
Picture shared in Ukraine channels. The description said that the Russians left behind their wounded and weaponry... We are not going to discuss the veracity of this narrative. But we have questions, because in picture there is no wounded soldiers, only corpses. Also wounded soldiers don't lay like that. Doesn't look natural.

Since Biden's administration from hell could never win this proxy war, they have to try to win the narrative war.

Putin feigned an attack on Kiev, so he could do the work in the east and in the black sea southern areas. Now he shifted forces and is concentrating on an extended Dombas area.

US SoS Blinken has said Russian troops have already experienced "strategic defeat" in Ukraine, but the Russians guarantee the goals of the "special operation" will be "achieved in full". What goals? Denazification, Demilitarization, shutting down the biolabs, stopping the genocide of Russian-speaking people in the Donbas. It's very possible he will win in 4 weeks.

NATO clowns will say he didn't win, Mockingbirds will repeat it, and Russia will get away with the goods while the West tries to save face.

'Fresh US intelligence statements have emerged saying Russia wants to declare victory over the Donbas region by May 9th.'


Rusland laat de nepperij van Bucha en de moorden op Russische soldaten aldaar niet over hun kant gaan:

"Moon of Alabama has it right.

And I’m not going to talk about the Bucha Massacre anymore. I think that this timeline that Moon of Alabama put together — so obvious, I don’t know why I didn’t think of it before — puts this whole issue to rest.

The Ukrainians did it. Which Ukrainians? Who knows. But it wasn’t the Russians."

Here’s the full tweet, with all the links:

Laatst bewerkt door een moderator:
"More on Bucha:

(Referencing the video on my previous post, https://t.me/realCRP/4124)

Looking at the video more carefully, it seems that the “hand“ is a droplet of water that moves in parallax, giving the illusion that it’s a hand. At the same time, the body “getting up“ seems to be the distortion of the wide angle part of the mirror (many side mirrors in today’s cars have a wide angle part at the outside edge, so that drivers can see their blindspot, which makes objects distort and seem to move).

So those two clues that led me to believe that it’s a fake video seem to not be true.

However, I still do not believe that this video is true — I still believe it is staged and a hoax.

(This is literally the Gettier Problem in philosophy. Philosophy nerds will know what I’m talking about.)

Apart from the motivation of the Russians — meaning that they would have none to harm the Ukrainian civilians — the issue of why the bodies were strewn around the streets like that makes no sense, nor does the fact that you can’t see any of the faces or any wounds or blood. The bodies do not look crumpled up, the way they do in all the other videos of dead people that I have ever seen. The white bits of cloth used to tie up their hands are pristine and without any dirt or grime. Also, how some of the videos were so carefully shot — like a well-funded documentary — makes my Spidey sense tingle. They took the time to shoot incredibly well crafted videos — and didn’t bother to tend to the bodies, or even see if they were truly dead. (See next post.)

Finally, and the obvious: The Ukraine side consistently lies, and there is a clear public relations benefit to ascribing this “massacre” to Russia.

For all these reasons, I just don’t buy it. I still think that the “Bucha Massacre“ is a staged hoax."


"Look at this other video of the “Bucha massacre”:

It is incredibly well-crafted, with very expensive lenses, high production value, extremely expensive — and delicate — cameras.

The weird thing is, if they just discovered these bodies, why the high production value cameras?

Why did they take the time to shoot such a well crafted video — instead of tending to the bodies, and making sure that they were all dead?

Why are all the bodies undisturbed? In such a situation, people usually drag the bodies out of the street, and usually put them side-by-side. Certainly the military would do that, if only to allow for military vehicles to pass through the street. But they remain in the middle of the street. That just doesn’t make sense.

You do not see any blood, any gore, and the bodies are lying very “tidy”. Again, doesn’t make sense.

I have enough experience with film production, video production, videos of dead bodies, and the lies of the Ukraine side,to be fully convinced that this is a staged hoax."

Fake Zelenski Media toont lijken in Boetsja die net zo dood zijn als een crisis acteur.
Niet alleen legt de man rechts zijn arm op zijn buik maar in de achteruitkijk spiegel zie je dat hij al gaat zitten.

