
🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡Soldiers of the special forces of the Marine Corps of the DPR (384 OMRP SpN) demonstrate the abandoned form of the Nazis. For the purpose of maximum camouflage in order to pass through the checkpoints of the DPR, militants from the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the National Guard steal even panties and socks from civilians.

🇷🇺🇺🇦 Ukraine is teeming with all sorts of Nazi evil spirits. The so-called battalions "Azov", "Aidar", "Right Sector" and other nationalist formations are now facing the threat of extinction. The Chechen security forces, together with the Russian servicemen, are gradually eradicating each member of the national battalions. No compromises and concessions, they have only one way, short, but extremely painful. ⠀

Mariupol residents give their opinion on Zelensky and Poroshenko and talk about the fact that Azov is holding up in a factory with tons of chemical products like ammonia.
Another video translated from the same Twitter source. We know that source watches this space and we want to preserve its privacy. It's a private account. We are extremely thankful for finding the videos with Spanish subtitles.

Russian army launched an airstrike on a maternity hospital in Mariupol. Back in March, this news was at the top all over the world.

A beauty blogger, Marianna Vyshemirskaya, who became the “face” of an alleged airstrike on a maternity hospital, recently admitted that there was no airstrike. Even the opposition’s media are talking about this. Vyshemirskaya confirmed the authenticity of this video message on her Instagram.
According to the her, neither she nor other women in the maternity ward heard any sounds of an approaching aircraft. Marianna mentioned that previous to the event, the Ukrainian soldiers sent all the doctors to their homes, and the pregnant women were moved to another building.
Vyshemirskaya also revealed that immediately after the explosion, she and other women were filmed without warning by an Associated Press journalist dressed in a military uniform and wearing a helmet. She did not give him permission to filming. But the reporter continued to take pictures.



The Russian military withdrew from Bucha, having previously left civilian casualties.

Stories about Bucha appeared in several foreign media outlets at once, which looks like a planned media campaign. Taking into account that the troops left the city on March 30, where was the footage for four days? Their absence only confirms the fake.

The video of the bodies is confusing: here at the 12th second the "corpse" on the right is moving his arm. At 30th second in the rear view mirror the "corpse" sits down. The bodies in the video seem to have been deliberately laid out to create a more dramatic picture. This is easily seen if you play the video at 0.25 of normal speed.

After Russian troops withdrew from Bucha, the AFU shelled the city. This may have also caused civilian casualties.

Mikhail Podolyak uses such staged footage as a pretext to request weapons from Western countries.

#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #FakeNews

De "bewegende hand" uit video hierboven zou een vuiltje op de voorruit van de auto kunnen zijn?
In de scherpere beelden ziet het er niet echt uit als een bewegende hand:


Link als text kopieren plakken in de adresbalk en dan Xen in bovenste link weghalen om te openen.

Het lijk dat opstaat in de achteruitkijkspiegel kan ook een vertekend beeld zijn door de randen zijn van de spiegel?

Neemt niet weg dat het alsnog fake/staged kan zijn.
En neemt niet weg dat wanneer het toch echt zou zijn, onbekend is wie de dader is. Zou net zo goed het Oekraïense leger kunnen zijn die wraak neemt op een pro Russische bevolking/saboteurs?
Als het toch een echte daad is door het Russische leger zou het kunnen dat die burgers terugtrekkende Russen de weg blokkeerde? Het is gewoon niet met zekerheid te zeggen.

Ik blijf onbeslist met deze video.

De Nederlandse media noemen zeer slinks niet wie de daad begaan heeft. Ze zeggen "Rusland trok zich terug en de straten lagen vol lijken", gezien de nonstop anti Russische propaganda dient de lezer dan aan te nemen dat het 100% een Russische daad is terwijl dit onzeker is.
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🇷🇺🇺🇦 "Fuel war" as part of a strategic plan to defeat the Ukrainian army

If you look at the situation without rose-colored glasses, but also without black ones, it can be noted that by advancing in several directions, the command of the Russian Army has achieved a significant depletion of fuel reserves in Ukraine. After that, large oil depots were destroyed in turn, which deprived the Armed Forces of Ukraine of the ability to effectively transfer troops and supply them with everything necessary.

In the final, a decisive blow was dealt to the Kremenchug Oil Refinery, which made it impossible for the Ukrainian group to leave the encirclement in the Donbass, which it is highly likely to fall into in the near future.

If Zelensky nevertheless gives a belated order to withdraw troops from the Donbass, the Ukrainian units will be forced to retreat on foot, as the equipment will simply be left without fuel.

De nazi's leggen mijnen in de akkers, zodat er geen voedsel verbouwd kan worden:

🇷🇺🇺🇦 100 tons of food from Chechnya were delivered to the residents of Mariupol from the districts of the city liberated from the Nazis

Nazi filmt zichzelf vlak voordaf hij met de grond gelijk wordt gemaakt:


Intel Slava Z post er ook over:

🇷🇺🇺🇦 A captured soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, tells how, under drugs, he fired at the residential areas of Mariupol on the orders of the GUR.

“I understood that I was shooting at civilians, but I was on drugs ... I had to follow orders”

Intel Slava Z post er ook over:

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