all White Nationalists to support the Ukrainian cause. He calls Zelensky a Jew, a fag#@t and the worst of liberals values.
He says that Ukraine is the only country where White Nationalists can fight with weapons for their ideas.

Gaan we nou een internationale stroom van nazi's krijgen naar Oekraine? Mooi, dan kunnen ze allemaal in 1 keer worden geliquideerd door de Russen!

🇷🇺🇺🇦 A soldier of the 36th brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who surrendered, said that the Azov regiment seized power in Mariupol and shot not only civilians, but also other military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Dat komt omdat het Oekraiense leger voor een groot deel bestaat uit dienstplichtigen die daar tegen hun wil moeten vechten.

🇺🇦⚡In Odessa, the commander of the defense was caught in an orgy with a transvestite.

In the underground brothel of the Odessa region of Arcadia, Colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Andrey Kislovsky, a deputy of the Odessa City Council from the Trust in Affairs party, one of the leaders of the local territorial defense, was spotted.

En weer meer beelden van burgers die vastegetapet worden door nazi's:

🇷🇺⚡Putin was informed about the situation in Belgorod, where a fire broke out at an oil depot after an airstrike by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Peskov said.

The air strike of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the oil depot in Belgorod “does not create comfortable conditions for the continuation of negotiations” between the Russian Federation and Ukraine, Peskov added.

🇷🇺🇺🇦 The civilians of Mariupol wished the Ukronazi junta to feel all the suffering that the neo-Nazis inflicted on them: “Damn Poroshenko, Zelensky and all their henchmen.”

🇷🇺🇺🇦 Approaches to Azovstal filmed from a drone. It was there that almost all the remaining forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the national battalion "Azov" took refuge. It is there that the battle for Mariupol will end.

Tsjetsjenen roepen vrijwilligers op om zich aan te sluiten bij het leger.

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