Enkele slachtoffers in Bucha droegen witte banden.
(Alles automatisch vertaald vanuit het Russisch)

"Over Bucha

Het Ministerie van Defensie meldt dat ons leger op 30 maart Bucha heeft verlaten. Zelfs als we het niet geloven, maar op 31 maart bevestigt burgemeester Anatoly Fedoruk van Bucha dit, de video verschijnt op 1 april op het kanaal van Oekraïne 24. Al die tijd praat niemand over de straten bezaaid met lijken.

Op 1 of 2 april was er in Bucha een groepering van Sergei Korotkikh (Boatsman). Wie is Botsman lees hier. (https://t.me/mnogonazi/7701?single) Hij schrijft ook niet over lijken op straat. In zijn video lege straten met vernielde apparatuur.

Tegelijkertijd was de plaatsvervanger Jean Beleniuk er. Op de foto die hij lacht, is er geen informatie over de lijken in zijn sociale netwerken.

Bovenstaande zijn objectieve feiten. Het blijkt dat "Srebrennitsa" daarna begon te worden geklonken.

Op de foto en video zijn er lichamen met witte verbanden. Dergelijke armbanden werden door omwonenden gedragen als teken dat ze vreedzaam waren en soldaten niet bang voor hen konden zijn. Misschien werden ze behandeld als onze handlangers.

Dan hebben we het nog niet eens over professionele foto's met ideale hoeken en een geverifieerd perspectief, want objectieve informatie is er genoeg."

Video en foto's:

"Waarom "bloedbad in Bucha" een provocatie is. Beschikbare video van een abonnee na mijn berichten."


Nog een slachtoffer met witte band.
(Automatische vertaling is krom)

"Hier is nog een vermoord met een witte armband in Bucha. Nog een bewijs van de brutaliteit van de terbats in de stad, die ze Rusland proberen op te hangen. En hangen natuurlijk. Wie zal daar zulke "onbeduidende" details begrijpen (https://t.me/sashakots/30761)."

🇺🇦🇺🇲⚡An American journalist said that the Ukrainian authorities want to push the US and NATO to war with Russia

According to journalist Michael Tracy, using propaganda materials about the killings in Bucha, Kyiv wants to attract Washington and the countries of the alliance to participate in the hostilities.

🇺🇦⚡ Here's more evidence. Bodies in Bucha with white bandages - an identification mark of the pro Russians. The Armed Forces of Ukraine fired at people without considering whether they had weapons or not. The main thing is that they are wearing white bandages, which means that this is an enemy. international journalists, open your eyes. It was not Russian troops who crushed the civilians of Bucha. It was the Nazi regime that you have been supporting

🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡During the day, we receive video materials from different lines of contact. Fighters from the Chechen Republic, in turn, take the most active part on all fronts. Mariupol remains one of the hottest spots. In the industrial area of the city, small pockets of resistance periodically flare up. Fortunately, with the efforts of Chechen fighters as well, any resistance is quickly suppressed.

Nationalists are still true to their principles. Out of hundreds of houses, they find the one where civilians are still hiding, and later they take up firing positions there. If they can't hold out properly, they instantly upgrade their wardrobe from camouflage to more mundane. As you can see in these shots, Natsiks do not always manage to change their style of clothing painlessly.

Most of Mariupol is under the control of the Russian armed forces.

🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡Basurin announced the almost complete control of the central regions of Mariupol. The main centers of resistance are the industrial zone and the Mariupol port.

🇺🇦🐷 Ukrainian troll accounts share photo of a tortured girl from Gostomel but in reality the pics are from Mariupol

Footage of a dead woman with traces of terrible torture and a swastika burned on her body was taken by American military journalist Patrick Lancaster on March 27 in the basement of a Mariupol school, where the base of one of the national battalions was previously located.

🇷🇺🇺🇦 "They brought civilians to the plant by buses, there is such information"

Republican forces practically reached the shore of the Sea of Azov, passing through the residential area of Mariupol.

Ahead is the assault on the Azovstal plant, where the radicals brought civilians who are now used as human shields.

According to them, the radicals take away personal vehicles from local residents for their own purposes.


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